Psionic Circles
Language of the Soul
  • Tarot in The Subconscious Mind Part 5
    Tarot in The Subconscious Mind Part 5

      Last Updated:  August 4, 2021 Introduction The final five cards of the Tarot Language represent the culmination of the Journey.  It is where the individual merged with the consciousness of the Soul and either wins or fails in his journey. Thus, much like a good plot in a story we have the hero's journey.  The plot always starts with…

  • Psionic Crystals
    Psionic Crystals

    According to scientist Planet Earth is over 4.5 billion years old.  In its beginning it consisted of a multitude oi gases and dust particles and particles.  Initially these particles bonded through electrostatic forces.  The next…

  • Year 1: Buddhism
    Year 1: Buddhism

    What is Buddhism and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Date Updated: May 13 2021 Introduction ψ  Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that addresses as a religion a set more, rules, principles,…

  • Year 1: Mind Control
    Year 1: Mind Control

      What is Mind Control and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Update: Introduction ψ  Everyone has a mind, but not everyone is inclined to use it.  During our adolescence we forced…

  • Year 1: Hatha Yoga
    Year 1: Hatha Yoga

    What is Hatha Yoga and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Updated: May 7 2021 Introduction ψ Hatha Yoga is a Hindu practice and ritual of coming back to yourself and meeting…

Time & Space
The Basics of Astrology
The Basics of Astrology

To be put quite simply, astrology is the study of the stars. The stars as referred to in astrology refer to the planets, the sun, and the moon. Astrology has…

Psionics Free Lesson 1
Psionics Free Lesson 1

Numerology is the use of numbers and number combinations in divination. Numerology is often used as part of psychic readings. Each number corresponds to a meaning. They also…

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