Psionic Circles > Administration
Administration The beginning of every journey starts with the first step. And sometimes that step must be taken based upon pure common sense and faith. Other times the step is one that is preplanned and engineered. Initiation uses both systems. Last Updates: July 24 2021 Introduction We strongly suggest that you plan your initiation as if you don't want someone else to plan your life for you. It was mentioned in the previous articles "Initiation Defined" and "The Grades of Humanity", that we do not have a choice as to whether or not we undergo their personal initiations. It is very much like the fact that minerals bond, and form rocks without the choice of whether they desire to undergo the transformation Man does not have the option. It is the great clock of Life and Nature that determines when and where this is to occur. We can choose what we eat, and when we eat, however we can not decide that we will never eat again if we want to live in the physical. The laws of Life are quite clear. Knowledge is Power and the fact that you now know that there is a force that is greater than the will of man that is driving evolution. Our true choice is the decision to work cooperatively with this vital force or deciding to work against it. Our career or daily activities may influence our choice on how to align ourselves, however, we will get through all of the levels over time. Some of us will be quicker than others. And thus, the purpose of this article is to give you some guidelines that will assist you in your initiatory and evolutionary journey. Evolution Defined We have used the term evolution, well we had better clearly define it, because the common day usage is not what we are referring to when we speak of evolution. evolution /ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n,ˈɛvəluːʃ(ə)n/ Evolution may be defined as any net directional change, or any cumulative change in the characteristics of organisms or populations over many generations—in other words, descent with modification… It explicitly includes… -
Administration In this article we will discuss the mathematical and scientific viewpoint of human function. In it we learn that everything is related to other things by the process that the inputs undergo. This creates unique relationships that can be replaced Human Functions Last Update: July 19 2021 Introduction As we discussed in a previous article, part of our life experience requires that we undergo an initiatory process that includes personal transformation, and grading. It was mentioned that this process is not voluntary but mandatory and part of the evolution of life. We also mentioned that part of moving up the ladder requires connection with our Soul and Spirit Complex. And failure to bond sufficiently with these core systems and assume the "correct" relationship whilst performing the "right" actions will results in premature illness and possibly death. Today we will talk about functions, specifically the Functions in human life. We will attempt to relate scientific functions theory with our general human life in a way that the average reader can glean a better understanding of how to align themselves with their Souls and Spirits in a way that leads to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual success. We will start with a brief description of functions and then relate it to the average human life and include the basic workings of the Soul and Spirit. Understanding Functions In Psionics we use every aspect of time and space, nature and energy to create understanding and use it to make our lives better. Mathematics and science are primary cornerstones to our work. This includes the understanding and use of functions from a technical and non-technical viewpoint. Most of us have forgotten our primary school and high school functions rules. We had a viewpoint of it we couldn’t use it in our day-to-day life it wasn’t important. And instead, we created many psychological terms that replaced function rules. These attempt to fill in the gaps and help us to understand causal relationships within ourselves, and with people places and things. However, we at Psionic Circles have found that there is no better coach, mentor…Human Function (A Scientific View)
By admin on July 19, 2021
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey