Psionic Circles
  • The Grades of Humanity
    The Grades of Humanity
    Grades are inherent in all aspects of life, from our educational system to the scales of music. And their being influences whether the sound produces harmony or noise. Last Updated July 16, 2021 Introduction To say that that there is no order in the University is a falsity.  Everything that was ever created, or eventuated, as some might argue, started as a well-thought out seed of intelligence.  The seed when germinated, will produce every conceivable aspect of the plant that falls within its program.  And although one would think that every seed is a carbon copy of the great tree that produced the seed, that is not entirely true.  Every seed appears like the others in outer structure, however, depending upon where the seed was planted, the soil, light, and other important components of growth, these will determine the qualities that will come forth from the seed.  The qualities are its virtues.  It is the virtues which determine whether the seed gets eaten by birds, destroyed by natural forces such as scorching heat, too much water, or any other force acting in contra to the growth and survival of the seed.  The virtue is that quintessential quality that determines what Nature desires to exist and what is unnecessary.  The virtue is aligned with the Great Plan of Creation, and it is the grade of the seed, or animal, or mineral, man or spirit. The grade is an evolutionary marker.  In scientific terms it could be thought of as a genetic markers and can be defined as specific DNA sequences with a known location on a chromosome.  The DNA is the intelligence packaged for reproduction.  The marker of the DNA package is the tool used for linkage and associations.  (For more information, see Course on Grades and Initiation.)  If you have read the article on the Astral Planes, you will understand that the first spiritual dimension is the Astral Plane and it is a reflection of all of the elements on the physical dimension, except that is is composed of subtler energy which is composed of intelligent light that responds to…
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