Psionic Circles
  • Chinese Astrology Explained
    Chinese Astrology Explained
    Chinese astrology is based on the lunar calendar. As with astrology from other cultures, a horoscope is created using the position of the stars and planets for each of the twelve signs of the zodiac based on the year of birth. The Twelve Chinese Signs Rat: Rats are charming and attractive to the opposite sex. But despite outside appearances, they are restless and this sometimes comes across as aggressiveness. Rats are great with money, and love to pounce on an opportunity. They are also very generous to their friends. They love people and large gatherings and always have others around. They also run in many intimate circles and like to be involved in everything they can, leading them to sometimes attempt to do too much. They are good writers and speakers, and success comes easily to them. Ox: Oxen are calm on the surface, but have hidden tempers. They are hard workers and are determined to the point of stubbornness. However, this makes them one of the most dependable signs. They are trustworthy, and easily move up at the office. If they don't watch out, they may not have much of a social life. They are not very adept at mind games, and can sometimes be led astray in romance. But once they find someone, they are steadfast and loyal. Tiger: Tigers are energetic and unpredictable. Their wild side leads them to be the center of attention. They speak their mind and are always looking for the new party or next great idea. They are also very involved in giving their time and money to the causes they are passionate about. They are generous and honest. However, they are also rebels. They seek ideals and will rebel against a society they perceive as being in the wrong. They are emotional and impulsive, prone to romance as well as jealousy. Rabbit: Rabbits are gracious and gentle. They adore quiet and peacefulness, and prefer a good book to a night on the town. Their sensitivity can lead to moodiness, but normally rabbits are great at keeping the peace. While they are quiet…
  • Do You Have Aquarius Personality Traits?
    Zodiac Signs
    Do You Have Aquarius Personality Traits?
    Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. All those who are born between the dates of January 21st and February 19th come under the magical influence of this sign. Aquarius is symbolized by the picture of the Water Bearer, whose equally weighted scales show the true love of the Aquarius for equality and balance. John Travolta, Joanne Woodward, and Vanessa Redgrave are also Aquarians. The Aquarians are strong thinkers. Their radical approach to problem-solving may be a bit risky, but since they are very skilled at conflict resolution, things always work out the way they expect them to. They bear strong eccentric qualities, and are also very rebellious and outspoken in their nature. Aquarius individuals are quite the rebels, but they also make pretty good team players. The reason for this is that they can always appreciate the talents in others. They are able to compromise in professional work, and see the greater good in all motives. They are demanding, inspiring, and perfectionist. They are also very critical and organized in their work. Aquarians are very concerned with issues related to fairness, freedom, and equality. For this reason, they tend to be a bit more progressive in their lifestyle. They might be seen doing charitable work, but they do it in a detached and practical manner, and are usually not emotionally involved in such actions. Aquarians might be afraid of losing their independent streak, but this does not keep them from falling in love. For the strong Aquarian heart, love is a clear and serious emotion. Games, jealousy, and infidelity will not go over well with this sign. Those born under the sign of Aquarius prefer not to make a bold display of their emotions. They are logical, fair, and practical in their every move, but do not make very romantic partners. They are excellent friends and will always be respectful towards their partner. They will also always be deeply caring for the ones they love the most.
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