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Numerology Numerology may turn out to be very interesting, once you get geared up to know about this incredible science. Numbers reveal a great deal about you according to this unique stream of numbers. Your life path number and universal number are two basic tools to tell you about your numerological facts. However, I must mention that, numerology only appeals to those who believe in it. If you want to learn numerology, the first thing that you should know is two different ways of getting numerology relevant numbers. The first option is to use summation of digits of your birth date to reach at a single digit that is known as life path number, the other option is to look at numbers that represent letters of your name. According to basic numerology each single digit number has certain traits either behavioral or physical associated with it. And all people possess a single digit life path number that determine their personality. These traits associated with one to nine are basically meant to be interpreted after ascertaining life path number. In a way single digit numbers could be called life path numbers. These numbers depict following traits of a human personality. 1: Number one depicts liberty, determination, conviction and leadership traits. People with 1 as life path number are borne leaders and reformers. 2: Number two reflect a balanced personality with enough flexibility for cooperation. People with 2 as life path number are quite balanced and organized by nature. 3: Number three symbolizes creative urges and imaginative power. If you have three as your life path number you are naturally born as a creative folk with great versatility. 4: If 4 is your life path number your traits are, conventional, pragmatic and hard working. You could be successful in life with inherent dedication towards work. 5: The digit 5 signifies a rebellious and very liberated personality. With five as your life path number you could be quite unconventional in your approach towards life. 6: People having 6 as life path number, tend to be quite family oriented. They are very responsible towards their… -
Numerology Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines Numerology as the study of numbers as the figures designating the year of one’s birth to determine their supposed influence on one’s life, future etc. American Heritage Dictionary defines numerology as the study of occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life. So, from these definitions we can say that numerology is basically numbers that has the potential to influence our life. It has been in practice since time immemorial, but of late, it is gaining popularity because of the hectic modern lifestyle and the unpredictable nature of life. So, people are looking for ways to predict their future. Numerology is one part of Astrology which has worked wonders on some of its ardent believers. Numerology can be considered as a part of Astrology. Numerologists believe that the numbers for 0 to 9 are ruled by the different planets. For example, the digit 0 is governed by the planet Pluto, 1 is ruled by the Sun, and the number 2 is ruled by the Moon etc. As a result of that, the numbers in the name has different influences on the human beings. So, by changing the numbers in one’s name it is very much possible to change the impacts of the planets on the persons. There are instances in which the fortune of individuals have changed totally for the better merely by changing the numerical values of their names. These “successes” have proved time and again that numerology works in spite of the lack of scientific basis of this field. Numerology has some relationships with alphabets of the names as well. Each alphabet is assigned a value. So, the total numerical value of the alphabets in a person’s name is calculated and the numerologists will determine the impacts of that numerological value on the person. If needed, he will also suggest corrective measures. Thousands of customers will testify the positive effects of numerology on their lives. Celebrities round the globe have benefited from corrective measures prescribed by their numerologists. Numerologists affirm that this science of Numerology has scientific basis. Scientists do…Numerology and its Benefits
By admin on May 31, 2020
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey