Psionic Circles > Communication
Tarot Tarot cards consist of symbols, images, colors, elements, numbers, astrology signs and archetypes, which give guidance and insight in understanding our minds and ourselves. Some people linked tarot symbols to pagan beliefs and even to negative and dark sides because of its rich history, which begins in the 15th century. There are two types of tarot symbols - the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Major Arcana replicates the principle events in our lives while the Minor Arcana is based on experiences, situations and the path in the future. It is not easy to understand how the tarot exactly works or how it is possible to pinpoint the events in our lives. Tarot symbols work on our intuitive side and psychic abilities, which are difficult to comprehend by our intellectual side. Tarot Card Meanings Of The Fool In terms of tarot symbolism, the Fool Tarot Card is one of the most significant. As the first card of the Major Arcana, the Fool serves as a symbolic illustration of our beginning stage of development in our journeys through life. He characterizes the child found within us and he is the hero in the Tarot story. When the Fool appears in a tarot reading, he represents the soul which needs to grow within us. He is the seeker, constantly striving to reach new levels of enlightenment. His is there to remind us that in order too attain knowledge, we must stay true to our heart and follow our own path to wherever it may lead us. Tarot Symbolism of Zero. The Fool is the only tarot card associated with zero. The Fool's numerical association with zero has tremendous symbolic significance. Zero represents consciousness and, in this regard, it is the conscious state of being present without the influence of the ego. This is the first stage of development in which one can become aware of their own self, separate from their mother and separate from pure unconscious existence. This is the stage in which there is nothing but simple presence. It is the act of simply being. In Tarot reading, the number… -
Communication Pisces is a water sign, and people belonging to this sign are extremely quiet, calm, and sensitive individuals. The smallest of gestures or actions make an impact on a Pisces, just as the slightest movement can send ripples across the surface of water. Pisceans are faithful people and make wonderful friends, as well as loyal partners in romantic relationships. If you are a friend of a Piscean, then you already know that a Pisces sign will make your trouble his or her own. Although they are reluctant to fight their own battles, they are very concerned about the happiness of others, and will support you until the issue is resolved. When it comes to their own conflicts, they prefer to let the matter sort itself out instead of taking active to solve it. As a general rule, Pisceans are not very logical. They tend to trust their own instincts rather than make decisions based on the facts. They are always in touch with their feelings, and are thinkers of the heart rather than the head. This can spell trouble for Pisceans, but when problems arise, they prefer to let the natural order of the universe resolve the issue. They enjoy flowing in harmony with their surroundings, and are extremely empathetic people. As lovers, Pisceans are easy-going and agreeable. They crave an intellectual connection rather than a physical one, which means that they may feel distant while making love. However, this does not mean that they are not passionate individuals. Being around a Piscean can be a very calming experience. They are like chameleons who can adjust themselves to fit the situation, instead of changing the environment to their own benefit. This is why the Pisces sign does not judge others; they prefer everyone around them be just as they are.All About Pisces
By admin on July 30, 2020
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey