Tarot There are lots of arguments about the Minor Tarot Deck and some readers ignore them, preferring only to use the Major cards. Certainly the Major cards appear to be more dramatic, focused, specific and emphatic but when a reading includes the Minor cards this heightens the meanings of the Major cards, putting them into the right perspective. Without the Minor cards a reading can easily be too overwhelming, plunging the questioner into a major soap opera. Correctly used, the Minor cards add vital light and shade, touches of everyday reality and also many small but vital features not touched on or brushed over by the big-hitting Major deck. For beginners though, the 56 Minor cards can be a daunting prospect to learn and to read, without referring to a crib sheet, so here is a flying start. The 21 Major cards are unusual and their main aspects quickly remembered. Once you have grown used to these cards, look again at the cards from 1 (The Magician) to 10 (The Wheel of Fortune). The Fool stands apart and cards 11 through 21 represent more evolved states. The 10 human conditions which are represented in the first half of the Major deck are repeated in each of the four suits pip cards (which are of course 1 to 10). Thus the Magician is represented by each Ace, the High Priestess by each 2, the Empress by each 3 etc. When you know the Major cards 1 to 10, you also know 40 more cards. The trick is to apply the Major card's meaning to the Minor card's suit: The main themes of cards 1 through 10 are: Singularity, Individuality, Fixedness (The Magician) Duality, Partnership, Ambivalence (The High Priestess) Growth,Nurture (The Empress) Stability, Logic, Method (The Emperor) Authority, Conflict, Conformity (The Hierophant) Choice, Sacrifice, Altruism ((The Lovers) Control, Conquest, Challenge (The Chariot) Justice, Morality, Ethics (Justice) Awareness, Meditation,Truth (The Hermit) Chance, New Potential, Closure (The Wheel of Fortune) Take time to reread the interpretative meanings of the Major cards with these themes in mind. You may have a deck in which Strength &…
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey