Psionic Circles
  • 7 Deadly Sins & 7 Cardinal Virtues
    7 Deadly Sins & 7 Cardinal Virtues
      Last Update: May 14 2021 Introduction ψ  Throughout history man has been grappling with the idea of good and evil.  These ideas have been played out in their myths, legends, and daily communications to one another.  The idea of Virtue and Sins stems from the Original Sin, which in the Western world is Disobedience to the Law.  According to the Bible, God created a special Garden for Adam the first man to live in.  He then placed Eve, the first woman in the Garden for a mate.  As the story goes, God gave Adam a strict directive not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil.   Eve, the partner was beguiled by the Serpent and encouraged Adam to eat.  When God found out about the disobedience, he cast Adam and Eve out of Eden.  And so placed Adam and Eve on the path of struggle, pain, and eventual death.  It is thought that the reason we all have the same struggles is due the Disobedience to the Law, the Original Sin.  Thus, sin is not following the Law. What is Sin and the Law? To understand what sin actually is let's look at the Greek word, αμαρτία, that most commonly translates to "sin" means "to miss the mark" or to fail to adhere to the righteous standards.  Thus, when we miss the mark, or fall short of standards, we sin.  Therefore, sin could be thought as knowing the standards but not following them.   Some of us have limited natural ability to properly live up to right standards and values. Sometimes we repeatedly fall short of the honourable conduct.  An example would be when your mother tells you not to play with knives, and you play anyway.  What generally happens is that you end up cutting yourself or someone else and getting in trouble.  It is like you do not have the "will" to do what you know is right and there can be lots of reasons for that.    We won't go into the psychological reasons now, but will save that discussion for another topic.   The Origin of…
  • Year 1: Buddhism
    Year 1: Buddhism
    What is Buddhism and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Date Updated: May 13 2021 Introduction ψ  Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that addresses as a religion a set more, rules, principles, and ethics that serve to guide one’s daily living choices.  As a philosophy, it is a wider picture which addresses metaphysics, knowledge, truth, and the meaning of life.  (  It originated in eastern and central Asia and stems from the teaching of the last Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama from India,  and the teaching of his predecessors, which espouse wisdom, virtue, happiness and compassion.  During the 6th and 4th centuries BCE, Buddhism spreading through much of Asia. Buddhism encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices largely based on the Buddha's teachings (born Siddhartha Gautama in the 5th or 4th century BCE) and resulting interpreted philosophies. Two major extant branches of Buddhism are generally recognized by scholars: Theravāda (Pali: "The School of the Elders") and Mahayana (Sanskrit: "The Great Vehicle"). It has become the world's fourth-largest religion with over 520 million followers, and 7{e7eab526991de3e23c5cd833328c82ea3bf471dbcaea39ca9ede82db0fce1a08} of the global population. And thee are probably main reasons for its popularity.  They are:  It is a family tradition with holidays and religious precepts that bring harmony into the core family unit and extends out to the community. Buddhist precepts are practical and realistic for creating a joyful, peaceful life with less suffering. Emotional encouragement for social relationships are fundamental with kindness and compassion as choices and skills that can be developed with practice. Buddhism provides two major legs of lifestyle choices which are the Ascetic, and the Mainstream person.  This gives the person choices without guilt of materialism. As a Buddhist the person has Choice, Accountable and No Authority of a teacher unless they actively seek one and there is no intermediary to heaven or hell.  There were no religious wars to force people to convert to Buddhism or relating to power struggles.  Everyone has choice.  There are no mandatory beliefs that a "good Buddhist" should follow. Men and women are treated and regarded equally and have the same choices…
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