Psionic Circles > Magick
Spells Spells work best in tandem with nature’s mysterious, magical and powerful objects. Of these, the moon is number one on the list for spell-givers. The following are some refresher notes on spells and the phases of the moon. New Moon / Dark Moon Just like the full moon, the new moon (or dark moon) is the most opportune time to remove things from our lives. It is usually the time when you are most powerful in spell-giving. This is a good time to reverse spells others have cast, ideal for banishing spells and focusing on the replacement of any negative effects all around. However, keep in mind that when asking for something to be removed, there is a void left open. Ask for something positive and fill up that space. To prevent a waxing influence on your spellwork, the banishing spells and rituals must be done before the beginning of the new moon. The most powerful time for spells is three days after the appearance of the new moon. Black Moon When two new moons appear during a single month, the second new moon is regarded as the stronger of the two. This is the best time to cast spells that deal on addiction. Waxing Moon The time of the waxing moon to full moon is the best time to cast spells on situations and events that concerns us. The waxing moon is perfect for spellwork regarding success, protection, abundance, friendships, luck, new beginnings, and love. The waxing moon is wonderful for good, constructive magic. First Quarter This is the mid-point between the new moon and the full moon. This is the time most ideal in focusing and meditating on attracting new positive things toward you. These things will grow as the moon waxes. Waxing gibbous This is the perfect time to focus on fruition and completion of your spellwork, and the time to focus and meditate on all the spellwork you did during the waxing phase. This is also good to do any magical work on prophecy, protection or divination. Full Moon This is the time to meditate on… -
Spells First, let me talk about what a Witchcraft "Trigger" is. Even some experienced Witches have never heard of Triggers before. You can use this with any wicca spells you get for free or otherwise. A Trigger is a way have "assigning" your spells to a word, a bodily movement, or sometimes even a thought or state of mind. For example, instead of sitting down and doing a full spell ritual to bring "self love" to you, you can actually assign the focus, intention and emotion that the spell entails to a simple movement of your hand or arm. The advantage of having some prepared Triggers for your Wicca spells is that you can cast them on the fly any time you want. You could be at the mall and be talking to someone that is giving off a bad energy... with just a slight motion, and maybe a word, you can instantly create an egg of protection. The disadvantage of using a trigger is that there is no way to build the same amount of preparation, emotion, focus and intent into the spell as you could if you were doing it in a full ritual situation in front of your altar. So you really need to decide if you are willing to sacrifice some of the "power" of the spell (for lack of a better word) by using a trigger - in exchange for being able to cast the spell any time you need it - in any situation. Here's an example of how to create a Wicca Witchcraft trigger: Sit at your altar, visualizing the spell that you last cast, and picturing how it went wrong. You donít need to spend much more time than thirty seconds to do this. After all, you do not want to add any more negative energy to empower the spell, you just want to make sure that you have the spell clearly in your mind. When you have it visualized, use your hand to cut through the image in front of you, slicing it up with your hand like a knife, while saying…The Secret For Using Triggers In Wicca
By admin on June 4, 2020
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey