Psionic Circles
  • Love Spells Do They Really Work?
    Love Spells Do They Really Work?
    For thousands of years, civilizations all over the world have relied on their faith in spiritual or mystical powers to accomplish truly amazing feats. Long before modern medicine came on the scene, most health concerns were traditionally handled by applying a dose of spirituality, voodoo, witchcraft, astrology, or psychic power from any number of paranormal sources. One simply couldn't get through the day without help from the "unseen" world. Of course, that was in the "dark ages" before we were enlightened by the miracles of modern science. But is it wise for people today to scoff at all that seemed to work for so many people, for so long? In a world where mainstream religion is often mocked, it's easy to laugh at those believe in the powers of the paranormal, occult, magic, psychic or new age remedies. We often label them as misguided kooks or blind followers of today's trendy Hollywood scene and counter-culture. But as humans, it is built into our composition to search for truth, and solutions to the many problems we face. And let's face it, today's world is filled with day-to-day problems that we strive to overcome... issues dealing with love, money, health, just to name a few. Life is a difficult struggle for millions of people worldwide who seek relief, and solutions to their problems by turning to magic spells. Just go to eBay and do search on love spells. You'll find an endless potpourri of psychics and spell casters who can make your love life problems disappear, or bring you amazing results for just a few dollars. Think that's funny? It gets better. When asked, most people who buy these spells will tell you that they really work... and they do. So how can a love spell performed by a psychic actually attract a soul mate to a lonely person seeking a love partner? Did that money spell really make that struggling secretary get a job promotion and a salary raise? And what about that healing spell that cured my neighbor's back pain? The unbelievers will likely point to coincidence, some sort of…
  • How to Write Your Own Magick Spells
    How to Write Your Own Magick Spells
    Writing your own spells is what every practicing Witch aspires to. The ability to craft your own spells gives you an advantage over "ready made" spells you can find in other places. This is because you will be putting your own emotion and energy into the spell in it's creation... it will be more "special" to you, and that is the secret of casting successful spells. If you want to learn black magic, all of the below holds true. The ingredients and tools that you use are purely dependent upon not only what traditional magickal properties they might possess, but also what they mean to you as far as symbology goes. There are different ways to set up the wording of your spells. They can be as simple as a two line charge to enforce your will, rhyming couplets (my personal favorite, since it helps me to better remember the words without referring back to written instructions), eloquent and lengthy prose to charge the spell to the energy of your will, or simply the use of repeating or chanting a single word over and over again. Everything that you put into the spell the ingredients, the words, the time of day, etc come together with your desire, emotion, and belief to bring your desired outcome (sometimes within a day). A quick word of warning: you should steer clear of casting spells to harm or control other people in any way. Not only does this go against the Witchcraft Ethics and Responsibilities I went over before but trying to control someone else (or cause harm to them), opens doors in the future that you may not want opened. I have seen people loose everything because they practiced Magick in ways that go against common morality. Always make sure your heart is in the right place, and that you feel good about casting a spell. Now, here are the things you will want to do while creating your spell. Make sure to write down an outline for the spell on paper so you won't forget anything. Even if your spell is sounding…
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