Psionic Circles
  • Meanings of the Runes
    Meanings of the Runes
    There are twenty four total Runes. This can seem like a daunting number of symbols to memorize, but it doesn't have to be. For one, you do not want to memorize standard meanings from a book or online text. While it is a good thing, and encouraged, to review the typical meanings of each Rune, it is even better to take each stone and meditate on it, one at a time. This way, you are getting to know the Runes truly and deeply before casting. You are also expanding your psychic abilities by doing this, as you are greatly opening your mind to something on the spiritual plane. Record your feelings, thoughts, and impressions for each symbol for future reference. As stated, however, it does help to know some basic meanings behind the Runes: Fehu: Represents material wealth and possession. Uruz: Represents physical ability and health. Thurisaz: Represents force, conflict, and a potential change of current situations. Representative of Thor. Ansuz: A symbol that represents wisdom, mental strength and charisma. Representative of Odin. Raidho: Representative of great current or future movement mentally, spiritually, or physically. Kenaz: Represents the flames of innovation or creative enlightenment, as well as romantic passion. Gebo: Represents balanced generosity in material gifts or human relationships. Hagalaz: Represents natural destruction from forces of nature or from within the mind. Nauthiz: Determination to resolve a restrictive or overwhelming force. Isa: Represents a potential challenge or conflict. Can also indicate an idle time in life. Jera: Represents the peace of mind and potential gains that follow a highly stressful or difficult endeavor. Eihwaz: Represents the honesty and strength required when pursuing the resolution of a given task. Perthro: Represents secrecy or uncertainty in an area of life. Can also be indicative of female fertility. Algiz: Represents the protective instinct regarding family, friends, and the self. Also represents a link to the divine. Sowilo: Represents cleansing and success over a challenge. Tiwaz: Represents self sacrifice, honor, and victory for the greater good. Representative of Tyr. Berkano: Represents newly acquired love or fertility. Can indicate a major positive life change. Ehwaz:…
  • Casting Runes to Give a Psychic Reading
    Casting Runes to Give a Psychic Reading
    Runes are the chosen divination tool of many who give psychic readings. Casting runes will allow the reader to give a more comprehensive reading than with many other forms of divination. This method of rune casting will give a comprehensive and detailed view of the person's situation, it will tell the person where they are on the spiritual path. Nine is a magical number according to Norse mythology. Pick nine runes from the pouch. Hold them for a few minutes and focus on your question. Now scatter them on the table or another hard surface. Read the runes that have landed face up first. They will relate to the current situation. Runes more toward the center are the most relevant as to time. Those laying around the outside are of less importance and are about events to come. If any of the runes are touching, they usually are related to one another. Runes falling on either side of the pattern usually means an opposition to each other. If a rune falls of the table or the cloth on which you have scattered them, you can choose to see it as the most important rune in the reading, or ignore it completely. After you have looked at the face-up runes, turn over the rest of the runes leaving them in the same position they fell in. These runes represent outside forces or future influences, and will show possible outcomes. It is up to you to decide what the patterns and position mean. Once you have made that decision, you will need to stick with it as consistency is very important. Rune- tines (popsicle sticks or twigs that are imprinted with the rune symbols) will work the best for casting on the ground. This is best accomplished by throwing all 24 at once. You will read the ones that land face up, leaving them in the position in which they landed. If the runes are touching or very close to one another, they are related to one another. If they cross or are on top of one another, they are in opposition.…
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