Psionic Circles > Psionics
Air What is Mind Control and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Update: Introduction ψ Everyone has a mind, but not everyone is inclined to use it. During our adolescence we forced to go through an education program that is geared to give each individual equal opportunity to grow and use their minds. They are held accountable to learn as much as possible to prepare them for life as an adult. During these years some children embrace the use of their minds and they it expands such that between the studies and the expansion of their minds, the process brings out their own inner genie, or genius. The culmination of studies and acumen is demonstrated not only in great grades but in their overall approach to life. The learners as we shall call them see things not simply as objects but find deeper meaning and messages in the data and information. They then use this skill to build a foundation and body of information which includes systems that gives them a head-start in terms of job and career prospects. Personal mind control assures them great associates and opportunities that non learners are not afforded. And based upon the particular way that they use their mind to think they become a very powerful asset not only to themselves but to everyone that is around them. Mind power develops charisma, poise, and self-control. This control radiates out of them like the rays and of the sun and they rarely fail at life as they have been trained to see all sides of the coin. Their gifts also tend to make others feel better with their wisdom and compassion, smarter and happier. The secret to their talent is not necessary that they are smarter, than anyone else but is due the fact they know how to use their mind as a faculty and their brain as the organ of that faculty. This is the core secret to mind power. It is never power over other people, but using the power of your wisdom and intelligence, your soul to create success.… -
Earth What is Hatha Yoga and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Updated: May 7 2021 Introduction ψ Hatha Yoga is a Hindu practice and ritual of coming back to yourself and meeting your higher self. It is a journey of discovering your limits and then pushing beyond them. It works initially on the physical level and then extends out through all of your bodies. At Hatha Yoga's higher points it meets the other limbs of Yoga. They are Bhakti Yoga , Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga. While this course program is restricted to Hatha Yoga, other limbs will be introduced. And in Year five Raja Yoga will be fully reviewed and incorporated into your program. Let's get back to Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the science and practice of cleansing and purifying the body in preparation for higher practices of the Personality, Soul, and Spirit. It seeks to create systems of control, flexibility, and agility and the physical form traverse through time and space. The function of the body is to be the primary vehicle of the Personality and the Soul. It is the only reason that Human beings exists in physical form. Without an efficient and effective body, the individual is on a trajectory course through a course of disease, and death. Therefore, it is the duty of every human being to take care of their bodies. If you don't need your physical body, you are living in the wrong dimension. The Hindus, Asians and Jewish people were the first to realize the wisdom. They created comprehensive systems to maintain physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being. They saw disease and sickness as "sins", or evidence that the individual did something wrong and it was the gods who were punishing them. Hatha Yoga is a Hindu system for honoring the human body and ensuring that it is looked after as a living temple of the Gods. In this beginning course you will start to control your physical body. This includes cleansing and purifying so that you will be able to detect and start to use higher…Year 1: Hatha Yoga
By admin on May 11, 2021
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey