Psionic Circles
  • Year 1: Psychic Basics 101
    Year 1: Psychic Basics 101
    ψ  The First Year is the Foundation and You Must Learn Psychic Basics.  This includes Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and the Rudiments of Psychometry.  These Basics are Important. What is Psychic Basis (101) and Why is it in the Program? Year 1   First Created: May 11, 2021 Last Update: May 11 2021 Introduction ψ The topic of Psychism is both fascinating and can be a little scary for the average person, but it shouldn't be for the Psion. Psychic is defined as relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance. Some common synonyms for Psychic include: a long list as follows: supernatural,  paranormal,   other-worldly,   supernormal,   preternatural,  metaphysical,  extrasensory,   transcendental,  magic,   magical,   mystical, mystic,   occult,   necromantic,  clairvoyant,  telepathic,   telekinetic,   spiritualistic ,  with second sight,   and with a sixth sense.   These words focus on the nature of Psychic phenomena. The definition has further explanation of as relating to the soul, or the mind, which as you would have read are related.  The mind is the highest faculty of the Soul on certain planes of existence.   Synonyms for pschic mind include: emotional,  spiritual,   inner,   cognitive,   psychological,  and intellectual. The second definition and its synonyms relate to the emotional, spiritual, and mental aspect of the psychism.    Therefore, we start training our soul, or emotional, mental faculties towards perception beyond the five physical senses.  These are beyond normal, sight to clairvoyance, beyond normal hearing to clairaudience, beyond normal touch to psychometry, and psychic taste and smell.  During the first year of training you will find numerous explanation and training towards the end of learning to use these faculties, and then being able to control the sensations.  Training your full Personality and Soul leads to protection on those levels of perception.   A Brief History of European Laws of Witchcraft (Use of Magical Practices) Witchcraft, is the facility to summon evil spirits and demons to do harm to others.  It is the use of the Soul and Spirit's energy to afflict others when it is mal-aligned.  And while considered a dark art, the medieval Church…
  • Year 1: Deity, Creative Force
    Year 1: Deity, Creative Force
    What is Deity and Creative Force and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Update: Introduction ψ  A deity is a creator or supreme being that is of supernatural source and existence.  It is considered divine and sacred.  It can be male or female as god or goddess and is found in polytheistic religions.  C. Scott Littleton defines a deity as "a being with powers greater than those of ordinary humans, but who interacts with humans, positively or negatively, in ways that carry humans to new levels of consciousness, beyond the grounded preoccupations of ordinary life”.  This is due to the field of energy of which they are composed, their creations and the realm of which they live.  A human being surrounded by a deity or god is unlikely to be the same at the level that they have the strongest consciousness. It is said that the Buddha’s aura extended 3,500 kilo meters from where he stood.  The New Testament does not speak about auras, but it does mentions Jesus Christ as “the light of the world” (John 8:12).  This would be in reference to his aura.  A deity or god’s aura is that force that attracts people.  It could be a warm glow, an exciting glow, a healing glow, and a positive glow.  It would be fair to say that just as many people who are attracted to the light are also repelled by the light in fear or jealousy.  This tendency marks religions especially those that are polytheistic.   The Numbers of Gods and their Power There is no culture on earth ancient or modern that does not believe in some god or creative force of creation.  The notion that things sprang up due to natural combustion still leaves space for the idea that some singular or plural creative force with intelligence had a hand in the creation.  Some cultures believe that forces of nature are gods.  Are they right?  We will address the question of what constitutes a god or deity a little later and then will answer many probing questions in the Unit. But…
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