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Administration The dinosaurs are a great example of non-favoritism. They lived on the planet for a duration of approximately 175 million years. And their demise and extinction occurred as no direct result of their undoing, it was thought that an asteroid Original Date: August 16 2021 Last Update: August 15 2021 Introduction Every organism that lives on Earth plays life by the same immutable laws of nature. Life shows no favoritism when it comes to existence. The dinosaurs are a great example of non-favouritism. They lived on the planet for a duration of approximately 175 million years. And their demise and extinction occurred as no direct result of their undoing, it was thought that an asteroid collision with Earth along with volcanic destruction were the culprits. That being said, roughly 900 species were eliminated leaving only smaller representative species of reptiles and birds. It would be 65 million years later before people populated Earth. Their dominion occurring due to the way in which they used their minds. They think, they change, and they evolve. And while human beings have maintain dominion over the earth, he is still encumbered with the same rules and values that applies to all life on Earth. That being said, human beings have been blessed above all the other kingdoms in nature; those of the Mineral, Plant, and Animal, with an active, controllable mind, which allows them to co-create a personalized version of their world. A creature capable of using fully its mind has the duty and responsibility to use it wisely, to live sanely, and within the harmonious laws of life. The Body In addition to having a blessed mind, human beings also have a body. The body is unique to all other animals as it is the subtotal of all DNA and genetic of all of the other kingdoms combined. Therefore, it is a reflection of all events that have occurred internally as well out externally. The mind is the controller of the body unit, and has three different command posts in which it works. The Conscious Mind Post, the Subconscious Mind Post, and the… -
Psychic Every man, woman, and child has the unalienable right to be the best they can physically, emotionally, and mentally. As people goes through their lives there is a silent witness to every thought and deed. This being, called the Advocate, judges you and determines your success. Unless... Original Date: August 13, 2021 Last Update: August 13, 2021 Introduction Human beings have a destiny to be successful in their daily endeavors and throughout their lives. This destiny in the past had been at times easy to obtain and at other times exceedingly difficult. We take the success of people (as individuals) for granted. We see a highly successful singers, actors, sportsmen and many other celebrates have a life and lifestyle that we aspire to and believe that they obtained their success because they are lucky. Let me tell you, friend, it has nothing to do with luck. Let's take a singer, for example. He starts singing when he is 3 or 4 years old. When he is ten years old when his parents ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says that he wants to be a professional singer. He doesn't care much for academics as he goes through school and he starts a band when he is thirteen years old. They practice for a couple of years before they "gel as a group" and when they do they are discovered and start a journey of becoming superstars. If you calculate all of the time they practiced as a group and the individuals practiced individually, you have 20,000 - 30,000 hours of work that they invested to develop themselves and become stars. The concerts and the money came way after 20,000 or 10.61 years of work, or 30,000 of work equating to 14.42 years. That is a lot of time, getting paid little money, or nothing for your dream. But the audience only sees the results of the work, not the work itself. It is likely that the singer went through years of being ok, and then good, and finally super good. This is the…Why Learn Psionics?
By admin on August 13, 2021
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey