Psionic Circles > Psychic
Administration The beginning of every journey starts with the first step. And sometimes that step must be taken based upon pure common sense and faith. Other times the step is one that is preplanned and engineered. Initiation uses both systems. Last Updates: July 24 2021 Introduction We strongly suggest that you plan your initiation as if you don't want someone else to plan your life for you. It was mentioned in the previous articles "Initiation Defined" and "The Grades of Humanity", that we do not have a choice as to whether or not we undergo their personal initiations. It is very much like the fact that minerals bond, and form rocks without the choice of whether they desire to undergo the transformation Man does not have the option. It is the great clock of Life and Nature that determines when and where this is to occur. We can choose what we eat, and when we eat, however we can not decide that we will never eat again if we want to live in the physical. The laws of Life are quite clear. Knowledge is Power and the fact that you now know that there is a force that is greater than the will of man that is driving evolution. Our true choice is the decision to work cooperatively with this vital force or deciding to work against it. Our career or daily activities may influence our choice on how to align ourselves, however, we will get through all of the levels over time. Some of us will be quicker than others. And thus, the purpose of this article is to give you some guidelines that will assist you in your initiatory and evolutionary journey. Evolution Defined We have used the term evolution, well we had better clearly define it, because the common day usage is not what we are referring to when we speak of evolution. evolution /ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n,ˈɛvəluːʃ(ə)n/ Evolution may be defined as any net directional change, or any cumulative change in the characteristics of organisms or populations over many generations—in other words, descent with modification… It explicitly includes… -
Psychic Seeing Auras is a simple skill that people have been born with or have learned. In this short course we explain what clairvoyance is and give you fun and easy exercises so that within a short period of time you will be seeing the basic aura of colors and people. Mini Course Original Date: July 7 2021 Last Update: July 7 2021 It is easy to see and read the human aura, but to perfect the talent will take a little bit of time and practice. Most of us have an innate ability to notice small changes in and around the members of our family and our friends. And generally this skill is activated and enhanced as a protective system for the individual when they are challenged in new ways that they have not learned to control or manage. The development of any psychic ability requires the unique set of perceptions that includes its family of psychic talents including: clairaudience, telekinesis, and a host of other psychic perceptions. Each of the physical senses have a spiritual organ that it is associated with that which you cannot see, or feel except with highly technical equipment such as Kirlian photography, or electron microscopes. Our talk outlines the basics of the psychic sense, Clairvoyance. And will outline a simple system of how to start seeing the human aura, and offer some basic exercises and a diary so that you can record your progress. We will start this discussion with the definition of Clairvoyance, then we will discuss its mechanisms for operation, ending with exercises to develop and enhance your ability to see using your higher senses. Clairvoyance /klɛərˈvɔɪəns/; from French clair- meaning "clear" and -voyance meaning "vision") noun is the claimed ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. any person who is claimed to have such ability is said accordingly to be a clairvoyant It falls under the category of Parapsychology and thus is the exploration of man’s ability to tap into other realms of possibilities with his sensory apparatus. In…How to See Auras
By admin on July 7, 2021
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey