Psionic Circles > Psychic
Psychic By Jacques Patin - Balet comique de la Royne, faict aux nopces de Monsieur le Duc de Joyeuse & madamoyselle de Vaudemont sa sœur. Par Baltasar de Beaujoyeulx, valet de chambre du Roy, & de la Royne sa mere Page 40 verso at Gallica., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6226128 "Virtue is the moral strength of the will in obeying the dictates of duty". ~ Immanuel Kant Last Update: May 28 2021 Introduction ψ Throughout history man has been grappling with the idea of good and evil. These ideas have been played out in their myths, legends, and daily communications to one another. The idea of Virtue and Sins stems from the Original Sin, which in the Western world is Disobedience to the Law. According to the Bible, God created a special Garden for Adam the first man to live in. He then placed Eve, the first woman in the Garden for a mate. As the story goes, God gave Adam a strict directive not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil. Eve, the partner was beguiled by the Serpent and encouraged Adam to eat. When God found out about the disobedience, he cast Adam and Eve out of Eden. And so placed Adam and Eve on the path of struggle, pain, and eventual death. It is thought that the reason we all have the same struggles is due the Disobedience to the Law, the Original Sin. Thus, sin is not following the Law. We know what a Sin is but what is a Virtue? What is Virtue and Adherence to the Law? Last time we discussed what constitutes sin and discovered it is not adhering to the laws. We look at Virtue as being the opposite of Sin. Virtue, then is a trait of character and the quality of mental and emotional being that is "morally good" and valued as a foundation of principle for all living beings. It is considered "an excellence" in mental state which has its roots at the bedrock of all civilized cultures throughout history. Thus, it is a standard that has been observed… -
Air What is Protection and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Update: May 15 2021 2023 words Introduction ψ Protection is a primary and necessary function of life. Every organism on the planet is responsible for protecting its life, territory, family, and lifestyle. Humans are no different. 99{e7eab526991de3e23c5cd833328c82ea3bf471dbcaea39ca9ede82db0fce1a08} of everything that ever lived is now extinct. That leaves humans and the plants and animals that are now in existent the last survivors. Their ability to protect themselves and stabilize their environment is the only way that they will survive. In this course we will talk about the challenges that cause us to need to protect ourselves. We will look at the lessons that we learnt in the program to date and create a framework that will enable us to create systems of control and protection. We will also look at the bodies that require protection. This is not only our physical self, but as we have learnt with the advent of quantum space and delving into EM frequencies, we are finding our other bodies are needing protection from the same old devils that plagued the physical body. These spirits need to be controlled or eradicated to ensure that the high quality of our lives is preserved not only for ourselves but for our family, friends and the close members of our society. In addition, we will look at the drives that cause people, animals, fields of energy to assault us and attempt to use the “right measures and means” to control or eliminate them. Some of the dynamics we will study is the purpose of the lower body of man, that being the Personality Complex, and the Soul with its Spirit. We will learn that the purpose of the body is to protect the Soul and the Spirit. The attack generally comes from hostile take-over by outer forces that include those of physical, astral, mental, and spiritual origin. We will explore the reason for this. And one important reason we will look the fact that people are realizing their personal power and are enviously noticing that we are…Year 1: Protection
By admin on May 17, 2021
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey