Psionic Circles


Psionics is a special term that simply means the study of the practical use of psychic power.  It is viewed as paranormal phenomena with origin and application of electronics and physics. The term comes from psi ('psyche') and the -onics from electronics (machine). It is closely related to the field of radionics.  So  psionics is deeply enmeshed with the application of electronics.

Psionics was thought to come from supernatural power.  It stems from the powers of the soul.  All major religions allude to the access and use of its powers during various rituals performed by the Shaman, Rabbi, Priest, Sifu, Metaphysician, and many others.  As such it is similar but distinct from arcane and divine magic.  It is part of a broad category of fantastic abilities originating from the mind, similar to the paranormal abilities that some people claim as reality.  It also represents the study of the practical use of psychic powers. When it is learned directed and controlled it is considered engineering applied to the mind.  
Psionics is the study of paranormal phenomena in relation to the application of electronics.  


In American science fiction of the 1950s and '60s, psionics was a proposed discipline that applied principles of engineering (especially electronics) to the study (and employment) of paranormal or psychic phenomena, such as telepathy and psychokinesis.  The term is a portmanteau of psi (in the sense of "psychic phenomena") and the -onics from electronics.  The word "psionics" began as, and always remained, a term of art within the science fiction community and — despite the promotional efforts of editor John W. Campbell, Jr — it never achieved general currency, even among academic parapsychologists. In the years after the term was coined in 1951, it became increasingly evident that no scientific evidence supports the existence of "psionic" abilities.
Psionic Skills

1. Clairvoyance
2. Clairaudience
3. Clairsentience
4. Clairalience
5. Clairgustance
6. Claircognizance
7. Astral Projection
8. Automatic Writing
9. Channelling
10. Divination

11. Psychic Healing
12. Psychology * Archetypes * Engrams *
13. Precognition
14. Psychic Surgery
15. Psychometry
16. Remote Viewing
17. Retrocognition
18. Telekinesis
19. Telepathy


Why Study Psionics?


Throughout history safety and security has been the mantra for society.  Survival at the best level you possibly can.  And generally speaking survival is not difficult.  You work or your family has worked harder so that your generation may not have to and have left behind a legacy or a trust.  This is to ensure that future generations will be looked after.  You have probably heard of sorcerers, dark magicians, dark witches and others who have mind controlled others to take their place, money, and family.  You have heard of people poisoning, beating, and shooting others to take their energy, money, homes, security and safety.  In truth, every society has always had its device, systems, entrapments that worked outside the law to enslave humanity.  We are talking Matrix where we are the humans and we must protect ourselves from the Machines.  2021 is no different.  

We don't have the Druids to look after us.

We don't have Merlin.

We don't have Mercenaries, Shaolin monks, the French Foreign Legions, the Avengers (lol) or anyone else to look after us.  

The Secret Societies have closed shop.  The Governments are too busy. 


We are Personally Responsible

There has been two different types of people who live on the planet. They are those who don't like to work, but prefer to parasitize off others, in a way in which they have temporary gain, and then loss. The other type is those people who enjoy working or at least do not mind working and they add value to everything they touch.  Your safety and your family's safety depends upon you selecting the "right type" of person to be and to associate.


The Types

Sharing a little about the first type, they don't not like to work and prefers to do as little as possible to acquire the means for its physical, emotional, and spiritual survival. These people have actually disconnected from their souls and then must use other less effective means to continue to live. Once they are disconnected from their souls they have no access to their ancestors, their guardians, their spirit guides and those who do not share their paths. They are like Didas, of the Arabic world. Everything they touch seems to decay and perish.

In truth, they have actually broken the universal laws, and don't understand the law of principle of causation. You can not continually break the law of causation and survive. It is inbuilt within the life/afterlife system.
They have fallen off the right path and on to the left-handed path. On this path one finds all manner of diseases, physical and non-physical that feed off others without giving back. Again, this violates the universal laws.

Those who are on this left handed path, tend to lose 110{e7eab526991de3e23c5cd833328c82ea3bf471dbcaea39ca9ede82db0fce1a08} of their assets and energy. They start off with less energy and the extra ten percent is what they take in deficit to their graves and leads them to diseases on many levels here and in the afterworld as well. This follows the Second Law of Thermodynamics which states that the entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium. Further explanation on this principle will be in the program.

Newton's First Law of Thermodynamics: energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms. This gives loose evidence that there is an aspect of the human being that doesn't die but lives on after death. When you are in your teens and twenties the notion of life and afterlife can seem more like a dream to some. In your late twenties and later the reality of the quality of life becomes more relevant.

There will be more teaching on this important principle and how to work cooperatively within all of the universal laws within the program if you chose to study it.

The second type of person enjoys work, or at least doesn't mind working to meet their needs. These people are the ones that tend to go far in the world because the world rewards those with energy and the knowledge and wisdom to use it correctly. They have the use of their soul, their ancestors, and many spirit guides whose purpose it is ensure that they fulfil their personal destiny, and take their rightful place society.

Your Safety and Security

If you are on the correct path, you have energy and all forces at your disposal to protect your and your family.  But that might not be enough.  Think about this.  There are people on the Olympic team who take anabolic steroids.  These are illegal and dangerous drugs for the athlete and it makes the competition unfair for all participants, but there are athletes that still use them.  And while testing all athletes can help detect those cheaters the system still fails at times to catch the athletes who use the steroids.  You as an Olympic athlete could lose your event and the years of training to someone who has no regards for themselves or for the sport.  They want to "Win at All Costs".  Life is a bit like that.  Your favorite grandparent has left you with extra money so that you have a bit of a head start on life and someone has some means to steal it from you using a device, app, mind control, or some other means.  The wisdom of your guides, ancestors, and other guides is helpful however, we are moving through the dark ages where people have lost an ability to function positively.  This program assist you to transform yourself into someone who can protect themselves from virtually everything that might assault you or your family. 
You can allow the Fates to determine your life, or you can take matters into your own hands and participate in the battle of life to win.
By the way, did you know that 99{e7eab526991de3e23c5cd833328c82ea3bf471dbcaea39ca9ede82db0fce1a08} of everything that ever lived is now extinct.  If you can prevent yourself and progeny from that fate, would you?
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