Psionic Circles Stage
Air Numbers Stress
Air Numbers Stress

Stress affects our mind, and our mind affects our body. Using numerology we can calculate our stress numbers. If we know this stress number we will be able to avoid major obstacles and illnesses. Stress number gives us a clue…

Stress affects our mind, and our mind affects our body. Using numerology we can calculate our stress numbers. If we know this stress number we will be able to avoid major obstacles and illnesses. Stress number gives us a clue to the part of our body subjected to disease. It also prevents us from making repeated mistakes. Stress numbers delay our progress and drain our energy.

If the stress numbers appear constantly in our lives, it is a sign of up coming disturbances or something we are already going through. If we live in a house which is equal to our stress number we will not be able to experience peace of mind. Let`s say your unit number is 13-42, we add all the digits together till we derive at a single digit. 1+3+4+2=10 and again we add 1+0= 1. The final digit of our house unit number is 1. If 1 is your stress number (calculations shown below) you will experience mental stress in the home. If 2 is your stress number mind will not be at rest causing frequent worries.

Calculation of stress number

There are 4 steps involved in this calculation. Example of date of Birth: November 19 1966. We make all the digits into singular digit by adding it, till it becomes a singular digit. The month November is 11 thus 1+1=2. The date 19 will become 1+9=10 adding again it becomes 1+0=1, the year 1966 becomes 1+9+6+6=22 adding it again it is 2+2=4.

Thus we have 3 sets of single digits from your birth date. They are 2, 1 and 4. Write the digits in order of month date and year.

Step 1: Minus the month from the date, from the above example 2-1= 1, Write 1 below 2 and 1 as shown below. We call it A

Step 2: Minus the date from the year ( 1-4 = 3 ) and write it below 1 and 4. Does not matter the whether it is -3 or +3 just write 3. We call it B

Step 3: Now minus A from B, that is 1-3 = 2, Write it below A and B we call it C.

Step 4: Now minus the month and the year, and write it below C. 2 – 4 =2 and call it D.

C is the Major stress number the others are minor stress numbers.

Pay more attention to `C` as it plays an important part throughout our life. Once the lessons are learned we will be able to neutralize the negative effects of the stress numbers

Meaning of Stress Numbers

Stress number 1

Stress of the individual’s self respect. Need to develop strong will power, strengthen character and courage. Bossed or held down by others.

Physical ailments

  • Headache Heart and Upper Abdomen
  • Stress Lungs
  • Sinus Weak eyes
  • Glaucoma Over exertion
  • Circulatory Problem Sun stroke

Stress number 2

Stress of the individual’s personal sensitivity. Need to develop confidence. Very sensitive and easily hurt. Must learn to forgive and forget.

Physical Ailments

  • Diabetes Urinary Tract Infections
  • Fevers Throat Problems
  • Foot Problems Poor Blood Circulation
  • Hair Loss Liver spots
  • Sleeplessness Mental Worries
  • Asthmatic Troubles

Stress number  3

Stress of the individual’s communication skills, imagination focusing power. Avoid scattering of talents, learn to concentrate. Learn to express you feelings. Avoid speaking unnecessarily or indulge in too much gossip.

Physical Ailments

  • Addictions Insanity
  • Fear Throat
  • Gas Pains Paralysis
  • Blood Pressure High/Low Chest and Lung Disorders
  • Migraine Sudden Fever
  • Shoulder

Stress number 4

Stress of the individual’s attention to traditions, organizational skills and being practical. Learn to be systematic, orderly and punctual. Inclination to laziness and stubbornness. Avoid procrastination.

Physical Ailments

  • Cataract Rickets
  • Hypoglycemia Shoulder Problems
  • Jaundice Teeth
  • Blood Problems Respiratory is usually weak
  • Cyst Knees
  • Gas Pains

Stress number 5

Stress to the individual’s understanding of freedom, responsibility and sexual impulse.Avoid being impulsive. Learn to change with wisdom, not to satis your senses. Accept responsibilities.

Physical Ailments

  • Abortions Temper Tantrums
  • Accidents Obesity
  • Brain Tumor Ulcer
  • Drug Problems Nervousness
  • Kidney Problem Neck
  • Stomach disorders

Stress number 6

Stress of individual’s understanding of responsibility in relationships. Avoid being domineering and meddlesome. Avoid quarreling with anyone who disagrees with your rules. Learn to respect others opinion.

Physical Disorders

  • Drug Problems Tumor
  • Gum Problems Sinus
  • Hip Problems Asthma
  • Hypertension Heart Palpitation
  • Menstrual
  • Neck
  • Stomach Ulcers

Stress number 7

Stress of individual’s ability to have faith in himself and to accept mundane activities. Avoid being rebellious. This can be a difficult challenge to bear, and brings a lot of test and repression. Learn to attract faith instead of fear.

Physical Disorders.

  • Addiction Tumors
  • Alcoholic Menstrual Problems
  • Allergies Varicose Vain
  • Depression Worry
  • Smoking Skin problems
  • Stroke Leg Problems
  • Tumors

Stress number 8

Stress due to understanding the real value and purpose of money and power. Avoid personal freedom based on material possessions. You could attract fear and loss. Learn to see wealth is limitless and belongs to everyone.

Physical Disorders

  • Addiction Varicose Veins
  • Alcoholism Indigestion
  • Asthma Numbness
  • Cancer Strokes
  • Eye Problems Loneliness
  • Herpes Fainting
  • Tendency to receive wrong treatment

Stress number 0

Stress due to individual’s understanding of humanity, feelings of love, compassion and emotions. You are an old soul, carrying with you all your experiences from past lifes. Learn to use your knowledge and talents within you through meditation to solve all your obstacles in life.

Physical Disorders

  • Back Problems Lung Problem
  • Eye Problems Pneumonia
  • Gout Warts
  • Heart failures Accident prone if born on 9, 18 or 27th of any month
  • Jealousy
  • Sinus
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.

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