Curriculum What is Hatha Yoga and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Updated: May 7 2021 Introduction ψ Hatha Yoga is a Hindu practice and ritual of coming back to yourself and meeting your higher self. It is a journey of discovering your limits and then pushing beyond them. It works initially on the physical level and then extends out through all of your bodies. At Hatha Yoga's higher points it meets the other limbs of Yoga. They are Bhakti Yoga , Karma Yoga, and Raja Yoga. While this course program is restricted to Hatha Yoga, other limbs will be introduced. And in Year five Raja Yoga will be fully reviewed and incorporated into your program. Let's get back to Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the science and practice of cleansing and purifying the body in preparation for higher practices of the Personality, Soul, and Spirit. It seeks to create systems of control, flexibility, and agility and the physical form traverse through time and space. The function of the body is to be the primary vehicle of the Personality and the Soul. It is the only reason that Human beings exists in physical form. Without an efficient and effective body, the individual is on a trajectory course through a course of disease, and death. Therefore, it is the duty of every human being to take care of their bodies. If you don't need your physical body, you are living in the wrong dimension. The Hindus, Asians and Jewish people were the first to realize the wisdom. They created comprehensive systems to maintain physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being. They saw disease and sickness as "sins", or evidence that the individual did something wrong and it was the gods who were punishing them. Hatha Yoga is a Hindu system for honoring the human body and ensuring that it is looked after as a living temple of the Gods. In this beginning course you will start to control your physical body. This includes cleansing and purifying so that you will be able to detect and start to use higher… -
Curriculum ψ The First Year is the Foundation and You Must Learn Psychic Basics. This includes Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and the Rudiments of Psychometry. These Basics are Important. What is Psionic Basis (101) and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 First Created: May 11, 2021 Last Update: May 11 2021 Introduction ψ The topic of Psychism is both fascinating and can be a little scary for the average person, but it shouldn't be for the Psion. Psychic is defined as relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance. Some common synonyms for Psychic include: a long list as follows: supernatural, paranormal, other-worldly, supernormal, preternatural, metaphysical, extrasensory, transcendental, magic, magical, mystical, mystic, occult, necromantic, clairvoyant, telepathic, telekinetic, spiritualistic , with second sight, and with a sixth sense. These words focus on the nature of Psychic phenomena. The definition has further explanation of as relating to the soul, or the mind, which as you would have read are related. The mind is the highest faculty of the Soul on certain planes of existence. Synonyms for pschic mind include: emotional, spiritual, inner, cognitive, psychological, and intellectual. The second definition and its synonyms relate to the emotional, spiritual, and mental aspect of the psychism. Therefore, we start training our soul, or emotional, mental faculties towards perception beyond the five physical senses. These are beyond normal, sight to clairvoyance, beyond normal hearing to clairaudience, beyond normal touch to psychometry, and psychic taste and smell. During the first year of training you will find numerous explanation and training towards the end of learning to use these faculties, and then being able to control the sensations. Training your full Personality and Soul leads to protection on those levels of perception. A Brief History of European Laws of Witchcraft (Use of Magical Practices) Witchcraft, is the facility to summon evil spirits and demons to do harm to others. It is the use of the Soul and Spirit's energy to afflict others when it is mal-aligned. And while considered a dark art, the medieval Church…Year 1: Psionic Basics 101
By admin on May 11, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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