Air ψ The First Year is the Foundation and You Must Know Your Planes of Existence. Some are Invisible and Non Real, Others are Physical and Tangible, But they All are Important. This is considered the basics. And It is Important. What is Year One Science and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Undated: May 10, 2021 Introduction ψ The first year of study at Psionic Circles will seem like a full load for many people. Although there are only 12 units, these units will not be found to be merely theoretical , but will have exercises that are that are very important to your success. These exercises lead to your personal and group experience. And you will be tested. This unit is made up of three subjects. They are the Three Primary Planes of Existence, and the Sciences; Biology, Anatomy and Physiology. These subjects will be outlined as traditional subjects for those how are unfamiliar or perhaps a bit rusty in their base knowledge and then the topics will extend into Psionic practice. Planes of Existence We will start with the Three Primary Planes of Existence which are the Physical, Astral or Emotional Plane as it is sometimes called, and we will end with the the Mental Plane. In truth there are actually countlessly planes of existence. Quantum Theory and in particular Superstring theory suggests that are 10 dimensions for each universe. And according to New Scientist there may be as many as 10 to the 500 universes. These do not include parallel universes. As this is the first year the first three will serve as a foundation for learning and there will be four others during the next 3 years. These have been postulated and described by the greatest minds in history from Western Philosophy's Kabbalistic writers, through to Aristotle and Plato onward to the Eastern World's Buddhism, Hinduism, and the proponents of Ancient Wisdom. In this course we will be covering their existence, vehicles, and what one sees within their planes. As mentioned, while we discuss the planes we will outline the special vehicles… -
Air What is the Wesak System & Festivals and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Update: Introduction ψ Every religion has its key days. Buddhism is no different. Wesak also pronounced Vesak is Buddha’s Day. It is the most important day for those of the Buddhist faith. It is a sacred ritual for its practitioners that is celebrated annually on the full moon of the ancient lunar month of Vesakha, which usually falls in May, or in early June. On Vesak Buddhist celebrate the Enlightened birth of Lord Buddha Prince Siddhattha Gotama, at his 35th year when he became the Buddha and his final ‘passing’ into Nirvana at the age of 80. Buddha’s enlightenment meant that he would not be reborn ever again and he was off the wheel of Samsara. The Buddhist scriptures tell the three major events that occurred on a full moon of the Indian lunar month of Vesakha. They are his birth, his enlightenment, and his passing into Nirvana. According to tradition he was born in 623 BC and was calculated according to the Buddhist calendar which counted down from his final passing that was 80 years later. And the decision to agree to celebrate Vesak as the Buddha's birthday was formalized at the first conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists held in Sri Lanka in 1950, although festivals at this time in the Buddhist world are a centuries-old tradition. Siddhartha’s Early Life According to modern academic consensus Gautama Buddha was born 563–483 BCE as Prince Siddhatha Gotama in Lumbini (what is now Nepal) and raised in the Shakya capital of Kapilavastu. He was born into an aristocratic family in the Shakya clan. Growing up, the Buddha was exceptionally intelligent and compassionate. Siddhartha as a young man grew to be tall, strong, and handsome. He belonged to a warrior caste and was destined to be great. As such it was predicted that one day, he would become either a king or spiritual leader. Siddhartha’s parents were powerful and wanted him to become a mighty ruler for their kingdom. They believed that the best…Year 1: Wesak System & Festivals
By admin on May 7, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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