Psionic Circles Stage
  • Love Spells Do They Really Work?
    Love Spells Do They Really Work?
    For thousands of years, civilizations all over the world have relied on their faith in spiritual or mystical powers to accomplish truly amazing feats. Long before modern medicine came on the scene, most health concerns were traditionally handled by applying a dose of spirituality, voodoo, witchcraft, astrology, or psychic power from any number of paranormal sources. One simply couldn't get through the day without help from the "unseen" world. Of course, that was in the "dark ages" before we were enlightened by the miracles of modern science. But is it wise for people today to scoff at all that seemed to work for so many people, for so long? In a world where mainstream religion is often mocked, it's easy to laugh at those believe in the powers of the paranormal, occult, magic, psychic or new age remedies. We often label them as misguided kooks or blind followers of today's trendy Hollywood scene and counter-culture. But as humans, it is built into our composition to search for truth, and solutions to the many problems we face. And let's face it, today's world is filled with day-to-day problems that we strive to overcome... issues dealing with love, money, health, just to name a few. Life is a difficult struggle for millions of people worldwide who seek relief, and solutions to their problems by turning to magic spells. Just go to eBay and do search on love spells. You'll find an endless potpourri of psychics and spell casters who can make your love life problems disappear, or bring you amazing results for just a few dollars. Think that's funny? It gets better. When asked, most people who buy these spells will tell you that they really work... and they do. So how can a love spell performed by a psychic actually attract a soul mate to a lonely person seeking a love partner? Did that money spell really make that struggling secretary get a job promotion and a salary raise? And what about that healing spell that cured my neighbor's back pain? The unbelievers will likely point to coincidence, some sort of…
  • The Secret Desire of Aries
    The Secret Desire of Aries
    The sun sign of Aries is the first to appear on the Zodiac chart. The dates for this sign span from March 21st to April 20th. Many famous celebrities, such as Reese Witherspoon, Matthew Broderick, and his wife Sarah Jessica Parker, fall under Aries’ reign. The sign is symbolized by a Ram, which reflects the headstrong qualities of the Aries, as well as his direct and assertive attitude. The Aries people behave like a ram in many ways. A ram likes to be the leader of the group. Likewise, the Aries individual will try his best to stay ahead of the pack and lead it where he wants it to go. Aries are very opinionated, and do not often consider others’ feelings. They will do anything to sway the group to their side. Those born under the Aries sign need a constant challenge in order to maintain their interest in life. They are impulsive, and more inclined towards making quick decisions than fully completing a task. This is why you will often find an Aries with several unfinished projects on his or her desk. Aries people are sometimes hard to deal with because they have a quick temper and very little patience. They may get irritated with you, but luckily they aren’t interested in holding grudges. Their short fuse can be attributed to their ruling of the planet Mars, who is the God of wrath and war. Aries individuals do not use subtleties or hints to get their point across. They are direct and wear their heart on their sleeve. However, attempting to guide or supervise them is quite a task, and requires a very blunt and headstrong approach. The Aries never backs away from a challenge, even if that means having to batter his head against the wall. Aries individuals will lead others to face their own troubles, but will never gloss through the details of the work involved. They would rather be involved with the rocky boulders than the pebbles at the bottom. In short, Aries are quite adventurous and need space to act independently.
Tools to Steer Your Life

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Counselling and Advisory

Are you needing to speak with someone regarding your life and directions?  We can help.  Our trained counselors are waiting for your call.

  1.  Relationships
  2.  Personal Problems
  3.  Career Pathways
  4.  General Direction
  5.  Reality Adjustment
Psionic Products We Sell

Do you want to try and practice with the tools of Psionics?  Here are some of the products we sell to the general public.

Every item that we sell has be selected and programed.  In addition all of our products come with instructions for their use.

Inception 2010 (What is Real?)

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