Psionic Circles Stage
  • Sagittarius: Optimistic and Outgoing
    Sagittarius: Optimistic and Outgoing
    Sagittarius is probably the most humanitarian sign in the entire Zodiac. Sagittarians are truly people-oriented. Their optimism allows them to handle even the toughest hardships and failure; they simply pick themselves up, brush off the dust, and move on in greater pursuits. As a general rule, they are happy, loyal, and just. They enjoy experiencing new things, people, and places, and are always in search of adventure and novelty. Despite being so interested in people, those born under the Sagittarius sign are often met with hostility by others. Sagittarians are instinctive, and make quick judgments regarding people and situations. They always believe they are right, and are willing to argue their point if challenged. Instead of learning from their experiences, Sagittarians continuously feel misunderstood. Since they are so helpful and courageous, many people take advantage of Sagittarians and make them do their work. However, Sagittarians do not often receive recognition for the hard work they do in terms of money, fame, or accolades. This is one of the main reasons why many Sagittarians are left with bitter memories, and experience many disappointments in life. On the positive side, they are flirtatious people who make friends easily and can be very charming. Since Sagittarius is a fire sign, people belonging to it get along very well with the fellow fire signs of Aries and Leo. Sagittarians sometimes follow traditions so rigidly that they forget to differentiate between their beliefs and the ritual associated with them. This can make them appear rigid and fanatical. One thing’s for sure; Sagittarians are very helpful and are always ready to be of assistance. They don’t keep track of how much time they have invested, how much money they have spent, or how much hard work they’ve done. Their only concern is that the other person is happy. Page 112 Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire  
  • Name Numerology and Why It is so Popular
    Name Numerology and Why It is so Popular
    Along with other known systems geared in classifying the different human personalities which prevail in the world, name numerology is among the many varieties which millions often encounter. As a system, name numerology falls under the numerology category, and makes do with the significant numerical values which could be derived form a person's name. The origins of numerology as a from of divination, termed numerical divination, was popular within the ranks of the earliest of mathematicians, one of which would be Pythagoras. Technically, numerology and name numerology aren't considered to be part of the mathematics arena, but is rather classed as pseudomathematics. This is perceived to be as such by modern scientists, and numerology and name numerology is known to have tread on the same path as the development of astronomy from astronomy, and that with chemistry coming from alchemy. Name Numerology and Its Associations Name numerology is popularly associated with the occult nowadays, as how astrology is known to be on the same plane, though not exactly in detail. Typically name numerology entails the derivation of a number from one's name, resulting to a symbol number. Think of name numerology's operation dynamics as one which works with a given legend for each number value which is derived from one's name. The Numbers in Name Numerology The numbers which are derived from one's name is known to represent a characteristic, which basically tells something regarding a person's personality. In name numerology, there really isn't a universal number legend-guide, which is followed. Examples of how such "charts" appear would talk about: 0 equal to that of everything or all or absolute, 1 equal to that of being an aggressor or being individual or solitary, 2 could equate to balance, or union or that of receptiveness, while 3 could represent interaction, or being neutral or being in communication. In Chinese name numerology, the meanings of numbers are known to be different, even in sub-categories in Chinese name numerology. For example, 1 is equal to sure, 2 is equal to easy, 3 is equal to live. 4 is somewhat considered to be unlucky,…
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