Psionic Circles Stage
  • What is Reality? Briefly
    What is Reality? Briefly
    What is Reality? Ψ Reality is an interesting subject, and it has been reviewed, and argued over by philosophers, scientist, mathematicians and mystics throughout history. How is reality defied, a topic that not everyone agrees upon. Is it real if you can see it? Then, what about atoms and cells? You can't see them with your human eyes, but you can see them with the assistance of a microscope, or electron microscope. Does the way we can see them, affect their reality? Our sciences, and movies, i.e. the Matrix, tells us that wood isn't really solid, but it is moving, or vibrating, making waves instead of being fixed and rigid, although, when we feel it, it certainly seems solid, and boy does it hurt when it hits you. So, reality can be viewed from two standpoints. The one you can see with the naked eye, and that which you may view with magnifying apparatus; the macro and the micro. Of these two realities, is one reality better than the other, or perhaps shall we ask, is one more real than the other? Let us see. A definition of reality is the aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. It is also used to refer to the ontological status of things, indicating their existence.[1] In physical terms, reality is the totality of a system, known and unknown.[2] Philosophical questions about the nature of reality or existence or being are considered under the rubric of ontology, which is a major branch of metaphysics in the Western philosophical tradition. Ontology is the study of philosophy that examines concepts such as existence, being, becoming, and reality. On(t), is Greek for being, and ~ology is the study. Thus, it searches for and answers the questions of how entities are grouped into basic categories and which of these entities exist on the most fundamental level. It is the science of being and belongs to metaphysical philosophy. A simple example is water. It's chemical formula is H2O. If you had random Hydrogen atoms and random Oxygen atoms in a beaker, at what point would you have water? Getting back to reality, and…
  • Tarot in The Subconscious Mind Part 3
    Tarot in The Subconscious Mind Part 3
    The 9th card of the soul's language is Justice.  It is represents your soul's duty to balance the equations in your life.  When Justice comes up it means that you will be experiencing some lesson, some truth, law, disputable element that is to correct you, your life or someone or thing that involves you.  If you've done something wrong expect retribution, adjustment, or punishment.  If you have been walking with integrity, expect to be replenished, repaid, and compensated for your losses.  Notices that the exact answer is rarely given. You must use your intuition and wisdom to a certain the true value.  Earth is a planet with lots of different elements. The values are varied, and it depends upon the application that you and your soul applies to the situation. This card heralds Judgement leading to justice.  What was hidden is now revealed with the true meaning evident.  It is the scales of justice which is spoken. Card 10 is the Soul's language of the Hermit.  After justice you are held responsible to reflect on the truth and lessons you have learnt from the experience(s).  Your soul requires that your reflection exist in solitude and away from others.  You must leave in some way, either physically, emotionally, energetically or other ways.  While you are reflecting you must spend extra time looking after yourself.  If you have experienced loss from the Justice card, it is the perfect time to mend any would and see how you may recuperate any losses. Eat well, drink fluids, exercise appropriately lest Justice of the body come back to haunt you, if it hadn't cone already. There is a rule that states that good and bad things come in threes.  Do Not break the laws of health, as they are the keys to your physical survival. The 11th card is the Wheel of Fortune.  After the Soul has ensured that you have completed equilibrated from Justice and the Hermet cards and you are now back to health and have released stress in your life by correcting any errors in thinking you are ready to experience the…
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  1.  Relationships
  2.  Personal Problems
  3.  Career Pathways
  4.  General Direction
  5.  Reality Adjustment
Psionic Products We Sell

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Inception 2010 (What is Real?)

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