Elementary Introduction In a previous article we discussed the rudiments of the human aura. Today we go into a little more detail with the theme and focus being on self-protection. Human beings are constantly being bombarded by various electromagnetic influences that range from sound to light to the highest radiations. They can be found as noise on the streets, your mobile phone as 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G radiations and many other technological systems including the electrical power towers. In the Psionic world we always protect each area of our human biological systems. We also teach our children and other family members how to protect themselves. It is no secret that the world has not historically been a very safe place. 99% of everything that ever lived is now extinct physically, and humans cannot be held accountable as the sole cause of the extinction. Natural disasters and the evolutionary forces caused by various species of beings and organisms have been a major cause and threat to life diversity on planet Earth. Therefore, it behoves all of us to be prepared physically, mentally, and energetically for any and all potential causes of destruction. As we learned in the previous article the human aura is the first indicator and warning source for humans. The purpose of this article is to give you our trusted reader a more in-depth understanding of the human aura, and to present to you a practical course of action to be taken to protect yourself and your family against harmful EM (electromagnetic) radiations coming from any external source, including human, mobile devices power stations and other forms of technology. The diligent practice of the few basic exercises and skills that you will be obtain from reading this article will ensure your personal energies will be protected, safe, and will expand so that you will become the best version of yourself. To this end we will begin with clearly defining the aura, move on to its composition and functions and will end with exercises to develop your aura and build it to protect yourself and family. Definition of the… -
Air ψ The First Year is the Foundation and You Must Know Your Planes of Existence. Some are Invisible and Non Real, Others are Physical and Tangible, But they All are Important. This is considered the basics. And It is Important. What is Year One Science and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Undated: May 10, 2021 Introduction ψ The first year of study at Psionic Circles will seem like a full load for many people. Although there are only 12 units, these units will not be found to be merely theoretical , but will have exercises that are that are very important to your success. These exercises lead to your personal and group experience. And you will be tested. This unit is made up of three subjects. They are the Three Primary Planes of Existence, and the Sciences; Biology, Anatomy and Physiology. These subjects will be outlined as traditional subjects for those how are unfamiliar or perhaps a bit rusty in their base knowledge and then the topics will extend into Psionic practice. Planes of Existence We will start with the Three Primary Planes of Existence which are the Physical, Astral or Emotional Plane as it is sometimes called, and we will end with the the Mental Plane. In truth there are actually countlessly planes of existence. Quantum Theory and in particular Superstring theory suggests that are 10 dimensions for each universe. And according to New Scientist there may be as many as 10 to the 500 universes. These do not include parallel universes. As this is the first year the first three will serve as a foundation for learning and there will be four others during the next 3 years. These have been postulated and described by the greatest minds in history from Western Philosophy's Kabbalistic writers, through to Aristotle and Plato onward to the Eastern World's Buddhism, Hinduism, and the proponents of Ancient Wisdom. In this course we will be covering their existence, vehicles, and what one sees within their planes. As mentioned, while we discuss the planes we will outline the special vehicles…Year 1: Science: Planes, Biology, Anatomy
By admin on May 10, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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