Natural Science The study of matter is one of the most important subjects that you can ever know. Its understanding helps you to determine what is real, and what is becoming. It also teaches one how to put together that which is not real in a manner that makes it real. Last Update: October 18 2021 " We are living in a material world and I am a material Girl." ~ Famous Actor Introduction Psionics and Physicality (Matter) Psionics include an understanding of matter and materiality. So, we shall discuss this very important subject from a scientific standpoint, and occasionally extend the discussion into the subject of Psionic. Remember, Psionics is the study of the uses of tangible and non-tangible systems towards life or reality. Most people have a healthy love for the physical world, and that is a positive perspective. Let's face it, it is the first world that we learn about. We open our eyes at birth, and we see our parents smiling faces staring back at us. They appear blurry because your eyes haven't yet focused and tuned into our new world yet, but they appear sold. Most parents put their newborns through rigorous training of detecting differences in textures; smooth, rough, soft and hard. The purpose of this training in materiality is to create strong synaptic connections as the baby grows from infancy to young adulthood. Most children start with 2,500 synaptic connections per neuron and this increases as the child develops. By adulthood in some areas the number grows to 7,000. This is important because each of those connections are important for the person to quickly make sense of their lives. Each of these connections makes it easier for a the person to understand their personal and outer worlds. The world of physicality. It is the most important plane for most of us, and it is the plane that our brains are programmed and most accustomed to navigating through. Actually, our brains are programmed for two planes at birth, although the second plane society and science have discounted as real in the past. In this article,… -
Natural Science As Psions of Psionic Circles and citizens we should know the basic facts regarding the Earth and its properties as well as the history of its inhabitants. So let us continue with a brief account of some of the major evolutionary changes in life from the beginning to current year. Introduction Original Date: September 9 2021 Last Updated: September 9 2021 Planet Earth Evolution Continued We last discussed the facts. Our planet earth has undergone many changes on the surface of the planet and in the atmosphere over its billions of years of existence. And during the last billions of years it has become the home of all plant and animal species that have been able to survive the multitude of changes that has occurred. It is also the the home of 7.8 billions of human beings spread over 7 continents and thousands of islands. As Psions and citizens we should know the basic facts regarding the Earth and its properties as well as the history of its inhabitants. So let us continue with the purpose of giving a brief account of some of the major evolutionary changes in life from the beginning to current year. . Let us start with recapitulating 2.9 billions ago to 2.0 billion years ago and move on from there. 2.9 billion years ago to 2.0 billion years ago The “great oxidation event”. The poisonous waste produced by photosynthetic cyanobacteria – oxygen – starts to build up in the atmosphere. Dissolved oxygen makes the iron in the oceans “rust” and sink to the seafloor, forming striking banded iron formations. Yet others think that cyanobacteria began pumping out oxygen as early as 2.1 billion years ago, but that oxygen began to accumulate only due to some other factor, possibly a decline in methane-producing bacteria. Methane reacts with oxygen, removing it from the atmosphere, so fewer methane-belching bacteria would allow oxygen to build up. Earth freezes over in what may have been the first “snowball Earth”, possibly as a result of a lack of volcanic activity. When the ice eventually melts, it indirectly leads to…Billions of Years of Evolution Part 2
By admin on September 9, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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