Courses Everyone on the planet knows that they have a duty of care to develop themselves physically emotionally and mentally. Most people forget about the energetic and spiritual duty of care. This articles outlines a system to develop your OuterVerse through the InnerVerse. Original Date September 2, 2021 Last Update: December 14, 2021 Author: Sabrina Lemire Introduction Nature compels humanity to move forward. As the universe around us is constantly expanding, so too is the growth and evolution of every living thing on the planet. And that certainly includes the human being. And every person that is not incumbered by mental or physical health problems will certainly want to grow and develop to their fullest capacity. Human development is not only within the body through growth, but also in mind, quality of thoughts, life and lifestyle. Anyone who doesn't want to grow and become more not only breaks the Laws of Nature, but also violates the laws of health and wellbeing. The changing seasons give evidence in nature as to the changes that can and must occur. The first day of Spring is never exactly the same as it was the previous year, and it can be seen cycles and changes within cycles. Humanity as a whole always seeks "the truth". And that truth lies in the Laws of Nature. Sir Isaac Newton discovered universal principles that have manifested in our normal day as Laws of Nature. These particular laws govern the macrocosmic world, that is the world of large matter. The purpose of this article is to give the reader instructions on how to work with these changes using universal concepts of truth. In order that they might create a field of change and develop their own world which is unique, special, and sacred only to them. Once they learn how to create, govern and control their world then they have passed a very important initiation. See the articles entitled "Initiation Defined" and "The Grades of Humanity". As was stated in these articles you may believe that you can avoid growth and evolution, however, this is only due to your… -
Ethics Morality Our society has always admonished its citizens to be our best and to do the "right" thing for ourselves and for others. We have been warned about the problems of “wrong-doing” and its punishment. In this article we will discuss virtue from the themes of possession, planes of existence, continuity of life, and the hells. The Ten Hells of Immorality At Psionic Circles we always extol the benefits of virtue, growth, and evolution. So far, we haven’t discussed the wages of misdeed and the "hells" of the dark use of one's body, mind, and energy field. Today we are going to discuss the dark side of energy, its processes, and transformations. In addition, we will look at the direction that this energy takes a person’s life and how it affects one’s power of control over themselves and others. Human beings are not scalar quantities, but vector entities. This means they not only have magnitude, but they also have directions. Every action is both a particle motion that has mass (magnitude), as well as a wave motion that is moving in a direction. In truth, our movements traverse the universe on both the tangible physical plane, as well as the other planes of existence, affecting more than ourselves and those we touch. The purpose of this article is to share an understanding of the wages of immorality and how it effects a person in all their inner dimensions. These actions create one’s own inner dimensions in quality and quantity and also affects the person’s associations on all planes of existence. Recently, I watched the movie "The Rite", staring Anthony Hopkins as the Antagonist, and Colin O'Donoghue (protagonist) and Alice Braga (Leading role). Without spoiling the storyline and outcome, I will say that it was a great movie about a young man wrestling with whether, or not there was a God and a devil, and needing to reconcile within his own mind the meaning of his studies at Seminary School. The themes, as you would imagine were demonic possession (real or fantasy; psychological), what happens when we fall from Grace, is…Psionics | The Ten Hells of Immorality
By admin on November 26, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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