Ethics Morality Reiki is an ancient technique of healing that was rediscovered during the 20th century. It is said that the Hebrew forefathers was handed down the wisdom of Reiki by the Archangel of the Lord. Dr. Mikao Usui is the more recent caretaker of the Universal Energy of healing. Just for Today; Do not anger. Do not worry. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to every living being. Honor your parents, teachers, and elders. The 26 Precepts for Cultivating Reiki Morality Devoutly revere the Buddha, the Law, and the Teachers Do not forget the power of meditation. Devoutly practice the mantra. Do not engage in superfluous disciplines. Devoutly trust the Law of Compassion. Do not denounce the creed of others. Devoutly promote the sense of equality. Do not arouse discriminatory feelings. Devoutly awaken the sense of compassion. Do not forget the suffering of others. Devoutly cultivate an amicable disposition Do not display an angry countenance. Devoutly preserve a humble manner. Do not arouse the spirit of arrogance. Devoutly visualize the source of defilement. Do not develop a sense of attachment. Devoutly study the Law of Evanescence. Do not arouse a sense of greed. Devoutly examine your own faults. Do not make comments on the faults of others. Devoutly go on trying to influence others in a positive manner to their greatest good. D not forget your own proper business. Devoutly follow the Path of Enlightenment. Do not mix with frivolous pleasure seekers. Devoutly follow the teacher's guidance. Do not indulge in your own desires. And here are a couple of others that are also important. Dutifully, look after yourself in a manner that doesn't negatively handicap others. Be mature in mind, body, soul, and spirit. Thank you for Reading! Page 36 Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire -
Philosophy Every major religious and philosophical system has within an inner and outer teaching. Buddhism is no different. Buddhism has an outer teaching for those who want to live a better life. Inner teaching offer a perfected life. Original Date August 17 2021 Last Update: August 17 2021 Dedication A special thanks goes to Bhikkhu Soma. We offer to him our sincerest appreciation and gratitude. 'Soma Thera was a genuine monk. He observed the Vinaya rules with absolute strictness, never permitting himself infringement, His standards were the highest. His life was a shining example to others, Bhikkhus and lay-folk alike. This poem sings a mere fraction of his thoughts. Out of the womb of sightless night Rang out a word of healing strong, And put to flight the evil throng That stood betwixt the eye and light. Introduction I First Stanza Virtue, concentration, Wisdom and the peerless freedom: To these verities awoke Buddhahood or Illustrious Gautama. II. Introduction Oh Student: You must first know learn and practice the following: Virtue means restraint Concentration means non-distractedness Wisdom means comprehension Freedom means freedom from bondage. Peerless means canker-free. Awoke means realized and understood through wisdom. Attainment of Nirvana means the loss of worldly pain and suffering Illustrious means blessed These verities' means the four noble verities Buddha a title for someone who is awake, and has attained nirvana and Buddhahood through their own efforts and insight, without a teacher to point out the dharma. Through this attainment one finds their true fame. It comes not from outside but from within. You are a reflection of your inner truth. Of Freedom there are Five Kinds: 1. Freedom of suppression; that is the passions (Meditation 1) 2. Freedom of parts; this the freedom from errors of views due to suppression through concentration to the next phase of penetration. 3. Freedom of eradication; is the destruction of the fetters (chains) that hold you rigid. It is the discovery of the supramundane path and its application in the student. 4. Freedom of tranquility; it is represented by the happy individual who has discovered his…Buddhism | A Path to Personal Freedom
By admin on August 17, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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