Communication Runes are the chosen divination tool of many who give psychic readings. Casting runes will allow the reader to give a more comprehensive reading than with many other forms of divination. This method of rune casting will give a comprehensive and detailed view of the person's situation, it will tell the person where they are on the spiritual path. Nine is a magical number according to Norse mythology. Pick nine runes from the pouch. Hold them for a few minutes and focus on your question. Now scatter them on the table or another hard surface. Read the runes that have landed face up first. They will relate to the current situation. Runes more toward the center are the most relevant as to time. Those laying around the outside are of less importance and are about events to come. If any of the runes are touching, they usually are related to one another. Runes falling on either side of the pattern usually means an opposition to each other. If a rune falls of the table or the cloth on which you have scattered them, you can choose to see it as the most important rune in the reading, or ignore it completely. After you have looked at the face-up runes, turn over the rest of the runes leaving them in the same position they fell in. These runes represent outside forces or future influences, and will show possible outcomes. It is up to you to decide what the patterns and position mean. Once you have made that decision, you will need to stick with it as consistency is very important. Rune- tines (popsicle sticks or twigs that are imprinted with the rune symbols) will work the best for casting on the ground. This is best accomplished by throwing all 24 at once. You will read the ones that land face up, leaving them in the position in which they landed. If the runes are touching or very close to one another, they are related to one another. If they cross or are on top of one another, they are in opposition.… -
Psionics Hand analysis and Hand reading isn't really anything dark or extremely predictive anymore. It is however not that accurate either. It is more modern, logical and almost scientific in approach today and has moved from it's ancient fortune telling roots and tendencies.Modern hand reading has evolved to something more akin to a correctional, motivational and something like a hand-holding tool which can be a great help to get your life back into perspective. It has emerged as an awesome way to introspect oneself and be able to chart out our lives in the right way, getting it back onto course ( If it went wayward, that is!). Since it delves on what kind of person you are as it throws light upon what might be the best course of action in your life : It might tell you as to which course you must be taking up; which career might suit you better; what kind of people might you be getting along with; where you might end up in relationships; who might make a better spouse for you; what kind of person should you rather be; how you would want to break free ; your approach to problem-solving, decision making and reacting to different situations life can throw at you and a horde of other things which would have all just passed away as mere figments of thinking from an over-worked and constantly stressed mind. Coupled with psychology, it could prove to be a powerful tool to get a thorough insight about the kind of person you really are. Not only that, it can provide professional help to people who need such help on a regular basis. If you just looked around and put your finger on the level of stress that is floating around in the corporate world today, chances are that your finger would just get burnt. In such a frenetically paced, rat-race infected, jet-age that we live in, tools like these only give the much needed respite in re-directing the entire course of your existence that is threatened to burn itself out. Family behavioural traits, how you…Modern Hand Analysis and Hand Reading
By admin on May 27, 2020
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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