News Flash What is superionic ice? Has NASA discovered a new planet in the Galaxy of M51? Black Holes what is their function? Are they the precursors to a new cosmos? Part of being a Psion is knowing what is going on in the world around us. The fields we study are science, psychology, mathematics and many others. Last Updated: November 2 2021 Introduction Hello Everyone, This is our first News Flash for November 1 2021. The topics include: 1. Superionic Ice Created as Pressurized Black Ice Relevance: Psionics view a way to form a magnetosphere. 2. NASA has Potentially discovered a New Planet in M51 Relevance: Psionics may have a new field of energy to study. 3. Black Holes as Natures Cleaner Relevance: Psions need to understand their function and dynamics Let's begin with Superionic Ice! What the heck is it and why is it important? Let's see. When a person wants ice they just put normal water into the freezer and it freezes at zero degrees Celsius. This is assuming the the pressure is a standard pressure. The shape of water is bend and the crystalline structure is hexagonal. This is not the case when water is in a cloud. Scientist have discovered that water within the clouds can approach -48.33 and still not be completely frozen due to atomospheric pressure. Thus, pressure determines the state of a substance. Recently scientist have discovered a new way to create ice. What they have done is use high pressure instead of a temperature driver. It is called superionic ice, superionic water. When the ice (superionic) is create it contains two properties which is both liquid and solid. How is this performed? It is performed by the use of powerful lasers that cause the water molecules break apart and the oxygen ions crystallize into an evenly spaced lattice while the hydrogen ions float around freely within the oxygen lattice. The freely mobile hydrogen ions make superionic water almost as conductive as typical metals, making it a superionic conductor. How can it be used? Here is the magic.… -
Ethics Morality Reiki is an ancient technique of healing that was rediscovered during the 20th century. It is said that the Hebrew forefathers was handed down the wisdom of Reiki by the Archangel of the Lord. Dr. Mikao Usui is the more recent caretaker of the Universal Energy of healing. Just for Today; Do not anger. Do not worry. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to every living being. Honor your parents, teachers, and elders. The 26 Precepts for Cultivating Reiki Morality Devoutly revere the Buddha, the Law, and the Teachers Do not forget the power of meditation. Devoutly practice the mantra. Do not engage in superfluous disciplines. Devoutly trust the Law of Compassion. Do not denounce the creed of others. Devoutly promote the sense of equality. Do not arouse discriminatory feelings. Devoutly awaken the sense of compassion. Do not forget the suffering of others. Devoutly cultivate an amicable disposition Do not display an angry countenance. Devoutly preserve a humble manner. Do not arouse the spirit of arrogance. Devoutly visualize the source of defilement. Do not develop a sense of attachment. Devoutly study the Law of Evanescence. Do not arouse a sense of greed. Devoutly examine your own faults. Do not make comments on the faults of others. Devoutly go on trying to influence others in a positive manner to their greatest good. D not forget your own proper business. Devoutly follow the Path of Enlightenment. Do not mix with frivolous pleasure seekers. Devoutly follow the teacher's guidance. Do not indulge in your own desires. And here are a couple of others that are also important. Dutifully, look after yourself in a manner that doesn't negatively handicap others. Be mature in mind, body, soul, and spirit. Thank you for Reading! Page 36 Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee LemireReiki Precepts
By admin on September 17, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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