Psionic Circles Stage
  • The Secret Desire of Aries
    The Secret Desire of Aries
    The sun sign of Aries is the first to appear on the Zodiac chart. The dates for this sign span from March 21st to April 20th. Many famous celebrities, such as Reese Witherspoon, Matthew Broderick, and his wife Sarah Jessica Parker, fall under Aries’ reign. The sign is symbolized by a Ram, which reflects the headstrong qualities of the Aries, as well as his direct and assertive attitude. The Aries people behave like a ram in many ways. A ram likes to be the leader of the group. Likewise, the Aries individual will try his best to stay ahead of the pack and lead it where he wants it to go. Aries are very opinionated, and do not often consider others’ feelings. They will do anything to sway the group to their side. Those born under the Aries sign need a constant challenge in order to maintain their interest in life. They are impulsive, and more inclined towards making quick decisions than fully completing a task. This is why you will often find an Aries with several unfinished projects on his or her desk. Aries people are sometimes hard to deal with because they have a quick temper and very little patience. They may get irritated with you, but luckily they aren’t interested in holding grudges. Their short fuse can be attributed to their ruling of the planet Mars, who is the God of wrath and war. Aries individuals do not use subtleties or hints to get their point across. They are direct and wear their heart on their sleeve. However, attempting to guide or supervise them is quite a task, and requires a very blunt and headstrong approach. The Aries never backs away from a challenge, even if that means having to batter his head against the wall. Aries individuals will lead others to face their own troubles, but will never gloss through the details of the work involved. They would rather be involved with the rocky boulders than the pebbles at the bottom. In short, Aries are quite adventurous and need space to act independently.
  • Horoscopes:  Who am I compatible with?
    Horoscopes: Who am I compatible with?
    This notion of love and compatibility is always a hot topic when discussing your “sign” with someone. One of the main reasons for a person to read their horoscope is to find out about their past, present and future love life. So it’s only natural for us to wonder which zodiac signs are compatible with one another. As a general rule, your "perfect match" is likely to be at the opposite side of the Zodiac from you. That is, Aries with Libra, Taurus with Scorpio, Cancer with Capricorn, Leo with Aquarius, Virgo with Pisces, Sagittarius with Gemini. Those signs opposing each other across the Zodiac tend to balance out, supporting each others strengths and countering each others weaknesses. The signs that definitely do not get along are the ones that have a core difference. Sagittarius is known for traveling, and would drive the home-focused Cancer to distraction. Detail-oriented and critical Virgo would grate on the nerves of self-centered and bossy Aries. And bright and cheerful Libra would never be able to handle a life darkened by shady, mysterious Scorpio. So who are you compatible with? Aries – is most compatible with Leo & Sagittarius, compatible with Aquarius & Gemini and opposite from Libra. Taurus – is most compatible with Capricorn & Virgo, compatible with Cancer & Pisces and opposite from Scorpio. Gemini – is most compatible with Aquarius & Libra, compatible with Aries & Leo and opposite from Sagittarius Cancer – is most compatible with Pisces & Scorpio, compatible with Taurus & Virgo and opposite from Capricorn Leo – is most compatible with Aries & Sagittarius, compatible with Gemini & Libra and opposite from Aquarius Virgo – is most compatible with Capricorn & Taurus, compatible with Cancer & Scorpio and opposite from Pisces Libra – is most compatible with Aquarius and Gemini, compatible with Leo & Sagittarius and opposite from Aries Scorpio – is most compatible with Cancer & Pisces, compatible with Capricorn & Virgo and opposite from Taurus Sagittarius – is most compatible with Aries & Leo, compatible with Aquarius & Libra and opposite from Gemini Capricorn – is…
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Inception 2010 (What is Real?)

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