Psionic Circles Stage
  • The Astral Planes Part 1
    The Astral Planes Part 1
    The Astral Planes are the Domain and Realm of both the living and the dead of all beings that ever lived on the planet.  It also the Realm of Heaven and the Akashic Records.   Introduction As a human living in the 21st century, most of us have been indoctrinated with a very limited understanding of anything that is outside of the physical plane of existence.  It is only with the advent of the microscope technology tool of the understanding of atoms and their subatomic particles, quantum physics with its mechanics, along with its associated technologies, that we actually realize through direct experience nonphysical realities within the unseen forces and their worlds.  And while humanity has a historical belief in God, deities and other spiritual forces, it is only within the last 60 years or so that we can actually connect the dots and know that there is an animated invisible world in a way that doesn't require blind faith the currency to the unseen world in the past. This article is the first of many that outline the Astral Plane for the masses.  It is written for those individuals who don't have the time to study esoteric works, but need to know what this realm is like and a have a general understanding of the inhabitants for the purpose of knowing what is "Truth and Falsity" so that they may protect themselves and their families from not only the unseen forces, but from those people who would exploit their lack of understanding on the subject.   The Bible talks about the role of false prophets placed in society to deceive the leaders and the people.  1 Kings 22:6  relates a story about 400 false prophets who attempted to lead the King of Israel unwisely into battle.   And we are warned in Ezekiel 13, “Thus says the Lord GOD, Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! Your prophets have been like jackals among ruins, O Israel” (vv. 3–4).  Ezekiel maintains that listening to lower spirits within false prophets that are indwelt with evil or maintain…
  • 7 Deadly Sins & 7 Cardinal Virtues
    Ethics Morality
    7 Deadly Sins & 7 Cardinal Virtues
        Introduction ψ  Throughout history man has been grappling with the idea of good and evil.  These ideas have been played out in their myths, legends, and daily communications to one another.  The idea of Virtue and Sins stems from the Original Sin, which in the Western world is Disobedience to the Law.  According to the Bible, God created a special Garden for Adam the first man to live in.  He then placed Eve, the first woman in the Garden for a mate.  As the story goes, God gave Adam a strict directive not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil.   Eve, the partner was beguiled by the Serpent and encouraged Adam to eat.  When God found out about the disobedience, he cast Adam and Eve out of Eden.  And so placed Adam and Eve on the path of struggle, pain, and eventual death.  It is thought that the reason we all have the same struggles is due the Disobedience to the Law, the Original Sin.  Thus, sin is not following the Law. What is Sin and the Law? To understand what sin actually is let's look at the Greek word, αμαρτία, that most commonly translates to "sin" means "to miss the mark" or to fail to adhere to the righteous standards.  Thus, when we miss the mark, or fall short of standards, we sin.  Therefore, sin could be thought as knowing the standards but not following them.   Some of us have limited natural ability to properly live up to right standards and values. Sometimes we repeatedly fall short of the honourable conduct.  An example would be when your mother tells you not to play with knives, and you play anyway.  What generally happens is that you end up cutting yourself or someone else and getting in trouble.  It is like you do not have the "will" to do what you know is right and there can be lots of reasons for that.    We won't go into the psychological reasons now, but will save that discussion for another topic.   The Origin of the 7 Deadly Sins…
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Inception 2010 (What is Real?)

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