Courses Last Update: December 22, 2021 Introduction So, most of you have probably read the information on Grades of Humanity and Initiation Defined If you, haven't it is strongly suggested. On the subject of Initiation, it is part and parcel with the subject of Grades. The Initiations defines the lessons and the growth, which is likely to occur, and the Grades marks the conclusion of the initiations. What wasn't added to the article is the importance of the Grades or their relevance outside of just general understanding. The importance is of great significance to some people and not important to others. However, all manner of beings go through Grades and Initiations and this includes all Kingdoms in Nature, from the most elemental Mineral Kingdom through human onwards to spiritual. As such it is very important for all humans to know their grades and where on the evolutionary ladder they are located. And to say that it is also of grave important to know the grade of your friends, associates, and business colleagues is an understatement. The Grade of your City State and Country is also important and should be a factor. As your associations will either cause you to succeed in life or cause you to fail. And since success is the main reason, you are on the planet, success is of great concern for the intelligent and evolving person of our modern world. There are a great number of people who do not desire success. It is very easy to find a person who doesn't care about themselves or anything else. These people certainly have not undergone very high initiations and grades. It is not a falsity that humans have a specific purpose for being on the Earth and that their continuation is contingent upon them proceeding in an evolutionary manner. Failure of “correct" and "positive" evolution may have been the cause of previous ice ages, the deluge floods, potential asteroid and comet collisions, volcanic desolation, and a host of other violent natural disasters. There is and always have been a Great Plan set out, first for the planet, and… -
Courses Everyone on the planet knows that they have a duty of care to develop themselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Most people forget about their energetic and spiritual duty of care. This articles outlines a system to develop your OuterVerse through the InnerVerse. Original Date September 9, 2021 Last Update: September 10, 2021 Author: Sabrina Lemire Introduction This is the second week of Controlling Your InnerVerse. As this is still only the second week we are still outlining the laws that play a crucial role in the growth and development of the InnerVerse. We will continue a outline of the laws but first start with a brief recap of the first week. We began with an understanding that the universe around us is constantly expanding. As we are a system within the surrounding and environment of the earth we must mirror the movements of the the world and evolve. Every person that is not incumbered by mental or physical health problems must not only grow but must want to develop themselves to their fullest capacity. The best and surest way to grow is to follow the laws of Nature. We discussed that people are different. So that the way that they follow nature's will reflect subtle differences. We first mentioned the first five laws. Those were: The Law of Causality: every change occurs due to an original cause therefore the root cause to every person place or thing. Laws of Motion: There are three laws of motion that define why things move and also suggests what occurs while in motion. The Law of Abundance: there is a system a surrounding and an environment or universe upon which all systems draw from. The Laws of Mind: everything that exists has a mind and it uses it to its fullest capacity following the laws of economy and conservation. The Laws of Reality (physical): reality moves from spirit to physical through known and undiscovered causes until it is physical. So, in a nutshell that is what the first week covered. This week we will continue our understandings. Human Choice People have a choice on their paths in…Controlling Your InnerVerse Week 2
By admin on September 10, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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