Everyone on the planet knows that they have a duty of care to develop themselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Most people forget about their energetic and spiritual duty of care. This articles outlines a system to develop your OuterVerse…
Everyone on the planet knows that they have a duty of care to develop themselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Most people forget about their energetic and spiritual duty of care. This articles outlines a system to develop your OuterVerse through the InnerVerse.
Original Date September 9, 2021
Last Update: September 10, 2021
Author: Sabrina Lemire
This is the second week of Controlling Your InnerVerse. As this is still only the second week we are still outlining the laws that play a crucial role in the growth and development of the InnerVerse. We will continue a outline of the laws but first start with a brief recap of the first week. We began with an understanding that the universe around us is constantly expanding. As we are a system within the surrounding and environment of the earth we must mirror the movements of the the world and evolve. Every person that is not incumbered by mental or physical health problems must not only grow but must want to develop themselves to their fullest capacity. The best and surest way to grow is to follow the laws of Nature.
We discussed that people are different. So that the way that they follow nature’s will reflect subtle differences. We first mentioned the first five laws. Those were:
- The Law of Causality: every change occurs due to an original cause therefore the root cause to every person place or thing.
- Laws of Motion: There are three laws of motion that define why things move and also suggests what occurs while in motion.
- The Law of Abundance: there is a system a surrounding and an environment or universe upon which all systems draw from.
- The Laws of Mind: everything that exists has a mind and it uses it to its fullest capacity following the laws of economy and conservation.
- The Laws of Reality (physical): reality moves from spirit to physical through known and undiscovered causes until it is physical.
So, in a nutshell that is what the first week covered. This week we will continue our understandings.
Human Choice
People have a choice on their paths in life. They can choose to operate like any of the four kingdoms. Those kingdoms are the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the human kingdom and the Spiritual Kingdom. The hardest one to access is the Spiritual Kingdom and it requires a quality of character that transcends that of the average human being. (More on that in a later article.) When we talk about operation, what we are meaning is that the consciousness (awareness: to notice) of the individual is in one of those “kingdom” states of being.
The human state of consciousness has a lower and a higher condition. The starting place is where the level of individual consciousness that behaves like a brut, and is completely controlled and influenced by their base nature of fear, anger, hate, ignorance, and mindlessly follows the herd for better or for worst.
The higher level of man is quite the opposite. Instead of fear the individual demonstrates courage, instead of anger, the individual possesses good humor. The person’s hate is replaced by caring, and their ignorance is converted into intelligence and wisdom. The characteristic of mindlessly following the herd is replaced by independence and leadership qualities. Not only are the emotional characteristics perfected in the higher human, but the energetic and spiritual qualifies reflect a personality and nature that are akin to godliness.
We see human representatives of these qualities in our biblical Patriarch such as Abraham, Moses, and Noah and his family. In the Hindu tradition, we have Siddhartha Buddha and Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. Nelson Mandela is a great example of a human being who transcended his problems and challenges as did Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King.
To become one of the aforementioned elevated humans you must tune into your own mind, body, Soul and Spirit, and become the highest form of human evolution that you can possible become. There is nothing that can stop you from becoming more, if you truly desire to do so and live your best life.
The key to your perfection is the conditioning of your mind and the quality of your thoughts resulting in transformation of your InnerVerse and the production of a life that is not only representative of your best version of yourself, but creating the best life and lifestyle you could ever live. It is your mind that overcomes conflicts and challenges within the surroundings and all obstacles.
This Second week is about discover and then using the creative processes of your thoughts. Once you learn and master this talent you will never need to worry about yourself and your family. It is the key to your evolution and your “true heart” towards your purposed life. The evolution will take place both on the physical planes as well as the energetic and spiritual planes.
In this week’s article we will discuss the following Laws of Nature and their application in the human’s life. They are the Laws of Science, the Laws of Mental Attraction, the Laws of Atomic Affinity, the Law of Repetition, the Law of Harmonious Adjustment, the Law of Time and finally the Law of Power (as suitable for the human being).
The knowledge and use of these laws are important for beginning the construction of one’s InnerVerse (Inner Space). We will begin the discussion with a brief introduction of the InnerVerse, explaining clearly what is meant by this new term.
- an unexplored mental universe that is rarely tapped into or explored
- an environment within each individual that is innately timeless and space-less and where constructs are then built by the person that represent his/her framework of rules and values loves and hates.
- the location of a portion of the person’s Soul and Spirits.
- an energetic field of personal consciousness that is normally open but can be developed as a closed system.
Thus is the InnerVerse is where we store our mental tools of construction and where we build ourselves. The totality of the physical and spiritual systems that was created from our primordial germ and has been cultivated by every waking and non-waking experience. It includes any and all of our neurosis, psychosis, miasmas and schisms. It is made up of seven portions that contains seven types of matter that begins with the gross physical matter and completes with the subtle atoms and subatomic particles of essence.
As was mentioned in the article “The Grades of Humanity ” a layer of the InnerVerse is contains the animal instinctive mind, and of course there is the energetic layer, the intellectual layer, and the Spiritual Mind.
So then, the understanding and control over the InnerVerse will create the healthiest OuterVerse for the individual. This understanding is the purpose of our program. Through your learning what your InnerVerse is, its composition, and functions you will be able then to control virtually every element outside of your life. It is not difficult, but it takes time and energy. You must be willing to examine yourself at the very microlevels and be willing to make some changes. Keep in mind that everyone that does not learn how to control their being, will be controlled by someone, or something else. And we guarantee you it will not be a very pleasant experience. There is a “karma” involved in “being responsible for someone else”, regardless of whether the relationship is positive or negative. People have a mind and a brain that allows them the ability to sort, analyze, and create solutions for their unique and individual set of circumstances. There is no one else who knows “you” inside and out like you know yourself. Anyone who doesn’t use you in your way, sets themselves up for future failure, and you will be held accountable for not looking after yourself. That is just the law. It is the Law of Self-Sovereignty. (See article entitled ”
The 911 incident within the United States, and the Global Financial Crises of 2008, were followed by a wave of financial, technological, and mental collapse has caused an explosion in the negative human condition. The cause of all problems is always within the mind and is due to “wrong” thinking, or the absence of thoughts required to perform right actions.
Positive Right Actions of the Individual
Our global societies demands high standards of life. People need places to live, self-expression in all areas of life. They need a comfortable home that represents who and what they are, quality education directed not only to teach the students, but assist them with the skills and resources necessary to analyze and then direct their energies into discovering first their unique purpose in life and then how to use the resources to create positive opportunities to fulfil their unique function. Each individual needs to fulfill that “their” Thelema or “Opus Magnus” not only for themselves and their own personal fulfilment, but for the safety and security of humanity as a whole, for when the individual finds their unique piece of the puzzle, then they can discover exactly where they belong which is where Nature intended them to be. The choice has nothing to do with Society, it has to do with the Soul/Spirit of the Individual.
The only way this is accomplished is through the use of the individual power of the mind. In developing this power it doesn’t mean that you are to use your mind to bully others. No! You are to use your mind and your will to first create inner harmony with yourself, and then extrude this inner self out through the Outer world or as we call it the OuterVerse.
The Laws that we will address today are the following:
- The Law of Mental Attraction
- The Law of Atomic Affinity
- The Law of Repetition
- The Law of Harmonious Adjustment
- The Law of Time
Let’s start first with the Law of Mental Attraction and then move through the rest as they intersect and interlock with one another.
The Law of Mental Attraction
The Law of Mental Attraction is a law of mind. It is represented by the elements of thought, electrons, waves and the concepts of magnetism, conservation and least resistance. The law states that the mind, when it is in operation, functions to create thoughts that are forces that causes a push or pull action upon nature within the surroundings. Every substance physical and non-physical contains which can be acted upon with the thought currents of the mind. The waves create a magnetic force which then attracts or repels substances which then either meet its requirements or do not meet its requirements. Substances that are not desired or needed are repelled only if it has not acquired sufficient force to resist. If it contains enough force to remain, the mind will need to either request that a physical body physically remove the element or the mind will need to level up and demand more support to remove the unwanted energy on itself. Controlling Your InnerVerse – Psionic Circles
Once the mind has created a thought form which has attracted all of the vital forces, the building process starts. See article entitled “Controlling Your InnerVerse” for the process of building. Once again as we mentioned in the previous article the Law of Causality is in affect along with the Law of Motion which moves the substance to the next law that is the Law of Atomic Affinity.
Law of Atomic Affinity
The Law of Atomic Affinity specifically works within the the atom itself. The electrons operate within specific discrete shells of energy. They drive one another through circuits as current. The affinity of the electron may easily an atom and accepts electrons based upon known Laws of Chemistry. The laws of chemistry define electron affinity and electronegativity. It is responsible for a increase in the growth of a object from subatomic particle to substance of matter or a decrease to subatomic particles.
So then this action is what is responsible for the building of any object from the chair that we sit upon to the largest galaxy.
The Law of Repetition
The Law of Repetition is fairly straight forward. Simply put it is the governing force behind why one repeats an action and it includes the reason behind repeated action of other substances as well. Therefore, repeating the behavior at any level micro or macro makes the actions more powerful. If the action is a thought or suggestion, which is repeated, then it creates less opposition to successive suggestions. The reinforced action or idea creates stronger neural pathways in the brain of the person, and the intellect of the substance, as everything that exists has a central intelligence of some sort.
An example would be a small child asking their parent for a toy that they have view on television. Initially the parent says “no” to the child’s request, however, each time the child requests the toy, the parent unconsciously receives the request, which starts to question the why the child wants the toy so bad, and more importantly questions themselves why they are declining to give the child with the object of their desire. Eventually, the child wears the parent out, and the child will get the toy as a gift, birthday, Christmas, or just for being good. The child has used the Law of Repetition.
Salesmen also use this law when marketing their products or services to clients. Prospecting statistics suggests that it takes to eight touches to qualify a lead through the lead nurturing process, which gives the marketer the opportunity to educate and inform prospects through the buying journey.
So, then we now have a better understanding of the Law of Repetition, now let’s move on to the The Law of Harmonious Adjustment.
“Will other systems and surrounds within the environment continue to be unsettled or will they be able to realign and find a place of balance that supports their most perfect existence.”
The Law of Harmonious Adjustment
As the thought form continues to build through mental attraction, causality, atomic affinity, and repetition, the growing energy is learning that not everything that it attracts, even though the growth is part of the desire, is something that is harmonious and works for the cause. In order for the form to grow into the best version of itself the the intended purpose it must use the Law of Harmonious Adjustment. This law selects moral channels in which to determine which growths and development will have lasting, sustainable results. It therefore analyzes symmetry, and goodness in physical, emotional, and mental planes. Then it weighs and measures its assessment results against Universal harmony. The question is “Will other systems and surrounds within the environment continue to be unsettled or will they be able to realign and find a place of balance that supports their most perfect existence.” For nature is always striving for balance in its resources for all of the inhabitants on Earth. A discordant wound harms not only the individual that creates the discord, but everything within the system this is evidenced by the Butterfly Effect.
The butterfly effect is part of chaos theory, and it states that there is a sensitivity dependence on initial conditions (causality) in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. It has since been used as a broad term for any situation where a small change is supposed to be the cause of larger consequences which includes weather, quantum mechanics and many other areas of science and psychology.
It was recognized by French mathematician and engineer Henri Poincaré. American mathematician and philosopher Norbert Wiener also contributed to this theory. Edward Lorenz placed the concept of instability of the Earth’s atmosphere onto a quantitative base and linked the concept of instability to the properties of large classes of dynamic systems which are undergoing nonlinear dynamics and deterministic chaos. He noted that a very small change in initial conditions would create a significantly different outcome.
So then the key is that the discordant system is always trying to either correct itself within the laws of the Universe so as to continue to live, or determines that it is no longer viable within the surroundings and seeks to give its energy back to the Source. This means that it relinquishes its atoms back to the Universe and chooses Death. This brings us to the final law that we will talk about today and that is the Law of Time.
The Law of Time
“Who owns your time owns your mind; own your own time and know your own mind.” ~ Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan
The Law of Time governs everything in the time-space portion of the universe that is the environment of matter. As such it is also known as the Law of space and time. This is due to the notion that space creates the notion of time. When we create space we create time and when we use time we roll-out space. So then our spacetime thoughts are resourced from the five biomes in nature as extensions and expansions of life. It includes nonphysical fields that also exist within its field. Thought forms build in both in time and in space. They start within nonphysical realms and then extrude out to the physical.
The Law of time distinguishes between two types of time sequence perceptions. The first is the natural timing frequency that governs the universal order. Examples of this time is seen as the rotation of the Earth, and its orbit causing seasons and day and night. The Second is the perception of time that is subjective in its nature. Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity special and general makes suggestions as to the understanding of this perception of time.
In this article we will not go into too much detail about Einstein’s theories of relativity other than to say that he introduced the concepts of spacetime as a means of creating an even playing field as the unified entity of space and time. Within that framework he uses relativity of simultaneity, kinematic and gravitational time dilation, and length contraction. When he describes relativity he applies symmetry within the natural law. This means that these laws must be the same to one observer as they do the next. The Law of conservation is implied as energy. For our example of the building thoughtform this means that the thought builds within the spacetime along specific guidelines or gridlines. This then is the matrix. Again more on this topic within the forthcoming course.
To conclude spacetime has no end as the universe is ever expanding. Thought forms and their physical and energetic constructs, however may not continue to extend. Anyone of the above laws may become the limiting factor. Once the limits have been reached, it is possible that system will either continue its function, or may terminate. Purpose drives the life of the thought form and its existence as a material/non material entity.
That concludes this week’s article on Controlling Your InnerVerse.
Next week we will continue with the final laws that must be understood in order to start to control your InnerVerse.
We leave you with these quiz questions.
A. Define these terms:
- The Law of Mental Attraction
- The Law of Atomic Affinity
- The Law of Repetition
- The Law of Harmonious Adjustment
- The Law of Time
- The Laws of Reality (physical)
- The Law of Causality
- Laws of Motion
B. Fill in the following sentences.
- The law of atomic affinity states that ________________________________________________________________.
- What are the two perceptions of time? __________________________ and __________________________.
- There are __ stages of manifestation.
- The key to your perfection is the ____________________________________.
- The Law of Manifestation require the _____________ the _______________ and the ______________.
- Who discovered the theories of Relativity? ___________________________.
- How many Laws of Motion are there and what are they? ________________________________________________.
- Define the Butterfly Effect? _____________________________________________________________________.
- How many biomes are there on Earth and what are they? _________________________________________________.
- Should humans have choice to follow their own personal path? _____________________________________________.
Thank you for Reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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