Seeing Auras is a simple skill that people have been born with or have learned. In this short course we explain what clairvoyance is and give you fun and easy exercises so that within a short period of time you…
Seeing Auras is a simple skill that people have been born with or have learned. In this short course we explain what clairvoyance is and give you fun and easy exercises so that within a short period of time you will be seeing the basic aura of colors and people.
Mini Course
Original Date: July 7 2021
Last Update: July 7 2021
It is easy to see and read the human aura, but to perfect the talent will take a little bit of time and practice. Most of us have an innate ability to notice small changes in and around the members of our family and our friends. And generally this skill is activated and enhanced as a protective system for the individual when they are challenged in new ways that they have not learned to control or manage. The development of any psychic ability requires the unique set of perceptions that includes its family of psychic talents including: clairaudience, telekinesis, and a host of other psychic perceptions. Each of the physical senses have a spiritual organ that it is associated with that which you cannot see, or feel except with highly technical equipment such as Kirlian photography, or electron microscopes.
Our talk outlines the basics of the psychic sense, Clairvoyance. And will outline a simple system of how to start seeing the human aura, and offer some basic exercises and a diary so that you can record your progress. We will start this discussion with the definition of Clairvoyance, then we will discuss its mechanisms for operation, ending with exercises to develop and enhance your ability to see using your higher senses.
/klɛərˈvɔɪəns/; from French clair- meaning “clear” and -voyance meaning “vision”)
- is the claimed ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.
- any person who is claimed to have such ability is said accordingly to be a clairvoyant
It falls under the category of Parapsychology and thus is the exploration of man’s ability to tap into other realms of possibilities with his sensory apparatus.
In history and religion
Throughout history, there have been numerous places and times in which people have claimed themselves or others to be clairvoyant. These people can be seen in all walks of life from normal individuals such as Joan of Arc to religious figures who include Saint Malachy to Seers Nostradamus.
Joan of Arc (1412 – 1431) was thought ot be able to see the future by her ability to predict her injury at Orleans and her capture by the English.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519), was an Italian polymath whose domains of interest included painting, invention, sculpting, architecture, science, music, literature, mathematics, engineering, anatomy, botany, geology, astronomy, writing, cartography, poetry and history. he playfully adopts the guise of a seer in his Prophecies, a series of mysterious texts found in his notebooks that stand as puns or jokes.
Nostradamus (1503-1566) was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published selections of accurate prophecies that have since become widely famously true.
In several religions, stories of certain individuals who trained to be clairvoyant or were naturally gifted in being able to see things that were far removed from their normal and immediate sensory perception are commonplace, especially within pagan religions where oracles were used. Prophecy often involved some degree of clairvoyance, especially when future events were predicted. In most of these cases, however, the ability to see things was attributed to a higher power and not thought of as an ability that lay within the person himself. The Greeks and Romans were renown for the temples where Priest and Priestess were gifted by their Gods and Goddesses with Clairvoyance as well as other amazing gifts..
A number of Christian saints were said to be able to see or know things that were far removed from their immediate sensory perception as a kind of gift from God, including Columba of Iona, Padre Pio and Anne Catherine Emmerich. Jesus Christ in the Gospels is also recorded as being able to know things that were far removed from his immediate human perception and he taught this to his disciples. In book of Corinthians the gifts of the spirit were outlined as coming from the Holy Spirit of God..
Jainism Religion
Jainism is a non-theistic religion founded in India in the 6th century BC by the Jina Vardhamana Mahavira as a reaction against the teachings of orthodox Brahmanism. It teaches salvation through self perfection during successive lives, and propounds non-injury to all living creatures. Many of its followers live as ascetics.
In the Jainism religion, clairvoyance is regarded as one of the five kinds of knowledge. Some people possess clairvoyance by birth. According to Jain text Sarvārthasiddhi, “this kind of knowledge has been called avadhi, (clairvoyance) is direct visual intuition which enables a person to know things or objects even at a distance of time or space, without their coming into contact with sense organs.
How Clairvoyance Works
With an understanding of the history of Clairvoyance and some famous individuals who had the gift we now turn our attention to the next part of the course which explains how clairvoyance works.
The Mechanics
As we mentioned earlier clairvoyance is the ability to seeing in different dimensions through extension of our physical eyes into our spiritual eyes. Our physical sight is created when light is recorded by touch or feelings of the light-waves which strikes the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye), special cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the brain. Then the brain turns the signals into the images you see.
The psychic eyes or spiritual vision are used first by the Soul, and later by the evolved Personality complex (coordinated interactions of the Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies). In our world when a person that is consistently joyful and happy, there is no reason to perceive any more than the physical plane. The brain of the human has been hard-wired to see only that which makes it stable and balanced.
However, if the person is consistently under stress or danger, then it is the perceptions of the Soul which shift into gear to assist the individual to cope with and to overcome the challenge with the new perception and way of looking at the problem. It is at this deeper level of consciousness that the spiritual organs or tools evolve and the root is generally necessity.
When the physical senses become so entangled that the consciousness of the mind starts to fail and the person starts experiencing intense fear and pain, there is a sort of paralysis that follows which triggers the fight, or flight mechanism. If the individual cannot leave or escape the situation, such as when the person is living with horrible parents, friends, workplaces, then the problem is given to the ego, also called Soul, and spark of God, which then activates. The human Soul is the real Knower, who had been already aware of the problem, but giving the Personality an opportunity to seek its own solutions. Once again, it is only when the problem is dyer, will the Soul activate and build new tools of awareness. It develops the organs from its multiple dimension perspective and then triggers more whole brain system engagement extending and using the organs and their perceptions to receive and send types of messages to unveil and resolve the physical world problems from a spiritual perspective. Therefore, the Soul is reached and its resources are used to relieve the problem and pain of the individual. The resolution is aptly explained in a quote from Lev Grossman’s, “The Magicians” Season 1 Episode 2, stated by Eliot, as a truism. “Magic doesn’t come from talent, it comes from pain.”
Magic comes from Pain.
Pain however, is not the only cause of clairvoyance. As we mentioned in the beginning one can train and practice exercises in order to cultivate the Soul vision. And many modern day spiritualist and adventurers have become quite competent in practice and teaching. We have many systems to thank for our studies some of which are philosophical, others are scientifically based. The system that we will be outlining is a pleasant blend of both.
How to Become Clairvoyant
In this next section we will outline a program of how to train yourself to see without needing the stress and pain as a catalyst. It will require approximately 10 minutes per day and you can do this all at once or you can break your practice into segments. As you will be using your eyes it is not recommended that you apply too much stain. Just relax and allow the process to unfold. You can imagine clairvoyance like a flower that gently unfolds as you connect to your soul’s energy and organs. And just as you cannot rush the blossoming of a rose, it is also true that you can’t force your soul to open.
There are two exercises that are provided to assist you to develop the rods and the cones of your eyes. These are Depth Exercise and the Color Ball Exercise
The First Exercise Depth Perception
In this exercise will will develop your depth perception. You will need a white sheet of paper with a black ball inside. This has been provided for you to use either online or you may download the png. They has been provided for you to use either online or you may download the png.
Resource Pack Please download below
a. Clairvoyance Tracker (docx)
b. Depth Perception Sheet (Black Circle)
c. Colored Sheets (click on Each Color!!!):
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
- Place the Depth Perception sheet in front of you at a distance of three meters.
- Stare at the center ball for a couple seconds. (If your eyes get fatigued remove your glance and relax them by cupping your hands over your eyes.)
- Move your eyes around the circumference of the circle a couple of times and then move your eyes back to the center.
- Next move your eyes to the center and then out to the sides. As you stare at the ball imagine yourself entering the ball for a few seconds, and then extract yourself from it while moving your eyes out to the edges.
As you perform this exercise you should experience the expansion and contraction sensation at the edges of your eyes. It should not be unpleasant or straining. At some point you should experience an aftermath shadow around the black ball that is sort of like a halo. Again only practice this exercise 1 – 2 minutes and make sure that you do not encourage eye strain. Record your experiences.
The Second Exercise Colored Balls
In this exercise will will develop your frequency perception. You will need a white sheets of paper with a colored balls Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet inside. They has been provided for you to use either online or you may download the png. They are found in the Resource Pack above.
- In this exercise you will do the same as in the depth exercise above except that you will be looking at the colored balls. The Order is Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet
- Select the first color Red and place the Color Ball Sheet in front of you at a distance of three meters.
- Stare at the center ball for a couple seconds. (If your eyes get fatigued remove your glance and relax them by cupping your hands over your eyes.)
- Move your eyes around the circumference of the circle a couple of times and then move your eyes back to the center.
- Next move your eyes to the center and then out to the sides as to do so image yourself entering the ball and extract yourself from it while moving your eyes out to the edges.
- Please spend 2 – 3 minutes total for this exercise and remember do not strain your eyes.
As you perform this exercise you should experience the expansion and contraction sensation at the edges of your eyes. There should not be unpleasantness or straining. At some point you should experience an aftermath shadow around each of the colors ball that is sort of like a halo. The color you perceive as an aftermath should not be the same color of the ball. Record your experiences.
Again only practice this exercise 2 – 3 minutes and make sure that you do not encourage eye strain.
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
Posted by admin
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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