Last Update: December 22, 2021 Introduction So, most of you have probably read the information on Grades of Humanity and Initiation Defined If you, haven't it is strongly suggested. On the subject of Initiation, it is part and parcel with…
Last Update: December 22, 2021
So, most of you have probably read the information on Grades of Humanity and Initiation Defined If you, haven't it is strongly suggested. On the subject of Initiation, it is part and parcel with the subject of Grades. The Initiations defines the lessons and the growth, which is likely to occur, and the Grades marks the conclusion of the initiations. What wasn't added to the article is the importance of the Grades or their relevance outside of just general understanding. The importance is of great significance to some people and not important to others. However, all manner of beings go through Grades and Initiations and this includes all Kingdoms in Nature, from the most elemental Mineral Kingdom through human onwards to spiritual.
As such it is very important for all humans to know their grades and where on the evolutionary ladder they are located. And to say that it is also of grave important to know the grade of your friends, associates, and business colleagues is an understatement. The Grade of your City State and Country is also important and should be a factor. As your associations will either cause you to succeed in life or cause you to fail. And since success is the main reason, you are on the planet, success is of great concern for the intelligent and evolving person of our modern world.
There are a great number of people who do not desire success. It is very easy to find a person who doesn't care about themselves or anything else. These people certainly have not undergone very high initiations and grades. It is not a falsity that humans have a specific purpose for being on the Earth and that their continuation is contingent upon them proceeding in an evolutionary manner. Failure of “correct" and "positive" evolution may have been the cause of previous ice ages, the deluge floods, potential asteroid and comet collisions, volcanic desolation, and a host of other violent natural disasters. There is and always have been a Great Plan set out, first for the planet, and secondly for the higher sentient beings that are the current controllers of Earth. At this time, it is Homo sapiens. So, let us take a look at the Initiations and briefly define the themes. In this introduction, we will attempt to make the information as pertinent and relevant as possible.
Let us assume that you understand the concept of initiation. Now, what should you do?
In this program we will take each person on their personal evolutionary and initiation journey. This means that we will be admitting you into a special program where you will be held responsible for the following:
- Full participation into the program.
- Embark upon the system of self improvement.
- Be open to assessment of self improvements.
- Be willing to grow as a human and an quantum being.
- Be open to rewards ceremonies for each of your accomplishments.
- Have as much fun as possible.
The process will entail a series of action or processes that are simple as instructions open your awareness on the physical, emotional, and mental levels. In addition, you will develop on the Soul/Spirit levels as your purify your intent and self on multiple planes and dimensions.
The system is a number of rites, and ceremonies, that you can do to condition you. Don't worry it not "evil", on the contrary it is healthy and wholesome. The actions are important, they are uniform for all of inducted. You may shine at one or all levels. But it doesn't matter. This is your personal journey and no one will know but you.
The Levels
In our program there are 12 levels that are a Cosmic Grading System. There are a number of projects and tasks that each person must do. They can not be performed in a group or more than one as some things such as initiation must be performed by oneself. It is an interesting fact that many people have completely different personalities when they are in a group, compared to when they are on their own. Initiation is about you training yourself to become the best version of yourself.
We also ask that you maintain the following:
To Will, To Do, To Be Silent.
There are more rules or conventions that we ask of you. If you are able to maintain discipline, we guarantee you an amazing transformation.
Initiation Rules
Initiation marks the beginning of a new phase in a person's life. As was stated earlier, it corresponds with a grading system. The rules for initiation are very simple. You must complete the units of study with a given minimal effectiveness and efficiency (marks) in order to proceed up the ladder. The lessons include the following general lessons of study:
- You learn how to take care of your physical body.
- You learn how to manage your emotional body.
- You develop a mental body.
- You develop your mental body and use it to access your Soul (spirit bodies)
- You survive by developing your Soul and Spirit and contribute constructive in your Soul Group.
Now within these core lessons you must also learn to work congenially within the planet as you discover and obtain your Core Purpose (Thelema and the fulfillment of your part of the Great Plan) in life. As you develop further skills you will gain many powers from your Soul/Spirit complex that will make your lessons easier. As you gain these powers you must not cause harm to others to gain the things you desire or need.
If you can do this, you will move quickly and swiftly through your initiations.
So, in essence, that is initiation in a box. It is a Plan of unfolding 'You as a human being' to function within the confines of Planet Earth to accomplish the things that you need to evolve and contribute intelligently to the growth and evolution of your Soul Group and the planet. You are only responsible for assisting your Soul Group, and part of your lessons include the understanding of who is in your group and what is not included.
What If I Fail?
Rules are meant to protect people and enforce personal rights. They are a necessary construct in every endeavor in life. Everything has a set of rules. Your body for example has a set of rules for compliance. The rules are simple. Eat well, sleep well, drink plenty of water, exercise at least moderately, and keep good company. Failure to comply with these five simple rules will cheat the body, causing it to make substitutes for the missing elements and leads to disease and eventual death, if the behavior is continued. The bottom line... Rules are important.
The Duration
Initiation is a difficult to predict how long it will take to move through the 12 month program. It is highly personal and self directed. On a monthly basis we will have an Initiation Ceremony for the participants that have completed each level. They will be held of the 15th of each month at 8:00 pm. There is no physical attendance required. Each person will be required to sit in their sacred space (somewhere in your home) and take initiation posture. Don't worry, we won't require that you stand on your head. lol. The Initiation ceremony will last only for 10 - 15 minutes. Typically, long enough for me to call out each person's name who has completed the grade.
The Contribution
Sign up here to get started. When you do you will receive a link to a payment gateway. The cost of the program is $10.00 per week and you may quit at any time. Just give us notice of 3 days.
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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