Psionic Circles Stage
Message to the Masses
Message to the Masses

We are all on our evolutionary path.  Some of us are moving in the South Direction.  Some are moving in the Northern Direction.  But regardless of  the course that one is moving and we need to be wary of those…

We are all on our evolutionary path.  Some of us are moving in the South Direction.  Some are moving in the Northern Direction.  But regardless of  the course that one is moving and we need to be wary of those who would fill our minds with glamour and illusion.  (Glamour: the products of total of ignorance, and the seven deadly sins see 7 Sins.) The Astral planes of the South has a new director and teacher.  And it is a teacher of deception and ill-advise.  (See the article on the Astral Planes) Seek worthy advise that which gives you strong conscience and also satisfies your intellect emotions and physicality in prolonging its existence.  For we human beings were not made to be slaves to anyone but to rise in our own self directed and sovereign evolutionary path knowing that the person that you do not touch but were supposed to is at a loss.  For you are the best person for the job as decided from a time before you were born in a sacred contract between your true self and the beings that are absolute controllers.  Whoever they may be.

Now You Will Remember that as you originally descended into matter you gathered information and intelligence from the environment as much as you could attract based upon your level of growth and past/current evolutionary station.  You moved through minerals, plants, and animals, up to human kingdom, and when your time is right you will move through spiritual levels as well.   Do not be confused as the the logistics of consumption.  For consumption has always been the way of all matter of beings, from the rock up through angels and divinity.  Regarding living on the physical life, it is your choice whether you should be in the gross physical form at that point.  That is a matter of morality, ethics, and virtue.  This is also called Dharma and Karma.  These are terms that have been used for over ten thousand years.  They mean work/duty and the outcome and result of ones work as a reverberation, feedback loop.   For that which is virtuous and creates a positive vibration need not leave and this is a covenant that was set into place eons ago.
We are alike in that we have free-will.  This will represents the potential of perfect power, perfect unity, perfect sovereignty at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels of those of higher honor and virtue.    With the free-will, power, unity and sovereignty is the “duty to fail to make mistakes”, as each mistake opens the door for something dark to enter.  That darkness includes suffering, sorry, and physical death.  Remember, there are only two Sentries; the Soul and the Spirit.  The Mind is the security guard of the Soul, and the Spiri9tual Mind is the sentry for the Spirit.  But don’t believe unless you have direct experience.  For those who can hear, feel, and see, the truth is there.

The Florida Building Collapse was an amazing tragedy.  They are looking for the root causes, but, we believe that many already know and have the answers.  We send our prayers to those who know any of the victims.  May light always be on your Path.



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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire



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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.

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