Original Date: August 9, 2021 Updated: August 9, 2021 Introduction We live in a very understanding society. It is a society where you hear many times, “well, you are only human”, “well, I’m not perfect, we all make…
Original Date: August 9, 2021
Updated: August 9, 2021
We live in a very understanding society. It is a society where you hear many times, “well, you are only human”, “well, I’m not perfect, we all make mistakes.” “We were all born of sin, and therefore, are not perfect. ” We are all sinners.” And a host of other sayings that excuse us for our failings. We are becoming a “my-bad” society. It was polled that the average adult will make over 800,000 decisions over their lifetime. Of those, they will regret close to 200,000 of them. It is also polled that the average person makes 30 judgements per day, more or less depending on occupation, family demands, and education. In terms of the number of mistakes that the person will make that is 7.5 mistakes per day. Each person may spend as much time as up to ten minutes per day determining which nodal axis they should take and pondering the consequence of possibilities. That is a lot of time absorbed daily in thought. And what is interesting is that some people like to be caught up in thoughts, thinking and deciding, while others avoid thinking and decision making all costs. Which is your preference?
As a Psion, we understand that people may fail to live up to their responsibilities, and they do make mistakes, but we also see the big picture, and can calculate what those accumulated mistakes will cause the individual, their family, their friends and society over time.
Calculating Mistakes
Let’s calculate the actual cost of mistakes as close as possible to accurate, and project that out not only as an opportunity cost for the individual but the lost of productivity inputs and faults in outputs. We will use the above statistics and will look at 800 000 decisions knowing that we on average will make errors in 25% of those decisions. So, that also means that of the 30 daily judgements we make, 7.5 will be erroneous. Now there are 7.8 billion people on the planet at this time, and we can assume that all of them will be making an average of 7.5 errors as well. Some may make more mistakes, and some may make less, but the average holds tight. This means that on average there are around 58,500,000,000 mistakes being made. Some of these mistakes will be minor, such as selecting the wrong way to get to work and it costing an extra 20 minutes of travel time. The individual gets to work ten minutes late or so. More major mistakes might be selecting the wrong partner to marry, having children with her, and going through years of pain and suffering fighting over the kids.
You might be able to live with your 7.5 errors per day, and maybe some of them are “livable” but let’s image that the world is one big closed system, where each mistakes create small disruptive waves that transmit outwards. These waves are able to move through all forms of matter, solids, liquids, and gases. An interesting about these ways is that they follow the laws of energy. One such law is the law of attraction which we all know as “like attracts like”. The Law of Attraction works in all states of matter, both those that you can see, as well as those that are invisible. All of the like waves collect and grow larger and then collect some more until they start to change the direction of physical matter, first the smaller particles and then much larger particles. The quality of those waves become like living things, and they start to form inorganic and organic subspecies.
If the energy wave was hostile as in “angry energy“, it will create representations of all of the kingdoms of nature that are angry, but are unknown to man at this time. This could equate to a huge problem. Your financial problems have an energetic wave counterpart, as does your relationship mistakes. Likewise, does your work problems, and your family problems, and every other known problem of mankind. Some people say that these live in the Astral plane and higher other planes. Higher does not mean that they are better, but means that the matter in which they are made is of finer grade of substance.
As you can see from this framework, mistakes do matter. A simple illustration of how they can grow can be seen in a simple doubling model. Let take a piece of energy. Lets look at one unit specifically. Now, we will not compound the energy, just simply double it. Energy actually compounds, as we saw in the above description, but let’s just double it daily, every 24 hours.
1 unit becomes 2 units after one day.
2 units becomes 4, becomes 8 in 3 days, and then 16, 32, and so on until it gets to a one to one relationship in numbers with the number of people on Earth. That occurs approximately between the 33rd day and the 34th day. And it doesn’t stop there. It continues until the number of angry units increase so as to engulf the entire planet, if left unchecked.
If you think about the major times of slavery throughout history, the building of the Pyramids of Giza, the building of the Great Wall of China, and any other monument that required slave labor, violation of human rights and human will, there has been great suffering due to the discordant and revenant vibrations created in the world. How does a wave cause change in the world?
Life Changes from Sulfur-based to Oxygen Based Atmosphere
We tend to take oxygen for granted. We say that it is one of the “freebies” of life. They can’t charge you for breathing! But Life actually does change you in energy for the privilege of breathing, but that subject is for another day, back to oxygen. It is element number 8 on the Periodic Table of Elements. And like I said it appears to be free, plentiful and life-giving. But, the truth of the matter is that during the Archean eon more primitive microbes lived the anaerobically, that is without oxygen. These ancient organisms and their “extremophile” descendants today thrived on an Earth that was totally devoid of oxygen. Instead they used sulfate for their energy needs. 2.5 billion years ago…. But roughly 2.45 billion years ago, the isotopic ratio of sulfur transformed,
What started as a few oxygen producing microbes (cyanobacteria) became plentiful within 0.30 billion years of time, competing with and eventually displacing the existing sulfur producing organisms. This change was significant in the history of all air breathing creatures on the planet. And it wasn’t for another billion years before the rise in oxygen was enough for animals to evolve and live.
Some would argue that the ancestors of the extremophile had bad luck. They lost control over Earth. Others would say it was manifest destiny. The God’s will that Oxygenators would be the dominate species. The bottom line is that Oxygen Won!
So What Does this Teach Us?
Mistakes Count! They mean the difference between success and failure, life and death. So then, what can we do to minimize the number of mistakes that each of us make. The answer is straight forward and simple. We as individuals need to control our impulses, and think our way through life first, and then apply the heart to ensure that it meets ethical and moral considerations. Count the number of mistakes that you make daily. Ask yourself constantly, “what should I have done?” and then imagine yourself performing the action that you should have done. Why should you imagine yourself retracing your steps and correcting your mistakes? Because it teaches you on a conscious level to correct the errors of the past. It lets your subconscious know that “correct actions” are important. We can almost guarantee you that the number of mistakes that you make daily will significantly drop. Imagine not making any mistakes. 😎
As a Psion we train people to look at life very differently. We teach people to view systems instead of incidents. An example is the bouncing of a ball. We know that if we throw a racket ball down on the ground it will bounce at a certain height given the amount of force that is applied. We also know that the surface plays a big role in how the ball bounces. Most people just throw the ball down and don’t pay attention on the environment. Well, the environment is equally as important as the actions of playing the game. We teach you to stack life more in your favor by looking at things from all angles and planning ahead. If you are the type of person that needs to do things spontaneously, then plan specific activities where you can go to town with spontaneity. But, discipline yourself to do the most important things, almost as though you are in meditation. Then you are using whole thinking systems.
Well, thanks for reading.
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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