Psionic Circles Stage
  • Psionic Circles | What is Psionics? Part 2
    Psionics is a special term that simply means the study of the practical use of psychic power.  It is viewed as paranormal phenomena with origin and application of electronics and physics. The term comes from psi ('psyche') and the -onics from electronics (machine). It is closely related to the field of radionics.  So  psionics is deeply enmeshed with the application of electronics.  
  • Monday | What is Psionics?
    There is No Limitless Pill, It is a Limitless Practice If you blended True Mind (Psychology) + Technology (Engineering, Architecture, Music, Pure Science), you get a dynamic system of self-development that was initially created by the ancient peoples of Egypt, Asia, and India. Psionics is then the applied studies of Technology with the human mind.  It is the system that will take you through all of you initiations, and multiple evolutions that the average human could only dream about.  It is the link that ensures that the individual is exceptionally healthy, happy, and is following their true path in employment, relationships, and life events.  It is the True Limitless Pill. Today is the first day of our Monday through Friday program.  Tell your family, and tell you friends.    
Tools to Steer Your Life

2019 – 2023 Copyright Psionic Circles

Counselling and Advisory

Are you needing to speak with someone regarding your life and directions?  We can help.  Our trained counselors are waiting for your call.

  1.  Relationships
  2.  Personal Problems
  3.  Career Pathways
  4.  General Direction
  5.  Reality Adjustment
Psionic Products We Sell

Do you want to try and practice with the tools of Psionics?  Here are some of the products we sell to the general public.

Every item that we sell has be selected and programed.  In addition all of our products come with instructions for their use.

Inception 2010 (What is Real?)

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