According to scientist Planet Earth is over 4.5 billion years old. In its beginning it consisted of a multitude oi gases and dust particles and particles. Initially these particles bonded through electrostatic forces. The next phase Last Updated: July…
According to scientist Planet Earth is over 4.5 billion years old. In its beginning it consisted of a multitude oi gases and dust particles and particles. Initially these particles bonded through electrostatic forces. The next phase
Last Updated: July 30 2021
Introduction to Rocks and Crystals
In the Beginning…
Our sun and earth had very similar beginnings. The sun started out as a vast array of gaseous and particles. These particles formed elemental hydrogen. Then within the sun countless collisions occurred between hydrogen atoms creating all of the elements of the periodic table of elements, along with the sun’s gigantic mass. The Earth, origin, similar to the sun started as a swirl of gases and particles colliding with one another and growing in mass to form much larger particles. Then due to the disparity of these masses, eventuated as gravitational forces, forming elements, minerals, rocks and crystals each rising and sinking according to the differences in densities and heat. They organized themselves in four distinct levels of strata throughout the Earth from the center out to the crust. The four main layers are the inner core of Earth, followed by the outer core, then the mantle, and finally the crust at the Earth’s surface.
Layers of Earth
As was mentioned there are four distinct layers of the Earth. The inner core which is made of the metals iron and nickel which is an exceedingly hot ball of molten rock. And so, as the heat pushed the molten rock outwards it quickly created and then moved the silicates, water, air and a host of other minerals to the exterior of the earth forming the next planet level, the mantle.
The mantle is made up of solid rock that is also extremely hot that is not completely molten. The heat generated from the mantle is the root cause of the movement, convection, occurring and is responsible for volcanic and seismic activity throughout the earth, at its surface and the exposed mantle on the ocean floor.
The final level of the earth is the crust, which is a cold, thin, brittle outer shell that is entirely composed of rock. There are two types of crust, the Oceanic crust and the Continental crust. The Oceanic crust is composed of magma that erupts on the seafloor creating basalt lava flows and igneous rock gabbro. It includes sediments, which are muds and the shells of tiny sea creatures, which coat the seafloor.
The second type of crust is the Continental crust which is made up of many combinations of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Much of the composition is granite, which is less dense than the other igneous rocks such as pyroxene and olivine located within the oceanic crust.
So, this is how rocks and crystal are formed in the earth. Within the four different levels of Earth there is full representation of the periodic table of elements in their mineral and composite forms.
The origin is very important because it holds important secrets of how the minerals, stones and crystal have acquired much of their energy and subsequent power. This energy can then be used by those who have knowledge and understanding of their systems. Let’s then move on to the energy of crystals.
(If you are interested in learning more about the Formation of the Earth, we are in the process of producing a unit on the Earth within the Psionics Circles Course.)
So, now that we a bit about the history of the minerals, crystals and rocks let’s look at the crystal power.
Crystals Have Power
The first kingdom in nature was the Mineral Kingdom. Their formation and beginnings started deep within the core of Earth producing particles and minerals that would be moved through the mantle, to finally end as minerals, rocks or crystals at the surface, or crust of the earth. This unique origin created their power. And it in within their unique structure and composition, we have an assortment of energies which include magnetism and electricity. The mineral kingdom is a very special kingdom on our planet for this every reason. And within every subsequent kingdom we find representatives of the mineral kingdom.
All the kingdoms that followed, i.e., plants, animals, and humans have the ability to create change within their environment and directly to anything that that they desire using this mineral energy. Crystals through their actions within the earth have the power and ability to not only change the structure and composition of the planet’s surface, but also create cataclysmic change at levels that the geniuses of our time would not be able to understand, forecast or control. The Crystals of Earth hold much power and many secrets.
Most people do not know that currently, there are over 4,000 minerals on the planet. Crystals and minerals have a life cycle as part of the Mineral kingdom, just as there is a life cycle for all organic beings. Each group of minerals goes through its own set of initiatory processes, just like members of the animal and human kingdoms in nature. And as they go through their processes, they can share more power and energy than those who have not undergone initiatory systems. As humans going through out own initiatory processes must know and learn how to use their energies properly and gain more power.
Humans Have Power
We have discussed briefly the power of the crystals to create change in the environment through their natural activities. All living organisms can create change not only on the planet surface, but also create cataclysmic changes at all physical and non-physical levels. Man is no different. Not only do humans have power within themselves to create personal change but also by using Nature of the Earth, they also have incredible power.
Crystal energy within a human being is very powerful. It amplifies, magnetises and one’s energy. The core source of a human’s power is always in the Soul and its ability to associate with stores of energy that can serve the higher good personally, and universally.
Humans are unique creatures in that when they are taught and properly trained, they can consciously use, direct and manipulate crystal energies to create major change in their lives. And with the help of crystals, we can create, maintain and develop a unified field of powerful human and crystals energy. This occurs when we tap into the secrets to use this amazing transformative power.
Crystals Have Secrets
Crystals have secrets. They are buried in the Earth; they are found at the park and the beach. We see them all around and yet are unaware of their force and energy. When we learn their secrets then we can tap into their energies. What are their secrets?
Who they are.
What they do.
How to use them.
How to we learn their secrets?
We learn the secrets through one of two means. The first is self-directed trial and effort. The second is through guided instructions. The next part of this article will give the reader a general understanding of crystals and basic guided instructions so that they can start to utilize some of the amazing abilities of the stones and crystals. It should set you on the “right path” for the proper use of crystals and stones to enhance, build, and protect yourself, to help you to create success in your daily life for yourself and your world.
The History of the Use of Crystals
It is thought that over 13,000 years ago there were two races of humans that lived on the Earth. They were the Lemurians and the Atlanteans. Atlantis and Lemuria were the two most highly civilized civilizations that had ever existed on Earth. Lemuria is said to have sunken by the movement of plate tectonics and continental drifts. Atlantis was said to have been sunken by natural disasters precipitated by technology. It is thought that the misuse of crystals and electromagnetic frequencies played a huge role in the destruction of their lives.
Since the Atlanteans and Lemurians virtually all societies have used minerals stones and crystals for growth management and control over their lives. These include the Egyptians, Asians, India, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and the Jews. An example of the use of crystals and stones is seen in the Bible passage: Exodus 28: 15 – 21 where Aaron is asked to make a breastplate in three rows and twelve stones that represented all of the tribes of Israel and it was to be worn in order to communicate with God. . And again, in Ezekiel 28:12-13 where it states “You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.13. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle (any red gemstone); and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings.”
So even after Atlantis and Lemuria there was a sacredness in the use of the stones, and crystals and stones are meant to cover humanity. It is said that they hold some of the Secrets of God, His Majesty, and His Power.
The Secret Power of Stones and Crystals
How Crystals and Stones Work
Everything on the planet has a Soul. You may disagree with this statement, but we ask that you to withhold your opinions for the duration of this article. We define Soul as that source, collection, and controller of intelligence and information of the “Life“. And everything communicates to one another through the mind of all Souls.
Evidence of this is seen in the synchronicities in all life, including that of humans. An example of this is the “instinct” of the organism, the “knowing” that there is food or safe dwellings in an environment that is new to the organism. In nature, there is a Law of Economy and the Law of Conservation of mass and energy, that forces all species to strive to conserve power and energy in all activities. Those “beings”, that waste their energy and violate these laws will not live long.
The Soul of the Crystal, then is the energetic composition and structure of the crystal that has a specific purpose and functions. This structure and functions, seeks to find the “right” environment to extend itself through associations and subsequent transformations. As the Soul grows in awareness and consciousness, it then evolves into the next higher level of awareness and consciousness which means greater gifts and responsibilities. When it communicates, it communicates through self to the higher levels of the not-self. The not-self is always like the current self-level, perhaps slightly higher or slightly lower, but there never more than 1 or 2 levels difference. In this way it maintains integrity and complies with the Law of Attraction. Failure to comply with the Law sets the Soul up for reduction and over time great loss. Loss always leads to greater loss.
So, then the Soul of the crystals has two primary forces that it presents through the lower form principle of the crystal. It gives the crystal an amazing power to store energy and information as well as the power to transmit energy. We see evidence of the use of quartz through the use of quartz watches.
In watches, crystals maintain a precise frequency standard (stable harmonics), which regulates the movement of a watch by the creation of an electronic oscillator which creates a very accurate timepiece. This technology is also found in radios, microprocessors, and other technological and industrial applications. Therefore when the proper intelligence is used with the quartz we can expect exceptionally powerful outcomes in our lives. Crystals are so accurate that they can be called “Computers of Nature“.
When we correctly give the crystals the program, it will carry out the operations with unfailing accuracy and consistency. There are keys to creating the correct program for the crystals that use colour, type, and other important keys. In the balance of this article, we will talk about the colour key and the type key giving examples and an exercise to try.
The Keys of Crystals and Stones
We will start with the colour key of crystals and stones and will explain how colour works, why it works, and give examples of how it works. and then will talk about the crystal type: explaining the types, how to the types are used, and then explaining how to select the correct type of crystal. Let’s begin with colour.
Colour is a universal language of all life. It communicates to everything through light and frequency. When we look at light, we are looking at the light that is reflected from the object into our eyes. The image of the colour communicates a message to the eyes, our body and our Soul. The message may be to move or rest, start and stop, and specifies the speed of movement. Although, speed in movement is more explicit when we communicate the property of frequency. Below you will find some of the characteristics of each of the primary colours and the shades of black and white.
Colour Symbology
Black: Power, sophistication, formality, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, underground, mourning, death.
Red: Excitement, energy, passion, will, desire, speed, heat, aggression, danger, fire, intense, blood, violence, war.
Orange: Consistent Energy, force, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, expansive, creativity, flamboyant, demanding of attention.
Yellow: Joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, sunshine, friendship, philosophy, cowardice, covetousness, illness.
Green: Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, renewal, vigor, youth, inexperience, fertility, jealousy, envy, misfortune.
Blue: Peace, tranquility, calm, cold stability, harmony, unity, trust, confidence, security, clean, sky, water, technology, depression,
Indigo: Integrity, knowledge, power, depth and seriousness.
Violet: Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance.
White: Reverence, purity, birth, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, innocence, sterility, winter, snow, death good, marriage.
How to Select Colour
Above you have read the qualities of the seven primary colours as well as the shades of black and white. When you are selecting a colour of the stone you are looking for the colours that contains the qualities that you want to acquire, or qualities that you are trying to dissolve within your life. For example: If you were a very shy person and needed more energy directed at the feeling of more confident, you would acquire a red or an orange stone. The red will give you more force of confidence in your life, in contrast to the orange which would encourage you more gently to be more self-expressive. Both colours are good for bringing more energy that combats your shyness, however they each have a different sort of characteristic energy force.
Crystal Type: The Second Key
As we mentioned above there are over 3000 minerals and there are 300 gemstones. Each of these stones have been created in different ways, different places, at different times. Thus, they each have slightly different personalities, even those of the same type. For example: Amethyst is a purple mineral crystal which has a specific structure and composition. Although it is purple, depending upon the exact location of where it is found and what minerals are around it, it may have mineral impurities within the Iron. Therefore, it may be found as light purple, purple, blue-purple, and reddish purple depending upon whether there are any other elements around the crystal while it was forming. You would interpret some of the colour analysis along with the base characteristic of the stones and crystals which we will be presenting to you shortly.
So, then each crystal and stone has based upon a specific structure which is fixed and composition which can have impurities, which give the stones tones of variations within their set structural personality. Below we will offer the 10 most popular stones and crystals and their characteristics.
They are:
Red Jasper: Aligns chakras, facilitates journeys, dream recall, quick thinking.
Tiger Eye: Protects against curses, teaches power, assists goal getting, aligns brain.
Citrine: Cleanser, warming and energizing, absorbs, transmits, grounds.
Aventurine: Cleanses, protection, enhances leadership qualities.
Lapis Lazuli: Opens intuitive eye, stimulates enlightenment, contact guardians
Amethyst: Protection, calms, cleansing, enhances memory, meditation, inner peace
Hematite: Protecting, grounding, harmonizing, balances the meridians.
Obsidian: Without Boundaries and limits, exposes flaws and weaknesses, revealer.
Pyrite: Protects, overcomes inertia and helps with planning, relieves anxiety.
Cloudy Quartz: Amplifier, absorbs, stores, releases, regulates energy, generates EM.
These crystals are easy to find and relatively inexpensive for those who would like to dabble and try the system. Now we will give you instructions on how to use the crystal type to create change. As was mentioned earlier, you may use both colour symbolism and stone type characteristics.
How to Use the Crystals for Manifestation Change
- Use the crystal type as the baseline. This represents the characteristics that you would like to bring into your life, taking heed of the colour of the stone.
- The crystal has a force of energy and the colour is the filter that narrows or tempers the energy. You will want to be fairly congruent. For example: Red Jasper aligns the chakras, facilitates journeys. If you were to acquire another colour of Jasper, as an example, a green jasper, it would not give you are forceful yield of energy, but a more mild and congenial journey and chakra alignment.
- Place the stone or crystal on the part of your body that is ailing or just hold the stone in your hands. Think about the change that you would like to have in your life, and sit in meditation with your crystal for as long as you can.
- The first time I used my stone, I was only able to hold it for 1 – 3 minutes before, I felt very uncomfortable. I removed it and then later tried again. Eventually, I extended the time to 5 minutes, and then ten minutes, and finally I was able to hold the stone for as long as I wanted.
- Remember, everyone is different and have different holes, tears, and other obstacles to their field of energy. Focus upon what is your personal truth.
If you are desiring more information on the transformative power of crystals, we ae in the process of creating a Course. It will be found in our Program.
Thank you for Reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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