Chemistry has always been called the “central science”. The knowledge of chemistry is important for virtually every function in the human body as well as all of the functions of matter in the universe. We use this information to create…
Chemistry has always been called the “central science”. The knowledge of chemistry is important for virtually every function in the human body as well as all of the functions of matter in the universe. We use this information to create and design using engineering principles that have stood the test of time.
Chemistry is the study of atoms and molecules and the transformations that they undergo during chemical reactions. It underpins both classical physics as well as quantum physics. The function of chemistry is to build, and destroy systems that are matter and those that are not whilst gaining energy and releasing energy. All life processes utilize these operations. Our purpose in Psionics is first to know that these processes exist, and then to utilize them in a constructive manner to make our life more successful. Learning these systems introduces the individual to one or more of three levels of work. The levels are the Builder, the Engineer, and the Architect. Each of these levels play a valuable function in each and every person’s life. The extent of proficiency within each person in each of these areas will indicate success and failure. Not only will the individual incur the debt or benefit of the results of their actions, but their progeny and the success or failure of their genetic tribe.
This purpose of this article is to briefly explain the role of the Chemical Engineer with the Psionic context. But before we go into the role of the Psionic Chemical Engineer, let us first discuss engineering, and its function and purpose in society.
The Engineer
Engineers, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost. They use variations of the ancient six basic tools and combine them in ways that produce the desired outcomes. The six basic tools (machines) are the Wedge, Screw, Lever, Pulley, Inclined plane, the wheel and axle.
Let us briefly explain each so that the Psion may start to understand how to use them in his own life for personal and work success. Let us begin with the Wedge.
Man’s First Machines
The Wedge
The wedge is a triangular tool or simple machine which is used to separate two objects or portions of an object, lift up an object, or hold an object in place. It functions by converting a force applied to its blunt end into forces perpendicular (normal) to its inclined surfaces. Psions use the wedge to separate.
The Screw
The screw is a mechanism that converts rotational motion to linear motion, and a torque (rotational force) to a linear force. It is useful in amplifying force via a small rotational force (torque) along the shaft that then may exert a larger axial force on a load. Psions use the screw to amplify force from vertical to horizontal planes.
The Lever
The lever consists of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum. Generally speaking the lever is able to rotating on a point anywhere along itself. Depending upon the location of the fulcrum, load and effort, the lever amplifies the input force and provides a greater output force, which is said to provide leverage. It is therefore considered a force multiplier. Psions use the lever to shift energy.
The pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft that is designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable or belt, or transfer of power between the shaft and cable or belt. It functions to move heavy weights. Psions use the pulley in indescribable ways.
Inclined Plane
The inclined plane (ramp), is a flat supporting surface tilted at an angle, with one end higher than the other, used as an aid for raising or lowering a load. Not only is the inclined planes used to raise or lower a load but it is also used move heavy loads over short vertical obstacles or distances. The amount of force required is less than lifting the object straight up. Psions use the inclined plane to move fields to different levels.
The Wheel and Axle
Last but not least is the wheel and the axle. The wheel is attached to a smaller axle in a way that allows the parts to rotate together transferring the force from one part to the other. It is seen as a type of lever but which divides the force into the two portions with the drive force applied tangentially to the perimeter of the wheel, and the load force applied simply to the axle. The fulcrum of the wheel is at the hinge. Psions use the wheel and axle to divide forces evenly over two dimensions.
Using this information as a foundation of the 6 simple tools used by engineers to solve problems, we can now proceed to the the chemical portion of the article. While we didn’t go into full detail with the use of these tools, suffice to say that in our knowledge and use of chemistry we will have an opportunity to use the important concepts and tools.
With that let’s move on to the Chemical Engineer.
Chemical Engineer
A chemical engineer is a professional who is equipped with the knowledge of chemical engineering principles. This requires advanced skills that not only involve knowledge of chemical substances that materials are made from but, must also know the properties and characteristics of chemistry and its transformations. Thus the chemical engineer is one who works predominately within the chemical industry.
Their role is to convert raw materials into desired products with the correct principles of health and safety. The chemical engineer must deal with the design and operation within the context of chemical plants and various types of equipment. They use their knowledge to develop practical applications; in the processes of human goods as well as new technology such as fuel cells, hydrogen power and nanotechnology and many other techs.
The chemical engineer may be concerned with chemical reaction engineering and separation processes. Their products include high-performance materials needed for aerospace, automotive, biomedical, electronic, environmental and military applications.
The Simple Machines (Tools) in Chemical Engineering
We discussed the simple tools above; the Wedge, Screw, Lever, Pulley, Inclined plane, and the wheel and axle and we shared generally basic ways that the Psion uses these tools. In chemical engineering these are also used. Their principles build machines that apply the principles and their function, along with the concepts used by the machines to direct forces to loads which may be molecular, atomic, or fundamental particles. The new Quantum physics sweeps into the realm of chemistry, and the modern chemical engineers may find themselves utilizing these simple tools to access, design and control energetic fields in a number of realms and build new structures.
Thank you for reading!
Last Update: November 7 2021
word count 1009
Page 22
Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
Posted by admin
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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