Our society has always admonished its citizens to be our best and to do the “right” thing for ourselves and for others. We have been warned about the problems of “wrong-doing” and its punishment. In this article we will discuss…
Our society has always admonished its citizens to be our best and to do the “right” thing for ourselves and for others. We have been warned about the problems of “wrong-doing” and its punishment. In this article we will discuss virtue from the themes of possession, planes of existence, continuity of life, and the hells.
The Ten Hells of Immorality
At Psionic Circles we always extol the benefits of virtue, growth, and evolution. So far, we haven’t discussed the wages of misdeed and the “hells” of the dark use of one’s body, mind, and energy field. Today we are going to discuss the dark side of energy, its processes, and transformations. In addition, we will look at the direction that this energy takes a person’s life and how it affects one’s power of control over themselves and others. Human beings are not scalar quantities, but vector entities. This means they not only have magnitude, but they also have directions. Every action is both a particle motion that has mass (magnitude), as well as a wave motion that is moving in a direction. In truth, our movements traverse the universe on both the tangible physical plane, as well as the other planes of existence, affecting more than ourselves and those we touch.
The purpose of this article is to share an understanding of the wages of immorality and how it effects a person in all their inner dimensions. These actions create one’s own inner dimensions in quality and quantity and also affects the person’s associations on all planes of existence.
Recently, I watched the movie “The Rite“, staring Anthony Hopkins as the Antagonist, and Colin O’Donoghue (protagonist) and Alice Braga (Leading role). Without spoiling the storyline and outcome, I will say that it was a great movie about a young man wrestling with whether, or not there was a God and a devil, and needing to reconcile within his own mind the meaning of his studies at Seminary School. The themes, as you would imagine were demonic possession (real or fantasy; psychological), what happens when we fall from Grace, is belief in God important, and the frailty of the human.
Throughout the movie, I was on the edge of my seat as the imagery was intense, real, and thought provoking. I certainly would give the movie a nine out of ten. The actors were very believable, and they certainly created a “field of invitation” for the audience. I found myself wondering what I would do in the same situations, and of course, I would have done something completely different, as I am a realist, and do not relish in “playing” with evil beings.
That being said, a case can be made for us to question, “if a person can become possessed?” and if so, “why would they become possessed?”. You can even ask, “what is possession?” So, let us start by making an assumption that a person can become possessed by something that is dark. But let us go back a step and ask the question “what is possession?”
1. the state of having, owning, or controlling something.
2. something that is owned or possessed
In the case of demonic possession or evil possessed:
3. being influenced or controlled by something such as an evil spirit, a evil passion, or an evil idea.
4. it is an unusual or altered state of consciousness and associated behaviors are caused by the control of a human mind or body by spirits, ghosts, demons, or gods.
Evidence of human possession ranges from change of voice or communication style, to behaving in a manner that is unhealthy for one, and includes acts of general self harm and/or afflicting harm to others. So, assuming that possession can occur, and it means a change of behavior within a person from “normal” and healthy to self afflicting harm and or harm to others, we can look at how person become possessed. Let’s start with an example. I go with a friend to a party where there are drugs and lots of heavy drinking. I don’t want to go, but my friend likes to party and this is his turn to chose where we go. We get to the party. I smell the pot in the air and see other people are lite up like a street light. I decide that this is not my scene and I turn to leave, however my friend tells me to just have a drink. Unfortunately the drink is laced with some sort of drug. I, of course, don’t know the drink has been tampered with and I innocently drink it. It is some sort of hallucinogenic drug and I find myself completely out of mental and physical control.
Initially, I care feeling violated as my mind leaves stronghold over my consciousness. As time passes my body seems to have a mind of its own. And after ten minutes, I lose all sensory and inhibition and I simply go with the flow.
I wake up eight hours later, feeling worst for wear, and at home. I can’t remember what I did, nor can I recall how I got home.
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I back tracked and discovered that I left a trail of chaos. The drugs and whatever else I did affected several aspects of my physical and psychological health. It controlled by body by causing drowsiness and slow breathing, while causing me to experience hallucinations, increased superman delusions which included; self confidence, paranoia and cravings. I had lucid memory recall at different points, however, I was unable to remember most of what I did.
That night, I was possessed by the spirits of illicit drugs and alcohol, a relatively harmless spirit possession. The drugs and alcohol impaired my ability to judge, and put me and my property in harm’s way. I was lucky, I woke up alive and not injured. I also avoided killing anyone. This type of spiritual possession is not the same as demonic possession, but there are similarities. The net is that something else held my mind and body enslaved so that I couldn’t control myself.
Interactions With the Spirit World
We live in a multi dimensional world where fields of energy and intelligences live, grow, and have their being. Virtually every area in our physical plane is inhabited by fields of energies that are either benevolent or antagonistic to humans. The most obvious example is a difference in the “feeling” between being inside a church, and the graveyard. The church is almost always found to be uplifting, sacred, sage and serene. In opposition, most graveyards have an aura, or mind field, that is eerie, still, and in many cases menacing. In essence, the graveyard is an environment that is possessed with the spirit of dead. One can argue that there aren’t any such thing as spirits, but we will make the assumption they are real and leave the debate for another article. The energy of the dead for most us is very disconcerting. Why?
The Spirit of the Dead and Possession by Death
If you look at a number line we have two directions of numbers. We have one set of numbers in the position direction from zero to infinity. And we have a set of numbers moving in the negative direction from the value zero to negative infinity. Anything that has tangible value is found as mass and magnitude on the positive direction. Everything that is energetic without mass is found in the negative direction. If we add positive values together we always get a sum as a positive number. Conversely, when we add negative values, we always get negative sums. When we have a large physical value of mass such as a human being, and we interject or add a spiritual value, one that is negative, there is a net loss of the physical. This mathematical model works precisely like this. The values changes when we use another operator, such as multiplication. Multiplication is a synergistic operator, and not like addition. And the modification of the spirit and matter equation when one uses multiplication is then the positive value is able to incorporate the spirit multiplicand with the multiplier. In this case you get interesting relationships between matter and spirit. Let’s now apply this to negative spirit energy.
Negative Energies
We don’t have to actually see negative energies in order to sense impending dangers. Why is this? The answer is because the vibrations of life have are missing, and the inhabitants of the graveyard are seeking energy to support their afterlife existence from the living. The average non-spiritual human can feel a negative attack as if it is pulling him or her away from themselves and can detect energetic vampiring, spirit possession, and psychic attack. The sensation is like adding a negative value to our sensory and feeling the change within our system.
This is why when we watch a movie and there is a scene where the actors walk through a graveyard, we naturally cringe and prepare for the worst knowing that the actors may not be in the next scene after the “ghost” attack. This is why the wise person is never seen alone in a graveyard, but in the company with friends or associates, who can balance the energy of death with healthy, vibrant life energy and protect one another from potential harm. It is actually the human version of the animal herd instinct. Multiplicity improves the odds of survival from attack.
So, if we are in an environment with a low field of energy there are two forces that is in operation. The Rules of Addition and the Principle of Osmosis States comes into affect. These principles states: when adding two numbers with unlike signs, subtract the values and use the sign of the larger-valued number and that water (energy) will flow from an area of lower solute concentration to one of higher solute concentration to achieve equilibrium so that the osmotic pressures are balanced within the two systems. Wisdom is avoiding places which have lower vibrations than you, especially people, places and things which will seek you only to steal your energy.
The Spirit World has Many Levels
So then, the spirit world is one of many worlds that interpenetrate our own world. We can sometimes see or feel the presences of the inhabitants, however, these planes are the homes of those that have the mind, bodies, and spirits to live in these zones. And as we mentioned earlier, they may be benevolent or harmful. Many of our indigenous cultures have environments that they avoid, and sacred places that they visit. The places that they avoid is due to the feel of the energy within that area. There are many reasons why the area may have a bad feeling.
They include:
1. Death of one or more people. When there is the death of one person, it attracts the same or like energy. This means that the area will attract more deaths.
2. Injury of people.
3. Immorality: a horrible deed has been committed and it causes the land to be negative or evil.
4. Curses: when a person declares using significant force that something horrible happen to repay for an infraction caused by someone.
5. Disputes: conflicts, especially occurring within a home, causes negative energy to build and contaminate an environment.
All of the above causes will make and environment less than hospitable and when the energy gets to a certain point, reaches critical mass, it grows organically and becomes more evil and acquires a consciousness and a self contained life. It learns to meet its needs by mind and its matter, whatever it has at its disposal. It may also form associations with like types of negative forms with then create mini societies and ecosystems. It then as a society grows, evolves, and is now an animal sort of being. During its evolution, it may also adopt new characteristics and properties to make it more competitive in its society. This is to be expected as all organisms organic and inorganic goes through the same processes.
The indigenous people know this and they have learnt to either appease the spirits that dwell in those places or avoid them entirely, placing markers to indicate that this land should not be travelled upon.
Sickness Within the Planes that Intercept The Spirit Worlds
As we mentioned the land may be tainted or cursed and have negative energy which attracts more deprecation and adversity. An interesting fact is that these areas are not only immersed at the physical level, but at all levels and dimensions above and below. An ancient Egyptian Table written by Hermes Trismegistus written in sixth and eighth centuries and translated into Latin in the twelfth century states:
“True, without falsehood, certain, most certain. What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like that which is above. To make the miracle of the one thing. And as all things were made from contemplation of one, so all things were born from one adaptation.”
This suggests that what ever you see at the lowest levels is also found on each of the other levels, but in their own form. This means the the nature or quality of the energy is always the same at each plane. Ancient wisdom teaches that there are three primary planes: the physical, the astral, and the mental. However, there are four additional planes after the primary. They are the Pranic Plane, the Instinctive Plane, the Intellectual Plane and the Spiritual Plane. Plato states that “the physical world is not really the ‘real’ world; instead, ultimate reality exists beyond our physical world. The Forms are abstract, perfect, unchanging concepts or ideals that transcend time and space; they exist in the Realm of Forms.” We believe that he was referring to the astral world and the mental world.
Therefore, each ecosystem is represented on each of the levels. Such that a sick plot of earth, that which is missing a balance of minerals, will have plants that are without those minerals, and the animals that live on the same piece of land will also be missing the minerals. Therefore, the plants reflect sickness, as does all of the organisms that reside there. Without the necessary minerals, you are likely to find aggression, competition, and dark forces tormenting the living. This environment needs to be healed, although it will take a lot of energy to transform it into health. Remember, it has reached critical mass where the nature of darkness is growing and protecting itself. Thus, the quality of energy on the physical plane, is the same nature and quality on the astral plane, and so on.
The Quality at the Physical Plane Reveals and Indicates the Next Existence
If you want to know where you will go when you pass on the plane you need only evaluate your life on the physical plane. Life is a continuum whereby when we are finished with our physical body, we turn it in for a new body, and we attract a body that is the same quality and nature as we possessed while on the physical plane. Therefore, a person that has lead a good and healthy life, and dies of old age and natural causes will in the Astral Plane possess a new body that is healthy and good energy. If the person leads an evil and corrupt life, they will be placed in the corresponding quality plane as they lived while on the planet. There are several models of the “Hell” Afterworld. The one that we will view today is the 10 Hells or Palaces of Hell. It is said that if the soul had acquired deeply entrenched “evil energy” during the previous incarnation, they would immediately begin the long painful process of refining and transforming this collected turbid energy into clear and pure energy. This was accomplished via the various courts of the Ten Hells.
All Actions Have Consequences
The Ten Hells of Retribution
The ten Hells were created as an assembly where souls are judged, and then serve their sentence according to the quality of energy they cultivated.
The First Place of Hell
The First Place of Hell is the place of judgement. The good are who have consistently performed benevolent deeds, will be protected and escorted pass the Hell Courts, over a Golden Bridge and brought into Paradise, while the evil are placed before a Mirror of Retribution which shows them each of the actions they performed while alive in the physical body. Then the individual will be sent to the various halls for punishment.
The Second Place of Hell
The Second Place of Hell is the first place of retribution.
It is created for crimes and punishments of people who have gossiped – these people are made to kneel on steel granules, and have their tongue pierced.
The people who have wickedness – are boiled in a cauldron, and disemboweled.
Other crimes for which there is great punishment is for kidnappers, deposit stealers, incompetent physicians and incompetent matchmakers. Their punishments’ are beatings and starvation, dropped in a volcano and made to swim in a river of lava, or subjected to extreme· cold depending on which crime they committed.
Those guilty of Corruption, Stealing, and Gambling, will be Frozen into blocks of ice and prostitutes will be drowned in blood.
The Third Place of Hell
The Third Place of Hell is for the following crimes:
Corruption and Greed – will be beaten.
Disobedience and Disrespect to Elders – Pierced ribs body grilled, your lungs, heart, liver, intestines and eyes torn out.
State Officials violating principles of integrity, or being unjust- Have your heart removed, knees crushed, and face scraped by a metal instrument.
Escaped prisoners – their heart will be dug out.
Drug addicts, drug traffickers, tomb robbers, and those who coerce others into crime and social unrest- they will be tied to a red hot copper pillar and grilled.
The Fourth Place of Hell
The Fourth Place of Hell
General Sins – Hurled into a torrential river, made to kneel on bamboo spikes, boiled in oil, head struck open.
Cheating or Evading Income Taxes – drowned under a heavy stone.
Stealing – Have your hands sawed off.
Breaking Promises – Having your lips split.
Violating the code of filial piety – Put under heavy slabs and boulders or squeezed in the middle of a grinder.
The Fifth Place of Hell
The Fifth Place of Hell
Cruelty to Animals and Friends. Here you will find unbelievers – rapists and seductive women, brigands and harlots, those who curse religious monks, those who ,set fire to brushwood on mountains, and those who don’t bury a dog or cat properly – Having your heart torn out with hooks or thrown onto protruding swords
Those who have plotted someone’ s death to get his property or money, or if they are a money lender charging exorbitant interest rates. They will be thrown onto a hill of knives.
The Sixth Place of Hell
The Sixth Place of Hell
This realm invites those individuals who have already been punished, but are still unrepentant, are punished further. This includes being punished for all crimes committed against any of the celestial deities, any of the “enlightened ones,” and for breaking any religious vow. Stealing from Temples and Committing Blasphemy – Made to kneel on iron nails, sawn in two, rushed under rollers, gnawed by rats. Killing Animals – Your body is chopped in half.
As well as hose that cheat, curse, or abduct others. Their punishment is to be thrown onto a tree of knives.
Those that are found guilty of the misuse of magic books, in possession of pornographic material, breaking “‘;:written rules and regulations, or wasting food, their body will be sawed into halves, either vertically or horizontally.
The Seventh Place of Hell
The Seventh Place of Hell
Rebelling against Authorities you will be torn apart by dogs. If you spreading False Rumors you will have your tongue pulled out. If you use drugs, or causing Quarrels you will be thrown into a pot of boiling water. If you drive someone to their death you will be thrown into boiling pot of oil.
Following the 7th Place of Hell there is another level that a person must go through. It is “The Terrace of Repentance.” where they are given a final opportunity to see and experience all of the damage that he or she has done to the family, friends, and business associates. Following this overview, the individual may then continue to progress through the Eighth Palace and Ninth Palace of Hell to be further punished for various crimes wherein they have not fully made amends.
The Eighth Place of Hell
The Eighth Place of Hell
For people who committing crimes against the laws of right conduct, or operating houses for immoral purposes they will be crushed under carriage wheels, sliced, disemboweled, struck by lightning, and having their tongues, arms and legs cut off. People who harm others to benefits one’s self they will experience dismemberment.
The Ninth Place of Hell
The Ninth Place of Hell
People who have smuggled, trafficked drugs, and committed arson they will be attacked by snakes, stung by bees, or tortured in boiling oil. For writing or painting erotic literature or scenes they will be flattened between two planks and havee their head crushed in an iron ring, skull steamed, bones scraped and tendons pulled out. There is also punishment for robbery, murder, or rape. They will have their head and arms chopped off and those who neglect the old and the young will be crushed under boulders.
The Tenth Place of Hell
The Tenth Place of Hell
After the individual has paid his karmic debt in the Underworld, he or she is then released. First, they are summoned to the Tenth Court, where the King decides the manner of their next incarnation. The King passes his final judgement and the individual goes into the “Wheel of Reincarnation” (also known as the “Wheel of Life”).
When the persons reincarnation has been decided, the individual is shown with his or her future reincarnation and then is brought to a “Pavilion of Forgetfulness” or
“Hell of Oblivion,” they are given a tea that makes them forget everything they have gone through.
So, those are the Ten Places of Hell. The purpose of sharing this information is to alert us all that all actions have consequences, and while it appears that we can do whatever we like without consequence, that is not reality. After going through the 7th Place of Hell, the person has an opportunity to reflect upon their past deeds and how it affected not only the person that was made victim, but also how it affects the family, friends, and business associates. The victim may not be able to accomplish their Soul’s purpose in life or their Opus Magnus. This means that all of the energy that went into their creation, the birth of their soul mates, associates and others, will have been wasted or lost. That is a massive amount of wasted energy. And energy is not inexhaustible or cheap. The numerous lives visible and invisible is huge.
Let’s now talk about society specifically, and how each person contributes to its growth, and harmony.
Society and the Individual’s Duty of Care
Our society projects a myriad of thoughts and feelings that are charged either positively or negatively. The feelings are projected out of the body and into the surrounding environment, attracting spiritual energies that mirror the prevailing energies. its not uncommon for a person who has constant thoughts of anger, frustration, animosity, envy, and gluttony to be attracted to areas that have the same quality of field of energy. People who are suicidal attract people, places, and things that support their current thoughts. Their fields of energy are charges with electrons that are tainted with like fields. They form a symbiosis where they both feed off the others energy, growing it to gigantic proportions. They operate as a functional unit, or more appropriately a dysfunctional unit. And as we mentioned earlier, this leads to the person to the exact same frequency in the afterworld.
The same process holds true for people who are criminals, corrupt, or are violent. The Soul that has been fed a constant diet of selfishness, greed, and any of the other 7 deadly sins, (see ) will find themselves in environments where the mind and nature of the people with their associated energies are devoted to evil an corruption. Some of the environments include brothels, bars, prisons, and a host of others that have extremely low vibrations because its denizens are like-minded.
If the person is unable to clear up their soul and spirit energy field, they will find themselves at death in the First Hell Place, and then in one or more of the 2 through 10. So it is important for the person to clear their energy fields while they are alive. And walk under the banner of virtue and honor.
Some people believe that in order to clear their energy they need to project the negative energy to another person, either to one who is also contaminated or someone who they view as “clear”. They may believe that the person they believe is clear has superior skills to process the negative, and while it may be true that the healthy person has better skills, it is a violation of the clear person’s personal rights to be the “garbage can” for other people’s energies. The reason for this is due to the fact that everyone has a duty of care to look out for themselves.
It is interesting that the notion of a doctor, nurse, health practitioner, who is trained to heal people has a duty of care to heal everyone. This notion is incorrect. If you go to a Generalist and request surgery, the GP may not have the skills to perform the delicate operation. Instead he/she refers you to specialist who has specialty skills. The GP may be able to give you general advice, but cannot do the work. In addition, the cost for a Specialist will need to be paid. We compensate people for their time and energy, because they don’t have a duty of care to fix a problem that they didn’t create. The same is true for any other practitioner. Everyone who works should get compensated for the risk, time, and energy. No one is held to the duty to perform work without compensation. This violates the natural law and order of life.
So then it is up to the person to manage themselves properly so that there is no need to assistance. And if they fail to keep themselves healthy they will have the duty of care to seek expert advice, self reflect to see how they went wrong, and then to resolve their problem through the right lifestyle changes. And exception can be made for spirit possession, where the person has been captured by some supernatural force. In this case if there is someone who has skills they may pay for services of removal or they may find the means to exorcise it themselves. Generally speaking adopting a more pure, spiritual approach to life will both prevent and cure the problem.
Thanks for Reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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