Creativity is the most important skill that a person can ever develop. A survey polled a number of people and found that 75% of the participants felt that they are not creative enough. Another poll given to CEOs regarding the qualities they…
Creativity is the most important skill that a person can ever develop. A survey polled a number of people and found that 75% of the participants felt that they are not creative enough. Another poll given to CEOs regarding the qualities they value most in their staff and 60% stated that creativity was the most important quality in leadership positions.
Creativity More Than the Spice of Life?
In our busy world where workplaces give you a number and not name creativity separates you from the masses. Is it really that important? Yes, we believe it is.! It is our belief, it is the most important quality a person may possess and it ranks nearly as high as discernment. And in this article we will define creativity, it’s function, and discuss why it is an important characteristic of a person, for the individual’s evolution, and that of society.
After we’ve discussed the virtues of creativity, we would love to hear your thoughts.
What is Creativity?
Let’s start by defining creativity.
1. the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.
2. is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible or a physical object.
3. a process of thought used by humans and animals.
So, as we can see, creativity is the use of the imagination to generate a new idea. The idea should be valuable, which is both useful and efficient. And finally the creation can be tangible or intangible. We learn that all animals possess this process of thought, including humans.
With this clear understanding of creativity, let’s discuss the function of creativity in human beings.
Who Benefits From Creativity?
Creativity as a characteristic has been found in nature since the dawn of time. The atoms and molecules of particles form characteristics that are then passed on to the organic and inorganic organisms that are part of them. Plants, and animals have been the benefactors of creativity through the use of chemistry and the laws of nature. Although plants appear to have greater limitations in their creativity outside their normal pattern response impulses. However, all animals have been encoded with the ability to respond to the environment using new behavioural patterns when needed, and this enables them to evolve quicker. The animals that haven’t been able to adapt quickly or have made errors in judgement have been replaced by more efficient animal forms. A such is the way of nature.
The homo species is one of the few animal forms which takes creativity to new levels of self awareness and self expression, which enables their mind and being to learn and grow with the outcome of personal development, thereby improving the viability of themselves and the species. This process has caused prehistoric man to draw his history on cave walls, tell stories, and create new tools and machines during the Stone Age and Bronze Age, through to the current Information Age.
The secret is in the genes of man. And in a recent study they have identified the specific genes responsible for creativity in Homo sapiens that distinguish modern humans from chimpanzees and Neanderthals.
What Causes Human Creativity?
In this study they identified 267 genes that were found only in modern humans which are responsible for creativity. The Magic 267 are thought to play an important role in the evolution of the behavioral characteristics that define Homo sapiens, as beings with increasing creativity, mastering self-awareness, extend cooperativeness, and heighten healthy longevity. We believe the reason is because humans have a destiny for higher creative purpose that is not only directed at life on Earth, but beyond into the Universe, when we are evolved enough and ready. 267 is the cause of our ability to create ad infinitum. We use it develop our ability to write books, songs or create movies. And more importantly, if there is a crisis or imminent danger, it gives us quick creative solutions to resolve the problem quickly and efficiently.
Why is Creativity Important?
We no longer live in the jungle, with apex predictors like Saber toothed tigers of prehistoric days or the lions, but we do let me in a competitive age of human predators. They are in the workplace, workplace (Sociopath) they are at the sports fields (Egomaniacs) , The are in the home as roommates (Haters), and some of them are family members (Spiteful). Creativity is about imagining a good solution to a problem that is threatening your inner peace and harmony. It is a means of managing your life. Your ability to think outside the box and reestablish balance will mean the difference between health and sickness, life or death. It can mean the difference between you working at a dead-end job, or working the job of your dreams. It could mean you are dealing with demanding people, or the people of choice.
Creativity is the Limitless Pill
Creativity represents the Limitless Pill. It is that which gives you unlimited energy and opportunities, boundless joy and happiness. We can’t afford to lose it, or worst not use it at crucial moments in our lives. Creativity is infinitely valuable for virtually everyone.
Is there anyone who has no need for creativity? In our opinion, No. We all need to be vigilant and use the faculty of the mind which is creativity. We all need it to grow and evolve while we find our unique purpose in life. We also need it to protect us from problems and unnecessary complications. So, everyone needs it to manage their life.
How Do We Tap Into Our Creativity?
Innately we are all natural creators. Its nature dwells within us. We need only be in the right environment where we can see, feel, hear, and release it into our space. And keep working on it until it fulfills its purpose. But, if you find you need a little jump start, here are some suggestions:
1. Find a private environment for tuning in.
2. Listen to soothing music. Baroque works wonderfully.
3. Learn your creative strengths; writing, art, dancing, singing and practice regularly.
4. Create a ritual to access your subconscious Mind.
5. Use candles, prayer, incense, or essential oils.
6. Practice brainstorming, mind maps, or other mind triggers.
What About When We Are At Work?
How can creativity help you in your job, regardless of what kind of job you are doing? Your job may seem very secure and snug right now. However, you need to realize that our economy is cyclic and is never the same, it is always changing. Your job may be secure today, but will it be two years from now? People come and go. Competition changes the dynamics.
There is a chance it will not be. Creativity at work may give you the edge you need. It makes you a more valuable employee yourself and the company you work for. If you are good at what you do, you can always be better, and the better person is most likely the one who will be kept around when things suddenly change and downsizing begins.
What exactly is creativity on the job?
According to Michael Michalko, one of the world’s leading experts in the field of creativity, creative people are those who come up with more ideas in a shorter space of time. These people had good and bad ideas that were generated quickly. Out of the huge number of bad and good ideas will spring some that better solve a problem in new and exciting ways. The creation of good and bad ideas directed towards a problem is called brainstorming. Brainstorming can occur either in a group or by oneself independently.
If you are able to generate a large number of ideas, regardless of whether they are good or bad, it is probable one some of your ideas are viable and will resolve the problem of your employer. This skill alone can set you apart from another employee and make you more valuable to that employer. More ideas and better ideas is definitely an asset to any person in any job.
Who does not have problems to solve at any kind of job they may be on?
Being creative, and creating more quality ideas is a talent that can be learned. It may taken you a while before you are ready to write that best seller book or a number one hit song, but you can be assured that you will do a much better job at work and make yourself a much more valuable employee.
One reason people are not creative at the jobs is due to job insecurity, and the general mindset of apathy. People tend to get into ruts and are not willing to put themselves on the line to express their creativity. Another problem is that sometimes staff tend only look at the idea creation and not the practical aspects, such as finances. It is easy to give advice when your own money isn’t on the line. So, employers must be intelligent when receiving and applying advice. Cost-benefit analysis and other practices must always be used.
The recent downsizing trends of the last few decades have caused people live from day to day fairly stressed out and unable to relax and think creatively. This mindset ensure that they will continually miss opportunities that relaxed people are prepared to see creative ideas that may immediately pounce upon them.
So, What Can You Do?
Obviously you need to relax, ease your stress and think creatively, and when the opportunity arises, you will be one of those ready to pounce and spit out all those good and bad ideas that among which will be solutions to your employers’ problems. You have an innate ability to know what you can realistically do. You don’t need to believe in an all or nothing mind-set, or your opinion that you need to be absolutely perfect or superhuman. It might be the case that you don’t have the time to become a creative thinker. Even though it only takes 5 minutes of play per day to cultivate a lifetime skill. If this is the case, you can always hire someone to help give you a creative touch to your work, by either them doing it, or reviewing it for you. It is helpful to find someone to bounce your ideas off who is innovative, non-judgmental and enthusiastic. You will be amazed at how many ideas you will be able to come up with.
Another way you can start to learn to be creative is to take a few minutes of your time here and there throughout the day to notice things. When you watch television, pay special
attention to the advertisements and see if you can visualize the train of thought the advertiser used. Use your childlike curiosity to see the world in a different way. Make connections between cause and effects in advertising. This is one of the quickest ways to enhance your creativity and train yourself to solve more problems. If you practice this routinely you will start seeing associations between completely different elements and you will start to become more creative and innovative naturally without doing too much thinking. You will be thinking creatively “on the fly”.
Your ideas that will eventually stun those around you. Be aware that you eventually generate hundreds and then perhaps thousands of ideas and not all of the ideas will be the “right” one. Part of the creative process is not only the creative imagining of the idea but also the discernment of the ideas and determining which is the best for the problem that you hare hoping to solve.
The good ideas, will be weighed against less good ideas. We suggest that you write down your ideas and store them. They may be worth gold at some other time. Just because they are not the right solution for the particular problem at hand doesn’t reduce the value of the idea. You may find that creative ideas take on a mind of its own and generates more creativity and ideas.
Why is Your Creativity Important to Society?
Most everyone has heard of the great inventor Thomas Edison. Over the course of his life he patented 1,093 inventions in a variety of fields, which included: electric light and power, telephony and telegraphy, and sound recording. As the story goes many people “laughed” at his ideas and inventions. And Thomas Edison had a remarkable number of failures. However, the inventions that succeeded not only solved problems of millions of people but made him vast fortune and fame. Where would we be without the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the motion picture and perhaps a less known invention, the magnetic iron ore separator.
Each of these inventions began with a seed thought that started with “what if”. The what if then became a generative spark that attracted other ideas that supported the primary idea. If you began with “what if” perhaps all of the answers will come to you which will solve not only your problem but by extension will cultivate a higher evolve society. We all can do this in our own way. We need only do it. You need only get out of your own way.
Thank you for reading!
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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