ψ Original Posting: April 22 2021 Pre-Lesson for Psionics “Before the soul can see, the harmony within must be attained, and fleshly eyes be rendered blind to all illusion. Before the soul can hear, the image (Man) has to become…
ψ Original Posting: April 22 2021
Pre-Lesson for Psionics
“Before the soul can see, the harmony within must be attained, and fleshly eyes be rendered blind to all illusion.
Before the soul can hear, the image (Man) has to become as deaf to roaring as to whispers, to cries of bellowing elephants as to the silvery buzzing of the golden fire-fly.
Before the soul can comprehend and may remember, she must unto the silent speaker be united, just as the form to which the clay is modeled is first united with the potter’s mind.
For then the soul will hear, and will remember.And then to the inner ear will speak the voice of the silence.”
~Light of the Soul
The breeze—the breath of God—is still—
And the mist upon the hill,
Shadowy—shadowy—yet unbroken,
Is a symbol and a token—
How it hangs upon the trees,
A mystery of mysteries!~Edgar Allan Poe
Greetings Psions and Visitors!
Today we are going to define the distinction between the field of the Soul and of the Spirit. This difference is important for every human being living on the planet. This understanding allows one to manage the Soul and Spirit efficiently and effectively. It may mean the difference between life or death for many people during the Endgame. It is the difference between the evolution or involution in this lifetime. It represents the movement as a human to greater consciousness and closeness with the Divine or the antithesis; the movement of a human to lower conscious. i.e. a animal insect or lower. Ψ
It answers the question “Will the person have to comeback for another round of life or not?” And if they don’t have to come back will they end up in a place they desire? The Soul and Spirit are directly responsible for answering these questions and more. And the way we use their structures, and functions make the difference in quality, and longevity. It shapes our relationships, and defines our life purpose, its functions, and the length of our lives.
This short mini course will start with the most basic question of what is the Soul and Spirit. It will then outline similarities and differences through their their functions and evolution. It will conclude with the relevance to the human. In other words, how this affects you in your life. At the end of this mini course you will be given the opportunity to take a brief quiz to see how much you have retained and assist you to putting to use the information gained from the material.
Let us start by clearly defining the Soul and Spirit. Ψ
Life is very subtle energy. It is found in the Soul and the Spirit, They are similar, but there are distinctions. The Soul contains and stores energy, fields, information. The Spirit is made up of fields of energy in a blueprint. It tends not to manage, or control the fields. It is like a battery with the will to exist as a force of desire and will.
The Soul Defined
To begin we will start with defining the term soul for the human being. Our definition for the Soul comes from the Latin word anima which means soul, breath, animating force. Anima or the Soul is the feminine portion of the inner self that is turned inwards towards to the unconscious mind. The masculine structure of anima is animus which is the motivating purpose, intention and thus the reason for animation. Anima, or Soul is contrasted with the persona or personality of the individual. It therefore, represents the aspect of the individual that has a reason and purpose for being. And in the human being the purpose of the human soul is not necessarily to procreate as the animals do. It is to create greater, more expanded and complicated relationships towards a greater good that is both personal as well as social for the community and for the world at large.
The Soul’s Functions
The Soul is a recognized construct in virtually all cultures. From Africa to Australia, Greeks to the Romans, Indians to Vikings, all cultures revere and value the functions of their Souls. The Ancient Greeks believe that the Soul had three parts and modern Jews agree. It is beyond the scope of this mini lesson to go into the believes of Plato and the Ancient Greeks but, we will look at the Jewish tripartite for the functions of the Soul.
The Jewish word for Soul as was mentioned is a three fold word, and it is Ru’ach, or the middle level, (More on the other two levels in another course due to time restraints.) Ru’ach is a vessel made from the breath for spirit to move through as breath is Spirit as well. Thus, the Soul is said to be a container to hold spiritual fields of energy. It performs a specific purpose in the human and this follows that the human soul is in union with the spirit of the person as it [the soul] encapsulates the physical body of the person. The relationship is much like a hand in a glove. Ψ
The Soul is the governor and director of human energy and force. It governs and directs the personality complex which is made up of the physical body, the astral or emotional body, and the mental bodies. (More on the other two levels in another course due to time restraints.) As director it communicates through the levels with the individuals subconscious mind and coordinates with the minds of everything as the Soul’s energy field pervades everything.
Thus the primary functions of the Soul are to govern and direct the energies of the Spirit and the lower bodies of the Soul’s complexes which are the physical body, the astral or emotional body, and the mental bodies. It covers the spirit and uses the energy of the Spirit as currency to fuel its directorship and governance.
The Effects of the Soul
We mentioned that the Soul is intimately connected to the physical body the astral body and the mental Body and the Spirit. (The relationship between the Soul and the Spirit will be further discussed later.) The physical body is very different from the other bodies and yet they are all related. The Astral body being more subtle than the Physical body and the Mental body being even more subtle than the Astral body. As the director of all of the lower bodies it controls the quality and destiny of those bodies. It leads the Mental body towards its purposes and when the two are united it shares the gifts of Spirit with the Personality, name of all three lower bodies. The spiritual gifts are telepathy on 3 levels, clairvoyance, telekinesis and many others. For a list of the gifts of the spirit click here. Most people do not know these gifts even exist for every most less how to access them. As a Psion, you will learn to connect with your Soul, to open and access your special gifts. Ψ
Why Use the Soul’s Gifts
There are many reasons why a person would seek to access, grow, and develop their spiritual gifts. The simplest of the gifts are clairvoyance, precognition and telepathy. What if you could see and knew the outcome of an event before you started planning your project? Think about the resources you would save in money time and energy. Imagine thinking about whether you should go into a shop at a particular time during the COV 19 pandemic, when the air be clear for you, and your family to shop. Imagine knowing the best mechanics who would really take care of your vehicle and communicating to them about the challenges your vehicle is facing, and being told if that was their speciality and within their skills. Wouldn’t this talent be worth lots of money and make you feel more safe and secure?
This is the working of the Soul and it doesn’t cost you any extra money, just the time to evolve your mind and spirit.
More on The Soul
As mentioned earlier the Soul controls your Physical Body, Astral Body, and Mental Body and then directs these vehicles towards higher and more elevated functions and purposes. Therefore it consists of your mind and thoughts, your character and habits of thoughts, your habits of thoughts which lead you to action and character, and your feelings which enervate your system to move towards a direction that you “feel” will bring you success and happiness. As such, every thought feeling and sensation that you ever experienced is stored within your consciousness and within your Soul. Also the consciousness of the world and society are within your access as intuition and instinct. These are stored in your Soul as well. These powerful tools move you towards success. It is like having the most powerful database in the world to give the “right information” at the “right time.” There is a price for this amazing construct. Ψ
The Soul is the principle of life, the feeling, the thought, and the action in humans. It is the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.
The Soul is an aspect of the Divine and it is therefore governed by divine law. This means that there are principles that must be followed and adhered to in order to have access to theses wonderful gifts. The principles required are those of goodness, good will, and good nature. Virtue and honour are highly regarded. Harmonious unity is the quickest way to tap into all of these gifts. This is due to the myriad of spiritual entities that assist the person who is good in heart and mind. More on this in the next course. Ψ
The Soul at the Time of Death
We have mentioned that the Soul is regarded as the Divine and principles of goodness as the part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, and is subject to happiness or misery in a life to come. It is relatively immortal relative to the level of consciousness that it had obtained before the death of the body. And in Christianity, it is thought to be the spiritual part of a person, capable of redemption from the power of sin through divine grace. Some people believe it continues to exist in some form after their body has died, as the part of a person that is not physical which experiences deep feelings and emotions. And Ancient Wisdom teaches that it continues to grow and evolve on other planes of existence taking the information learned here on the earth plane with it through its sojourns through the worlds of time-space and time/spacelessness. Ψ
The Spirit
In contrast to the Soul, our definition of a Spirit stems from the Latin word for “breath,” and like breath, Spirit is a fundamental aspect of being alive. The spirit is a presence that is separate from the body, and it is a separate entity from the Soul. When it is restricted to the planet and is alone it is considered a ghost or apparition. When it is connected to the Soul it is a the vital principle, or “vital force”, breath, or animating force within and emanating through the Soul and the body. This vital force is the energiser which animates the whole bodily frame. It is the source code for living and for life. Ψ
The Spirit cannot be divided or destroyed, Newton’s Laws of Thermodynamics. You can remove it from it’s human host, or it can leave on its own accord, however like the Angels which share structure and function in common with the Soul it can not be destroyed. It can be tainted with mal intent or evil. More on this topic in another post. Ψ
The Spirit is the Will of the Creator with instructions. It takes on the form of whatever soul or organism it is hosted upon. It energises the host instead of depleting energy, unless the instructions (program) is set for destruction. It’s function and purpose is always personal and “to live” and “to be”.
When the Spirit is used by the soul of man, it is utilised as fuel source for the Soul while it trains the human being’s lower nature (personality) to connect and respond to the vision, mission, and goals of the Soul.
The Spirit can be found in three different forms. The animal, the human, and Spiritual Souls. The nature and functions we will address will be the human spirit, although there are parallels in all types of spirits. Ψ
Spirit Nature and Functions
Throughout history the Ancients studied and described Spirit. In Ancient Greece, Plato defined the functions of Spirit in Timaeus, and in the Republic as “a support and defender with the Soul’s practical decisions and commands of the reasoning in man. This includes not only defence against external enemies who might interfere with those commands of will [soul’s], but also, and most importantly, defence against unruly appetites within the individual’s own soul.[the personality complex”.
He continued by saying that “the Spirit’s nature then is to faithfully respond to and support the Soul’s vision and mission while the appetite [will] is always a potential enemy to be watched over and guarded against. It is superior to the Soul in location, that it is placed in the chest, near the head (the bodily location of the reasoning part), so that it would be able to “hear” the reports and commands issued by the reasoning part [Soul], and so that it might help reason restrain the appetitive part if the latter should become unruly.”(Timaeus 69e–70b) Ψ
Thus, the Spirit was seen as a force of energy for the Soul. The Spirit, it lends energy to the Soul for the purpose of performing the Soul’s many functions with the material body, the astral body and the mental body of the individual. When the Soul has completed it’s tasks with those bodies The Spirit leaves the body and in the company of the Soul it journeys to its highest levels. Ψ
The Spirit of the human then has a specific purpose and function within the context of the Soul. It is an evolved entity that has developed through all of the kingdoms of life, from the Mineral Kingdom, to the Plant Kingdom, Onward to the Animal Kingdom, through to All of the Spiritual Kingdoms. Thus, the Human Spirit has a function to nurture and guide the Soul of the Human being until such time as the Personality complex dies and leaves the Soul to move on with the Spirit to the next leg of its journey. The Spirit eventual concludes its business with the Soul and ventures on its own. Thus, its primary purpose is to support the Personalty/Soul through their divine missions and fulfilment of Divine Plan, and to then move on to its next sojourn. Ψ
The Differences between the Soul and Spirit
While the Soul and Spirit share aspects of structure, they are both formed by the breath of creation, their functions greatly differ, and these differences are vital of us to know to use for our growth, and evolution.
In the earlier paragraphs we discussed the differences between the Soul and the Spirit. Simply summarised the Soul is a vessel which stores information. The information includes its goals, visions, missions, and experiences of existence. This information, importantly, relates to the current lifetime of the soul/personality, but equally important encompasses all past lifetimes of the soul/personality. The Spirit is the life-giving energy force of the Soul and Personality. It fills the Soul and Personality with vital energy that keeps the body alive. When the Soul leaves, the Spirit withdraws its vitality from the body. The body then starts to die, first through ageing, which is radioactivity, and then disease.
This first pre-lesson, only outlines the 3 core functional differences between the Soul and the Spirit as they relate to our evolution. They are Nature, Function and Evolution. We have touched on some of the key aspects in the above content. We will start this analysis with the Nature of the Spirits, as they are both are sorts of Spirits with the Soul being more specialised. And we shall end with evolution.
The of the Spirits, that of the Soul and its counterparts, are very similar. They are both of divine nature and creation. And as was mentioned in the last paragraph, their functions vary. The Spirit can be seen as a force of energy that contains will and no exact purpose. The Soul is a spirit that has the mind, and various other bodies that accompany them.
It is a vessel for other fields of energy. The vessel contains the physical body, astral or emotional body and the mental body. It also contains the Spirit, as use for energy and other operations that will be addressed in another lesson.
This is sharply different from the Spirit, which does not possess any system to contain or store energy. It is somewhat parasitic in its nature, as it attaches itself to systems that offer it a body, and can direct its resources. It is self-generating once actuated and in the Human Kingdom it attaches to the Soul of the Human in order share resources and assist itself in growth and evolution. Ψ
Soul and Spirit
The Soul plans, coordinates has the purpose of Intelligence. This purpose is to relate with, coordinate, and to control the lower bodies and the spirit. It guides the Personality through lessons and experiences which it stores, and sends to the feedback and information to the Divine Source, which then coordinates with a higher power that oversees operations. It organises with other Souls and their Personalities which then proceeds to evolve the Plan of the Hierarchies of the Planet and its allies. Everything that is good is part of the Divine Plan, and this isn’t a religious precept, or notion. Religion stems from humanity aligning its principles and daily routines into an organised plan which follows the desires of the Creators. In this way the Soul guides the personality through the road to paths that keep the personality healthy, happy, balanced and successful when the personality is in alignment with the Sou.
A Personality that isn’t aligned with its soul will tend to have major and minor problems, that include poverty, illness, mental and emotional derangement, and isolation while alive. And if they do not meet violent death and become a ghost or apparition after death, they will experience the lower levels of the astral planes, of which is inhabited by like-minded elemental and spiritual forms. If the person has been “evil” during their incarnation, they would find themselves in a lower environment where beings that also share hatred and evil exist and there is no means of protection in those lowest levels.
However, a person who has aligned with his/her Soul and supports its functions to learn, grow and evolve as a spirit inhabiting a human body, is assured that their consciousness with not only evolve but, will be guaranteed higher level astral, mental, or some other of the higher planes. This is the journey to the Absolute Source. Ψ
Spirit Function
The Spirit is not a system that uses intelligence, and it has been programmed only with the ability and power needed to fulfil its functions. Thus, it is a pattern of information with the role of aligning with structures, spiritual and others which it then can use for its own growth and evolution.
Spiritual growth is seen in all of the kingdoms of nature and they include the Mineral, Plant,. Animal, Human, and other Spirits. The breath of the Creator found within the spirit contains the core information that the Spirit needs to exist, and in many ways, Spirit is much like a bacteria or a Virus, containing a sort of DNA and the directives to attach itself to something in order to perform some of the functions of life and living. And in the human being, it has the function of sharing its resources that is animating vitality, with the Soul until the Soul completes its lessons.
Therefore, the Spirit and the Soul have the perfect symbiosis which works in mutuality. They need each other in order to fulfil their specialized functions with the Personality. It is very similar to a husband and a wife, the Spirit being the husband, and Soul being the wife. These primal archetypes may have been the source code or primal man, troglodyte, and all other forms of organisms acquire their original blueprint. More on this exciting topic in another lesson.
All being evolve through an established cosmological pattern. This has been set in place by some Intelligence that some call God, others call Deity, and there are various names that personalize the relationship. The evolution of the Soul entails acquiring within a number of lifetimes all of the information and knowledge of physicality, with the consciousness and unconsciousness of divinity. In other words, life with the quality and virtue of goodness. The Soul accomplishes this with the Personality, which is the vehicle(s) of physicality. Once the Soul has learnt and experienced all of these lessons with high consciousness it is then removed from the Wheel, or Circle of Life, which is a wheel of material life. The Soul then travels to the highest plane that it reached during its life journey. Therefore, to remove itself from the Wheel, it doesn’t have to be perfect, however, the more perfect the Soul is the Higher up the Ladder the Soul may go.
The Spirit, is a unit of Divine energy functioning as a support system for the evolving soul and its personality complex. Therefore, as the Soul and its charge increases in level of awareness and spirituality, spirits release more energy and information so that the person can evolve through their initiations and energise at higher fields, those closer to God/Deity, so that the Soul and Personality becomes One with the All.
Relevance to the Human Being
You have just read about the nature, function, and evolution of the Spirit and the Soul. And as you have probably ascertained they are different and both very important to the life of the human being. The human being can not exist without the Soul, as it would become sick, poor, and inefficient in managing and living its life. It would also be impossible for the human to live without the Spirit, as it is the source of energy that the Soul uses to power itself and the Personality complex.
For the person who desires to be successful in life and living, it is important for them to align to their Soul’s purposes. This means that the individual must learn to listen to the little voice inside and learn the language of the soul, which is actually, a spark of divine energy. When the person aligns and lives a life that is moral and virtuous, the soul and Spirit rewards the personality with the gifts of the spirit, and with knowledge, wisdom and honors. Keep in mind that the choice is always within the Personality. There is nothing forcing the individual to do what it ought to do.
The Spirit is also an endowment of the Divine. It is the store of information and energy for the Personality that is organized by the Soul. Like the Soul, the more the individual bonds with the Soul, the greater the Spirit becomes as a Divine Source of energy. Keep in mind also that when the individual refuses to listen to the Soul, the Spirit, also withdraws its vital force leaving the person to become sick, impoverished, and leads towards death.
Psionics is not meant to be a course to teach religion, or philosophy. It is not meant to put a value judgement on “how” you want to live. We teach through time and initiations with each block leading to greater access to the mysteries of your soul and spirit. They are meant to make your human sojourn easier, happier, and healthier. Psionics is not about money and fame, although, they can be obtained through the use of its lessons. It is geared for the future, that of the individual as well as that of humanity at large. It is about protecting the most important aspect of yourself, you heart, your mind, and your soul. Throughout history, there have been thieves in humanity. Those who desire to take what they desire no matter the cost. Psionics protects the most important parts of you so you don’t have to rely on the Deities. It trains the average human being to be more. And that is always a good thing. More on this in another post.
We urge you to apply if you feel that you meet our specialized criterion. Please click here to read more and take the Oath if the program resonates with you.
Now as promised please find the quiz.
Quiz 1
Please answer the following multiple choice questions.
- Which if any of the following are definitions of evolution? _______ Correct Response
a. The process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
b. The gradual development of something.
c. In biology typically refers to the changes in the proportions of biological types in a population over time (during generations).
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
Please answer the following True/False questions.
- A person who studies Psionics is called a Clairvoyant. True/False
- There is no difference between the Soul and Spirit. True/False
- Before the Soul can see the fleshly eyes must be open to illusion. True/False
- The Latin word for the Spirit is Pneuma. True/False
Please answer the following Short Answer questions as briefly as possible.
- What two books outlined the roles and qualities of the spirit and who was the author(s)?
_____________________ and _________________________ authored by __________________.
2. Who wrote the passage “The breeze—the breath of God…?
In the Psionics Course you will learn how to use each of these important aspects of human system.
Page 78
Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
Posted by admin
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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