Natural Science According to scientist Planet Earth is over 4.5 billion years old. In its beginning it consisted of a multitude oi gases and dust particles and particles. Initially these particles bonded through electrostatic forces. The next phase Last Updated: July 30 2021 Introduction to Rocks and Crystals In the Beginning... Our sun and earth had very similar beginnings. The sun started out as a vast array of gaseous and particles. These particles formed elemental hydrogen. Then within the sun countless collisions occurred between hydrogen atoms creating all of the elements of the periodic table of elements, along with the sun's gigantic mass. The Earth, origin, similar to the sun started as a swirl of gases and particles colliding with one another and growing in mass to form much larger particles. Then due to the disparity of these masses, eventuated as gravitational forces, forming elements, minerals, rocks and crystals each rising and sinking according to the differences in densities and heat. They organized themselves in four distinct levels of strata throughout the Earth from the center out to the crust. The four main layers are the inner core of Earth, followed by the outer core, then the mantle, and finally the crust at the Earth’s surface. Layers of Earth As was mentioned there are four distinct layers of the Earth. The inner core which is made of the metals iron and nickel which is an exceedingly hot ball of molten rock. And so, as the heat pushed the molten rock outwards it quickly created and then moved the silicates, water, air and a host of other minerals to the exterior of the earth forming the next planet level, the mantle. The mantle is made up of solid rock that is also extremely hot that is not completely molten. The heat generated from the mantle is the root cause of the movement, convection, occurring and is responsible for volcanic and seismic activity throughout the earth, at its surface and the exposed mantle on the ocean floor. The final level of the earth is the crust, which is a cold, thin, brittle…
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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