Ethics Morality Every citizen of the United States, Australia, Canada, and every other country in the world has to guard itself against insurrection. Every violation is an act against humanity. Every neglect is telling humanity that you don't care. We Must! Original Date: August 9 2021 Last Updated: August 9 2021 Introduction Treason against humanity represents the will and intention of an individual or a group's actions to usurp the laws which govern all people under the jurisdiction of country or state, by a minority or minor majority that believes that their system is better than existing laws. This can be performed by direct force; as in guns and military force. Or, it can be performed overtly and insidiously by individuals using illegal, destructive electromagnetic frequencies in phase as weapons to terrorize citizens into participating in a "game" that undermines the fabric of family, civility, free-will, and peace within societies. We have had thirty years of freedom from the Cold War between the World and the old Soviet Union and their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc, the war which began following World War II. Clearly, 30 years is not enough peace for the World, as it would appear that right after the Cold War ended, specialty groups started to unleash weapons that once again put the world on its toes and forces the Citizen to be Vigilant. What is Humanity? Humanity is a broad term that is causally used to describe the nature and characteristics of a human being. That is the Homo Sapien. Although other Homo species may have shared some of the social characteristics it is mainly the "evolved" Homo sapien species, or human knower (user of the full mind) that we are of whom we are referring. /hjʊˈmanɪti/ noun 1. human beings collectively. "appalling crimes against humanity" 2. the quality of being humane; benevolence. "he praised them for their standards of humanity and care" 3. the nature of a being to have evolved from their lower animal nature of the personality; the lower animal nature which is irresponsible (to self and others), mindless (gifted…
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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