Air Welcome back. Last time we talked about the first 4 cards and we left off with the Empress. Today we continue through the Major Arcanam Mysterious of the Soul's language to our conscious and subconscious mind and continue with the Emperor. Card 4 is the Emperor. And after the Fool has gone through the Magician and the High Priestess, he/she has become a controller pulling for the needy, a masculine energy is now ready to step in and ensure that not too much is taken from the wealthier class, so that society continues to function. The Emperor is her counterpart an he rules with an iron hand. Once again the subconscious is being asked to take stock of what they have gone through and manage their resources, using everything that they have learnt up to this point. They learn that their weakness must be healed, and they must be their own healer. Incidentally, while I am going through the symbolism in a methodical, numerical way, the cards may not come through in order. You soul may be on focused on the Emperor when it comes to money and the Fool as with your relationships. It is important to have clear questions when you communicate with your Soul, and you can expect to get a response in many different ways that include, in your dreams, seeing the symbols in your waking hours while you are doing something completely unrelated. On a tee-shirt. It could be anywhere. Someone may mention a word that sparks a recall of some symbol. Numbers can also communicate the cards, as I mentioned. Card 5 is the Hierophant. And it's role is to teach us mastery over our selves. The Emperor may been ruthless in his approach to the relationship, or money, or family. The Hierophant teaches us what to value in the situation and how to gain inner peace and harmony in being the better version of ourselves. He is a role model that others look up to and he trains others to look after their evolution, and share that wisdom with others. Card 6 is…
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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