Featured The majority of people in the world are being lead by people who are family friends acquaintances and and strangers. Everyone exerts a force on every other person. Sometimes the force contains instructions and sometimes the force is nondescript. We all must learn to recognize when we are being controlled. “Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else's game.” Introduction Mind control is real! Who do you listen to? Society and its members have always attempted to regulate and govern its citizens and sometimes it has used less than honorable means to accomplish this. We've had totalitarian governments, Libertarian, Utilitarian governments and everything in between. All of these forms of government contain various systems of control. Mind control, Body Control, Spirit Control. It seems that everyone wants a piece of you and there is not enough of you or your energy to go around. Did you know that the world runs on energy? And it is not oil, or electricity, or solar powered. It is Human Power. And the Problem is that we really don't realize we are dependent upon it. At the core or center of the human capital, is the driver and it is the Mind. Actually, it is Mind Control. Everyone wants to control your mind so that you will do as they want, feel like they want, and buy what they want. He who has the most Power in the Mind rules the World. So, what is Mind Control? We did a Google Search and found a great definition. According to the American Psychological Association mind control can be defined as: 1. an extreme form of social influence used to indoctrinate an individual in the attitudes and beliefs of a group, usually one that is religious or political in nature. See brainwashing; coercive persuasion. 2. the control of physical activities of the body, particularly autonomic functions, by mental processes. See autogenic training; biofeedback. See also mind–body intervention. So, mind control is where someone other than yourself can influence you at one or more of… -
Elements The Psion knows that all life is ruled by immutable laws of nature. These laws when broken by either neglect or intention lead to loss of life. The law of Life has within its context the Law of Order. It is the Law of Order that governs all substances from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest universe. Original Date August 17, 2021 Last Update: August 18, 2021 Introduction The body of every human is a means to an end. It is an instrument for the culture of the Soul and the indwelling Spirit. ~ Rajah Yoga Within each person is the unalienable desire to live in health. There are conditions for life and living that can not be broken. These are the laws of Nature which follow the Law of Survival and all of its subsidiary laws. (See "What Does You Body Say About Your Spirit") So, inbuilt within these same laws lies the Law of Harmony and the Law of Order. As a Psion we must learn the laws of Nature, Laws of Harmony and the Law of Order and wield them intelligently. Harmony is a little known law, little known because of the bodies exceptional ability to compensate in real time to counter the events that trigger imbalance. Harmony in nature is indispensable, just as it is within the human bodies, those of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Discord is the beginning of all death, and destruction. Discord is the younger brother of The Law of Entropy. When an organism or organization does not have enough energy resources within its personal system to continue with normal functions, (entropy) it attempts to remove resources from other parts of the larger system (discord). It then causes disruption within those other environments and expedites the process of discord and destruction. Harmony, therefore, is the result of the correct operation of the Law of Order. The opposite is the Law of Discord. The Master Key of Creation is the bridge to assist us in warding off entropy and discord with the cultivation and use of harmony. Within it is…The Master Key of Creation
By admin on August 18, 2021
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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