Psionic Circles Stage
  • Mistakes Do Count
    Mistakes Do Count
      Original Date: August 9, 2021 Updated: August 9, 2021   Introduction We live in a very understanding society.  It is a society where you hear many times, "well, you are only human", "well, I'm not perfect, we all make mistakes."  "We were all born of sin, and therefore, are not perfect. " We are all sinners." And a host of other sayings that excuse us for our failings.  We are becoming a "my-bad" society.  It was polled that the average adult will make over 800,000 decisions over their lifetime.  Of those, they will regret close to 200,000 of them.  It is also polled that the average person makes 30 judgements per day, more or less depending on occupation, family demands, and education.  In terms of the number of mistakes that the person will make that is 7.5 mistakes per day.  Each person may spend as much time as up to ten minutes per day determining which nodal axis they should take and pondering the consequence of possibilities.     That is a lot of time absorbed daily in thought.  And what is interesting is that some people like to be caught up in thoughts, thinking and deciding, while others avoid thinking and decision making all costs.  Which is your preference? As a Psion, we understand that people may fail to live up to their responsibilities, and they do make mistakes, but we also see the big picture, and can calculate what those accumulated mistakes will cause the individual, their family, their friends and society over time.   Calculating Mistakes Let's calculate the actual cost of mistakes as close as possible to accurate, and project that out not only as an opportunity cost for the individual but the lost of productivity inputs and faults in outputs.  We will use the above statistics and will look at 800 000 decisions knowing that we on average will make errors in 25% of those decisions.  So, that also means that of the 30 daily judgements we make, 7.5 will be erroneous.  Now there are 7.8 billion people on the planet at this time, and…
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  1.  Relationships
  2.  Personal Problems
  3.  Career Pathways
  4.  General Direction
  5.  Reality Adjustment
Psionic Products We Sell

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Inception 2010 (What is Real?)

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