Elementary Introduction In a previous article we discussed the rudiments of the human aura. Today we go into a little more detail with the theme and focus being on self-protection. Human beings are constantly being bombarded by various electromagnetic influences that range from sound to light to the highest radiations. They can be found as noise on the streets, your mobile phone as 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G radiations and many other technological systems including the electrical power towers. In the Psionic world we always protect each area of our human biological systems. We also teach our children and other family members how to protect themselves. It is no secret that the world has not historically been a very safe place. 99% of everything that ever lived is now extinct physically, and humans cannot be held accountable as the sole cause of the extinction. Natural disasters and the evolutionary forces caused by various species of beings and organisms have been a major cause and threat to life diversity on planet Earth. Therefore, it behoves all of us to be prepared physically, mentally, and energetically for any and all potential causes of destruction. As we learned in the previous article the human aura is the first indicator and warning source for humans. The purpose of this article is to give you our trusted reader a more in-depth understanding of the human aura, and to present to you a practical course of action to be taken to protect yourself and your family against harmful EM (electromagnetic) radiations coming from any external source, including human, mobile devices power stations and other forms of technology. The diligent practice of the few basic exercises and skills that you will be obtain from reading this article will ensure your personal energies will be protected, safe, and will expand so that you will become the best version of yourself. To this end we will begin with clearly defining the aura, move on to its composition and functions and will end with exercises to develop your aura and build it to protect yourself and family. Definition of the… -
Air Are there times when you feel uncomfortable in crowded places? Are there moments when you feel as if your space is being invaded? Some people can only come so close to you. This is a reaction triggered by your aura. It's possible that someone else's aura is intruding upon yours. At times, you feel uneasy in the presence of a certain person. You enter a room, you have this sense that something is wrong. The human aura is a strong electro-magnetic field. We give off electrical energy and absorb magnetic one. You can feel this energy force in a room full of people, where varying energies, positive and negative are being intercharged. The aura is an extension of our energies, be it strong or weak, fair or otherwise, light and bright or dull and dense. It is a band of energy that surrounds us, a life energy that can be sensed around every living thing, plants, trees, animals, birds and people. There are seven layers of aura, but the most accessible to the human perception are the first three layers surrounding the human body. Auras can be seen with the eyes wide open. It can also be seen psychically with the eyes closed. Auras can be best seen under a soft light. You can check your own aura by looking at a mirror against a light color background with dim lighting. Look beyond the object and do not focus on it.Auras are observed more prominently around the hands, between the shoulders, neck and head area. Those who can see aura mostly observe the mental and etheric layers or planes. These are the colorful layers of aura. Physical Aura Closest to the body is the physical aura. It represents the body’s physical growth, strengths and weaknesses, physical sensations, pleasant and unpleasant. This band is very strong in athletes and people who are in touch with themselves- enjoy life’s pleasures like food, comfort, sex, etc. Mental and Emotional Aura Moving away from the body is the second layer. This reflects the person’s emotional moods and mental feelings, about how one feels about…Aura: Unravel the Mystery
By admin on September 2, 2020
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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