Psionic Circles Stage
  • Initiation Defined
    Initiation Defined
      Last Update:  July 18, 2021 Introduction So, most of you have probably read the information on Grades of Humanity.  If you, haven't it is strongly suggested.  On the subject of Initiation, it is part and parcel with the subject of Grades.  The Initiations defines the lessons and the growth, which is likely to occur, and the Grades marks the conclusion of the initiations.  What wasn't added to the article is the importance of the Grades or their relevance outside of just general understanding.  The importance is of great significance to some people and not important to others.  However, all manner of beings go through Grades and Initiations and this includes all Kingdoms in Nature, from the most elemental Mineral Kingdom through human onwards to spiritual.  As such it is very important for all humans to know their grades and where on the evolutionary ladder they are located.  And to say that it is also of grave important to know the grade of your friends, associates, and business colleagues is an understatement.  The Grade of your City State and Country is also important and should be a factor.  As your associations will either cause you to succeed in life or cause you to fail.  And since success is the main reason, you are on the planet, success is of great concern for the intelligent and evolving person of our modern world.   There are a great number of people who do not desire success.  It is very easy to find a person who doesn't care about themselves or anything else.  These people certainly have not undergone very high initiations and grades.  It is not a falsity that humans have a specific purpose for being on the Earth and that their continuation is contingent upon them proceeding in an evolutionary manner.  Failure of “correct" and "positive" evolution may have been the cause of previous ice ages, the deluge floods, potential asteroid and comet collisions, volcanic desolation, and a host of other violent natural disasters.  There is and always have been a Great Plan set out, first for the planet, and secondly for the…
  • Tarot in The Subconscious Mind Part 3
    Tarot in The Subconscious Mind Part 3
    The 9th card of the soul's language is Justice.  It is represents your soul's duty to balance the equations in your life.  When Justice comes up it means that you will be experiencing some lesson, some truth, law, disputable element that is to correct you, your life or someone or thing that involves you.  If you've done something wrong expect retribution, adjustment, or punishment.  If you have been walking with integrity, expect to be replenished, repaid, and compensated for your losses.  Notices that the exact answer is rarely given. You must use your intuition and wisdom to a certain the true value.  Earth is a planet with lots of different elements. The values are varied, and it depends upon the application that you and your soul applies to the situation. This card heralds Judgement leading to justice.  What was hidden is now revealed with the true meaning evident.  It is the scales of justice which is spoken. Card 10 is the Soul's language of the Hermit.  After justice you are held responsible to reflect on the truth and lessons you have learnt from the experience(s).  Your soul requires that your reflection exist in solitude and away from others.  You must leave in some way, either physically, emotionally, energetically or other ways.  While you are reflecting you must spend extra time looking after yourself.  If you have experienced loss from the Justice card, it is the perfect time to mend any would and see how you may recuperate any losses. Eat well, drink fluids, exercise appropriately lest Justice of the body come back to haunt you, if it hadn't cone already. There is a rule that states that good and bad things come in threes.  Do Not break the laws of health, as they are the keys to your physical survival. The 11th card is the Wheel of Fortune.  After the Soul has ensured that you have completed equilibrated from Justice and the Hermet cards and you are now back to health and have released stress in your life by correcting any errors in thinking you are ready to experience the…
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Inception 2010 (What is Real?)

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